
Samsung, Android top dogs in latest comScore numbers


The folks at comScore have released their latest smartphone market share numbers for the three month period ending May 2012. The two charts we care about — smartphone OSs and phone vendors — show that Android and Samsung beat out the rest. Google’s Android owned 50.9% of the share.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

That was enough to dominate the likes of Apple at 31.9%, RIM at 11.4%, and Microsoft and Symbian combining for just 5.1%. It’s likely we’ll see Google creating even more separation from RIM as a number of compelling Android-based phones are due this year, and shipment of Blackberry 10 devices has been delayed until 2013.

Considering Apple’s latest iPhone this Fall will be a substantial upgrade over the 4S and that many iPhone 4 owners will be due for an upgrade, they just may slow Google down a bit (even if only temporarily).

Oh, and Samsung has remained the number on mobile phone vendor (which includes both feature phones and smartphones) with LG, Apple, Motorola, and HTC trailing in that order. Take a look at the charts to get the full numbers if you’re interested.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Wow, LG has more phones out there than Apple? That’s a surprise, guess they are raking in those feature phone sales.

    1. That was surprising to me as well. I had to double check that this is only US cellphones. I do see a number of LGs out there and I like their screens, but haven’t really spent much time with any of their devices.

  2. I haven’t seen a Motorola commercial in months. Sad to see but their marketing strategy stunk anyway. Their lack of marketing to women coupled with products that were male centric I believe has led to their demise.

    1. What, because of the DROID branding? The DROID saved Motorola from tanking, if you remember. It’s becasue of Android that Motorola has not filed for bankruptcy, so i’d say they did pretty darn good, even if they did not tailor to women…

      1. Droid Does was good and effective marketing for the original Droid but the OG Droid had a lot going for it at the time…it was new, refreshing, and the first Android phone on Verizon and it garnered a lot of attention cause it stood out at the time. But competition came like the Incredible which was one of the best Android phones ever IMO. Since then the marketing, for the next few years was all this red eye, super power, and lightning bolts. It was tired and Verizon has some blame in this too. Samsung’s Galaxy line utilized a lighter and more sophisticated approach that appealed to men and women. I hate to say it but it was iPhone-ish but it works. I think Motorola makes great accessories but they didn’t market the user experience with those at all…or I don’t remember that they did. It was all speeds and feeds marketing that works for teenage boys mostly.

  3. Each year, Apple keeps sliding lower and lower down this list. I hope Apple fan sites are posting this….

    1. They are, just with a spin.

      1. How are they gonna spin this? “Apple is selling less phones in preparation for the iPhone 5” ?? LOL

        1. Hah well if you would actually read other blogs instead of being so blind, this is how:

          1. I read other blogs that cover both worlds, just not 9to5Mac. Thanks.

          2. You’re welcome. :))

    2. Given your spin on the data, you would cringe to realize Apple and iOS had the largest gain in market share in this list. So how does that equate to sliding lower and lower on the list?

      1. Lower compared to the last 2 years of this data.

        1. Oddly, Apple has been steadily raising on this list for the past many years. 2 years ago, Apple only had 4-5% market share in the US. Now it is at 15%.

          So again, how is this sliding lower and lower? Are you not reading the data correctly?

          1. Apple is DWARFED by Android. Period.

  4. The only reason Android is beating Apple is because Android has 100008285952716359 phones out there. It still seems that everytime I look at people they have an iPhone. Apple needs to step up there game and release the iPhone 5 already.

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