
What Are You Doing for Independence Day?


It’s the 4th of July, folks, and inquiring minds want to know – just what in the hell will you be doing? Will you be barbecuing? If so, what are you eating? And where are you getting those delicious recipes from? I know Kevin has a post detailing some of the apps that’ll help you whip up some good food under the sun.

Will any of you be getting any new phones to celebrate your independence? I mean, if you think about it, you could treat this as a double independence day – one for celebrating your freedom as an American and one for celebrating your liberation from other phone operating systems who lock you down so much that you feel like a drone.

Alright, I got a bit out of hand on that list bit. If you care, I’ll be heading to Chicago for the Taste of Chicago festival this weekend, but not before seeing Transformers 3D. I’ll also be shooting a bit of my own 3D footage at the festival as I have just bought the latest, hottest phone from HTC and Sprint to help me do the task. It all culminates with a nice drive back up to Milwaukee where I’ll be attending Summerfest, the world’s largest music festival.

I know some of you are traveling, so if you are feel free to leave some tips on what apps to download that’ll keep you busy on an otherwise boring trip. I have a few in mind, such as Peggle and Plants vs Zombies, but not everyone has my taste or are fans of PopCap. So let’s hear it below, and happy 4th of July!

[polldaddy poll=5203894]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Did The Droid Bionic Just Pass The FCC?

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  1. I’ll be working.

    The UK doesn’t celebrate this holiday, you see. :)

    1. I wonder why…. >_>

      1. Because it’s bullshit T____T

        1. You mad?

    2. Maybe we should – kind of like the idea.

      What would the UK celebrate? We could acknowledge the birth of a new nation, as well as the losses on both sides. Not all redcoats were monsters – regardless what Hollywood says!

      Now the British Army fights alongside the US. Ok, we don’t have the same numbers, but each loss is felt the same by their respective families.

      Also – any excuse to eat bacon and burgers!

  2. I’m not american, but reading this post… makes me want to eat something a little more american than the usual food I eat.

    Any suggestions? :P

    1. Uhh when I think American food, McDonalds comes to mind, and hamburgers of course.

      1. Hamburgers will do I guess. Not at mcdonalds though.

        1. Yea MCDonalds is suicide.

    2. You can never go wrong with some nice, tasty hamburgers you prepared yourself. I would recommend grilling a few hot dogs as well.

    3. Take whatever food you were going to eat, fry it in about a gallon of pure lard, cover it in cheese, fry it again, then slather it in BBQ sauce. That’s about as American as it can get.

      1. I don’t care what food that is, that sounds tasty! :D

      2. and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!and bacon slices!

      3. I got a stomach ache by just reading that.

  3. working (military)

    1. If you are referring to the wonderful United States Armed Forces, we proudly salute you and thank you for your service to our country. Have a blessed day.
      U.S.A! U.S.A.! U.S.A.!

    2. Words can’t express how grateful I am for folks like you every single day. From the bottom of my heart, thank you and I hope you and the troops can get away for a little fun in the sun later on.

  4. I will be reading at Phandroid, while I’m grilling.

  5. I will be grilling some hot dogs for lunch and steaks for dinner with some Sam Adams and fireworks along the way.

  6. “Say what again!! I dare you, I double dog dare you!!”

  7. Trying out 2.3.4 Gingerbread on my HTC Desire, thanks to all the fabulous tutorials on the Phandroid forums.

  8. Actually just got back from the Verizon store. Bought an Incredible 2 for my wife, her first smartphone.

    Had to get her grandfathered in on unlimited data!

  9. I paid $32.67 for a XBOX 360 and my mom got a 17 inch Toshiba laptop for $94.83 being delivered to our house tomorrow by FedEX. I will never again pay expensive retail prices at stores. I even sold a 46 inch HDTV to my boss for $650 and it only cost me $52.78 to get. Here is the website we using to get all this stuff, LiveCent.com

  10. I’m catching up on all the Phandroid goodness as we just flew back from Paris on our amazing honeymoon!

  11. I will be a loser and continue reading about Android.

  12. This holiday has turned into an excuse for blue collar Americans to get drunk and not feel like alcoholics.

  13. zhōngguó zhìzào

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