
Sprint Galaxy Nexus receiving update to fix network connectivity errors


Unconfirmed reports have Verizon’s Galaxy Nexus starting to receive its update to Android 4.0.4, but that’s not the only Ice Cream Sandwich flagship getting some update love today. Sprint is pushing build FD02 to their Galaxy Nexus to correct 3G data connectivity issues. The new software should not only allow the device to actually hop on a data signal, but also fixes a bug that had the Nexus displaying the incorrect network time after activation. For kicks, they’re throwing in a Google Wallet update as well.

The new software brings the phone to Android 4.0.4, which was a heck of a lot quicker than it has taken Verizon to release the latest build for their branded version of the device. We learned about the Sprint update last week but took it as a mere bug fixer at the time. Looks like we’re getting slightly more than expected.

[via AndroidCentral]

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  1. Sprint’s Galaxy Nexus launched with 4.0.4
    This is just a build update to fix data connection issues & network time issues. Plus the update to Google wallet (which is also in the Play Store).

  2. @Victor: That’s exactly what the article said. Not sure why you repeated it.

    1. The new software brings the phone to Android 4.0.4″ — That’s probably why.

  3. The only problems I was experiencing was when wifi was turned on and I disable it the 3G connection would take forever to connect and when I was connected the 3G speeds would range from 250kbps to 400kbps. My HTC EVO was getting better 3G connections. With the update now I range 400 to 700kbps. As I am writing this I tested my wife galaxy S II and on 3G she is clocking 1194kbps WTH is going on with the Galaxy NEXUS ? I am totally missing my 4G speeds. I know LTE is around the corner. I am patiently waiting.

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