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31+ Honor 6X Tips & Tricks


The Honor 6X is easily one of the best deals you can get for a smartphone. Not only does it offer a good amount of hardware for the money, it’s practically packed to the brim with software features. Like the 5X before it, the Honor 6X is all Huawei. That means you’ll need to learn the special version of Android it’s running, a little something Huawei calls EMUI. If you’re new to Huawei or Honor devices — don’t worry. This incredibly massive list of tips and tricks will help you get well acquainted with some of the best software features the Honor 6X has to offer.

Start here: 16 things every Honor 6X user should do

Should you decide you need a little extra control over the camera app, the Honor 6X also features a Pro photo mode with full manual controls. This will give you the ability to adjust camera settings like metering, ISO, shutter speed, exposure, focus, and white balance.

The vast majority of folks wont ever need this level of control, but if the auto camera settings aren’t behaving, this is a great way to take control over things.

Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

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