lg-v30-tips (18)

40+ LG V30 Tips & Tricks

We’ve already shown you the first things you should do with the LG V30. Now, we can dig deep into the features. LG traditionally packs a lot of stuff into their phones. The V30 is no different, but they’ve also scaled back in some areas. It’s a nice full list of features without burring the users in choices. We’ll help you get the most out of your V30 with this list.

Read also: First Impressions, Battery life first 24 hours, and Sample Photos

One of the best things about LG phones is the wide-angle camera on the back. It allows you to get much more in the frame of a photo or video. You can switch between the cameras on the fly, even in the middle of a video.

  1. Open the Camera
  2. You’ll see two icons on the top or side of the app (depending on orientation)
    1. The single tree icon is for the standard camera
    2. The icon with three trees is for the wide-angle camera
  3. Tap whichever one you’d like to use
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