Motorola Droid 4 Review
When the Motorola Droid hit the scene, the whole Android landscape changed. Since then the marquee device has fallen from the spotlight, but ...
Aviary gives you yet another photo-editing option
There are dozens of photo-editing options available in the Android Market (I probably have 7-8 installed in my phone). So when I learnt ...
HTC Rezound Review
Video editing by Steve Albright The HTC Rezound is the first phone in the United States to offer Beats Audio technology after HTC ...
Motorola DROID RAZR Review
Video editing by Gideon Dominick The Motorola DROID RAZR is the latest smartphone by the manufacturer for Verizon. Borrowing its name from the ...
WIMM One Android Watch Reviewed, So Ugly It Actually Looks Great
Our friend Chris Ziegler over at The Verge has just published his review of a new Android-based watch called the WIMM One. Smart ...
HTC Rhyme Review
Video Editing by Gideon Dominick The HTC Rhyme mixes the high-quality design expected from a company like HTC with a touch of feminine ...
Galaxy Nexus vs. Droid RAZR
There are a boat load of people trying to decide between the Samsung Galaxy Nexus and the Motorola Droid RAZR. As you found ...
Samsung Epic 4G Touch Review
After a very long wait, the Samsung Galaxy S II has finally made its way to America. Sprint was the first carrier to ...
Droid Bionic Review
Video editing by Steve Albright The Motorola Droid Bionic is Verizon’s first Android Phone to have both 4G LTE Connectivity and a dual ...
[App Review] Light Flow Allows You to Take Control of Your Notification Light (Samsung, LG Owners Need Not Apply)
I’m probably not the only one who has been annoyed by the lack of flexibility when it comes to today’s notification lights inside ...
HTC Status Review
The HTC Status is America’s first phone with a dedicated Facebook button. While the service (allegedly) created by Mark Zuckerberg is without a ...
Motorola Droid 3 Review
Though it wasn’t the first phone to run Android, the Motorola Droid is the handset that put Google’s mobile operating system on the ...
Spotify Breaks the Chains that Bind You to Your Music Library [REVIEW]
Spotify launched in the US last week, and I have been spending the last few days diving into the new music craze that ...
HTC Evo 3D Review
The HTC Evo 3D is America’s first 3D smartphone and is only available to those lucky customers on Sprint’s network. Boasting dual-cameras on ...
HTC Status Hands-on and Initial Impressions
This little bugger just walked into my house ready to be turned on and used to no end. It’s the HTC Status, AT&T’s ...