Swype Available for All Android Users Starting Tomorrow
I’m absolutely head over heels for Swype, it’s the first software keyboard solution that ever made me want to ditch a hardware alternative. ...
ESPN ScoreCenter Scores One for Android
If SportsTap and ScoreMobile aren’t really your thing, there is a good chance you have been wondering “When is ESPN ScoreCenter coming to ...
Blackboard Mobile Schools Android
If you have been a college student in the past 10 years there is a chance you have some experience with Blackboard, the ...
Sign Up to be Notified About SlingPlayer Mobile in the UK
We’ve just learned that SlingPlayer’s now accepting emails to notify users when SlingPlayer Mobile is available. Still no concrete word on “when” that ...
Android Wants to go Up In The Air, Professes Developer
No, we’re not talking about the movie. We’re talking about space! Danny Pier – an Android developer whose dreams aren’t limited to the ...
[Poll] How Are You Keeping Up With the World Cup Today?
As everyone knows, today marks the kickoff to the 2010 FIFA World Cup with South Africa and Mexico already kicking about on the ...
RoadSync Gets Major Update in Version 2.0
RoadSync has just updated their app for Android with a good deal of improvements and tweaks to further enhance your Microsoft Exchange experience. ...
Quickoffice Connect Drops into the Android Market
Quickoffice has just released their Quickoffice Connect Mobile Suite for Android, bringing the Microsoft Office document editor into the cloud. You still get ...
More Countries Get Google Maps with Navigation, More Voice Search Languages Today
Today’s just been filled with turn-by-turn: first, T-Mobile’s launching the Garminfone today, and now we’ve learned Google’s opening Maps with Navigation up to ...
And Qik for EVO is Back in the Market
No big deal. It was only a few days, right? The other day, Qik’s servers were being exhausted so much that they had ...
EVO 4G Launch Having an Adverse Effect On Other Developers, Too
Sprint’s HTC EVO 4G launched with great success, but not all of it had a positive effect on everyone. The unprecedented (at least ...
The Associated Press Launches FIFA World Cup 2010 App
Want coverage from a source that has been at every World Cup match since 1930? Then look no further, as the Assoicated Press ...
Qik App Pulled After Huge Influx of Users Strain Their Servers
It’s easy to forgive Qik about the hefty amount of issues users have been facing with the launch of their new two-way video ...
Playstation Emulator in Development for Android
I can remember a time when emulators for the likes of Playstation and N64 were unrealistic even for a desktop machine, but thanks ...
Verizon Bringing VCast Video to Its Android Handsets on Monday
Philadelphia-area VZW rep Sheldon Jones tweeted away that Verizon will be bringing its VCast Video service to their Android smartphones starting Monday, June 7th. ...