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The best Android articles: what do you want more of? [POLL]

Phandroid has come a long way since the early days of Google’s mobile operating system, and it wouldn’t be here without loyal readers like you. We’ve always been about the phans (because you’re phat with a P-H, yo!), so in an effort to continue bringing you the best Android content on the web we’re asking you to answer a simple question: what types of articles and coverage would you like to see more of on Phandroid?

We’ve broken it down into helpful categories and compiled lists of some prime examples of each from the archives. Scroll through, click around, but be sure to come back and vote in the poll found below! Any suggestions not covered here are welcome in the comments.

Android 101

If you’re brand new to Android, these 101-level articles are what you’re after. They cover the basics of using the Android operating system, from downloading and installing apps to security and privacy and so much more. While the content is geared toward beginners, even season Android users might pick up a thing or two.

Tips & Tricks

Nowadays Android phones are so chock full of features that some of the more useful ones require knowledge not found in the user manual or can only be found by digging deep in the settings menu. That’s where our helpful tips & tricks articles come in. If you have a new Android phone, chances are we have you covered.


Should you buy that shiny new Android smartphone or are you better off waiting? We know you rely on us for thorough, thoughtful reviews that touch on the things Android users really care about.

Best Phones & Tablets

Reviews are fine on their own, but what about the big picture? Through our monthly look at best phones and more specific articles examining phones based on such things as battery life and design aesthetics, we hope to make the process of determining the best Android phones and tablets on the market as easy as possible.

Best Apps & Games

What’s the best app for messaging? What apps are must-haves for guitar players? Whether you are looking for latest and greatest game and app or something fulfill a more specific niche, we’re always scouring Google Play and elsewhere to find the top picks for Android. Our monthly best apps and games lists highlight the newest additions to Google Play that are absolute musts for your app drawer.


Options are almost endless when it comes to accessories for your Android device. We’re here with all the info you need on the latest gadgets and gear for top Android smartphones and tablets.

Breaking News & Rumors

You live for the moment, always hanging on for the next big juicy bit of Android news or gossip. We do, too, which is why our ears are always to the ground listening for the latest whispers from the rumor mill. We want to bring you the news as it breaks alongside a bit of our own analysis and speculation.

Android Life

I’m sure most would agree: the Android life is the good life. While we strive to be a resource for tips, tricks, news, and reviews, it would be a shame to ignore the vibrant culture that has sprung up around Google’s operating system. We want to highlight what makes Android users unique in a way that is entertaining and insightful.

Event Coverage, Hands-on Video & Unboxings

Perhaps you caught some of our coverage of this year’s CES events in Las Vegas. Next up we’ll be at Mobile World Congress in March grabbing hands-on coverage of all the smartphones and tablets sure to be announced. There’s nothing quite like getting to play with a gadget long before it’s official release, but if you can’t be there yourself our hands-on videos and unboxings are the next-best thing.


Who doesn’t like a deal? We are always keeping our eyes open for big savings in an effort to pass them along to our readers. If it involves a smartphones, accessories, apps, games, or other swag to fulfill your Android cravings, we’ll be on top of it.

Root & Dev

Advanced users and Android developers need a place to turn as well for the latest in rooting and building for the Android platform. Luckily we’ve got several hardcore enthusiasts on staff plugged directly into the Google mainframe to deliver the latest on modding and developing for Android.


So let us know in the poll below what you would like to see more of (you can pick more than one option) on Phandroid, and we’ll promise to continue bringing you the same great Android content as always.

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