Won a $5 Google Play credit from buying Kit Kat bars? You might want to stop
Unfortunately, it doesn't look like you will be permitted to win more than one $5 in Kit Kat's Google Play promotion. The terms ...
Kit Kat’s Android contest is now live, Nexus 7 and Google Play gift cards up for grabs
Kit Kat’s Android contest is now officially live. Back when Google took the wraps off their latest Android dessert, the contest was linked ...
Round 2: Free LG G2 and Qualcomm Uplinq ticket! [GIVEAWAY]
Yesterday, you may have found out about the awesome contest we’re putting on with the help of Qualcomm. We’re giving away a Snapdragon ...
Win an LG G2 and a free pass to Qualcomm Uplinq in San Diego! [GIVEAWAY]
Qualcomm Uplinq is quickly approaching, and we have a free pass to give to one lucky winner! More than that, we also have ...
Help us design a custom Moto X and win! [CONTEST]
Phandroid will be designing one of the first custom-built Moto X handsets and we need your help! Wow us with your tasteful sense ...
T-Mobile’s #Hate2Wait giveaway will give out 730 free Galaxy S4 phones in 730 days
T-Mobile has announced a great giveaway to kick off its #hate2wait ad campaign, where they're asking customers to show them why they "hate ...
Reminder: read our CSR Racing review and enter to win a Samsung Galaxy Note 8
Just a quick heads up for those of you who might be interested in a free Samsung Galaxy Note 8.0 -- our CSR ...
Which of the cars featured in CSR Racing would you most want to own? Answer & win a Galaxy Note 8.0!
CSR Racing is the latest work of art from NaturalMotion Games, a drag racing juggernaut that features top cars from some of the ...
We’re giving away our IO Tester Mini Android Collectible!
On Wednesday, we announced the limited edition GOgroove Phanbot and hooked you guys up with a special price of $21.99 (type in the ...
Game for Fame Winners and Update
You guys have made the Game for Fame series great thus far, but it's time to take a break and see where to ...
Tell us how you’d change Game for Fame and win a $50 Google Play gift card! [GIVEAWAY]
It's Wednesday, and that means it's time for another Game for Fame contest! This one's a little bit different, but you'll still have ...
Tell us the “One” feature you wish the HTC One had and win an AT&T version for yourself! [CONTEST]
We're giving away an AT&T HTC One! Already excited? Good. All you need to do is read the rules, follow the super simple ...
Game for Fame: Beat our Hazard Rush high-score to win a $50 Google Play gift card [Contest]
Game for Fame is back, folks! Another $50 Google Play gift card is up for grabs this week, and all you have to ...
Game for Fame: Beat our Catapult King high-score to win a $50 Google Play gift card [Contest]
I am loving this contest series (and hopefully you all are as well)! Keep the feedback coming in the comments…I take all of ...
Game for Fame: Beat our Super Stickman Golf 2 high-score to win a $50 Google Play gift card [Contest]
It’s time for another round of Game for Fame! Sorry for making last week’s so difficult. Being in just our 4th week of ...