Live in Iowa? AT&T is Hosting a Scavenger Hunt Giving You a Chance to Snoop out an HTC Aria
If you live in Iowa and missed out on all of the Droid X scavenger hunt hoopla, AT&T wants to fill your prize-finding ...
Motorola Responds to eFuse and Bootloader Talk: Doesn’t Brick, But Still Just as Useless
Motorola’s chimed in with Engadget to clear up all of the eFuse confusion. To keep the story short and sweet: it’s in the ...
Retailer Clove Offering the Motorola Milestone XT720 For UK on Monday
Clove‘s just about set to offer the Motorola Milestone XT720 this Monday. The device has already been shipping through retailer Expansys for a ...
Telus’s HTC Desire to be $299.95 for a Three-Year Contract?
Looks like Telus got a bit careless when cooking up their order page for the HTC Desire. The source code for the coming ...
Cyanogen Produces Blurrycam Footage of EVO 4G Running CM6 With HID Support
Cyanogen and the army he leads has some exciting things in store for the HTC EVO 4G’s CyanogenMod6 adaptation. It’s not just going ...
Droid Incredible Users: Look Out For Your OTA Upgrade Today
A few days ago, one of our members at AndroidForums.com suggested that the rumored OTA update for the HTC Droid Incredible would land ...
Telus-Bound Desire Shipping With Sony LCD in Place of AMOLED?
After Telus officially announced the HTC Desire yesterday, we thought all was well. We didn’t think to look too deep into the presser ...
Google Q2 Earnings Call: Android Cost “Not Material”
Google took the opportunity today to discuss second quarter earnings and growth, showing a 24 percent growth in revenue during that period. In ...
I love the 90s: Android gets Windows 95
We’ve seen Windows 3.1 running on the Motorola Droid — and that was a pretty good taste of the early nineties for Android ...
HTC Ace to be the Desire HD? Rumored Specs Surface
Word is that Europe could be seeing an EVO-like device that so far has been known as the HTC Ace, but new rumors ...
More Evidence that the Dell Streak Will be at AT&T in a Matter of Days
Yesterday word came through the grape vine that AT&T would be releasing the 5-inch phone/tablet Dell Streak on July 19th. It seems a ...
Original Motorola Droid, Devour Nearing End-of-Life?
Uh-oh. Those dreaded “end-of-life” rumors are starting back up again. This time, the original Motorola Droid and Motorola’s forgotten Devour might be on ...
Samsung Captivate Gets Sold Early
One lucky AT&T user was able to walk into a store and buy a Samsung Captivate today. The device isn’t set to launch ...
HP’s Android Tablet No More? AllThingsD Says “Yep” For the Time Being
It’s been a while since we heard about the tablet device that HP was supposed to be introducing with Android on-board. That’s probably ...
HTC Could Ship 8.5 Million Devices in Q4
According to Commercial Times – a Chinese outlet – HTC could see itself shipping 8.5-million handsets in Q4 2010. They would be able ...