
Happy Holidroid Contest: Photo Challenge


If you’re unsure what this whole “Holidroid Contest” thing is all about, be prepared to get excited. From November 24th through December 25th, Phandroid is giving away a Kindle Fire every single day along with other great prizes like the Galaxy Nexus Galaxy Tabs, JAMBOX, SmarTouch Gloves, Android Phones, Android T-Shirts, Seidio Vouchers and more. Read our announcement post for details.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Yesterday’s Winner

The winner of yesterday’s contest was user Doodos, who was tasked with finding the secret image and being the first person to correctly entering the contest as per the rules listed. Congratulations to them and all the awesome stuff we’ve won! We’ve got 10 days left in this thing so there are still plenty of chances to win. Let’s see what’s up for grabs today:

Amazon Kindle Fire

The Kindle Fire could be this holiday’s hottest product: at only $199 it’s not only one of the most  affordable Android tablets, it’s also one of the best. That’s a killer combination. With a beautiful UI, great battery life, carefully curated apps/games, and an amazing array of media options thanks to Amazon’s Digital Content Ecosystem… the Kindle Fire is a sure win. Good luck winning one in our contest, but at only $199 it’s probably worth buying one just in case!


Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus

Everyone seems to be craving Samsung Android devices these days, and for good reason. Samsung makes some of the best hardware out there, coupled with great software integration, and the Galaxy Nexus (above) and Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus are two great examples of Samsung’s industry leading products. These devices were sponsored directly by Samsung, thanking our readers and forum members for their excitement, interest, and support over the past year. With a 7-inch screen, 1.2GHz dual core processor, 1GB RAM, MicroSD slot, camera that records in 720p HD, and screen that displays in 1080p HD, the Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus is a high end alternative to the Kindle Fire… and you can win BOTH in our contest!


Isotoner SmarTouch Gloves

Every single holiday season these SmarTouch smartphone gloves are consistently one of my favorite gift giving items. They eloquently solve one of the most fundamental problems a tech lover faces: using your device in cold weather. Wearing gloves usually prevents your touchscreen from working: take your phone out, take your glove off, use your phone, hand gets gold, shove phone in pocket, rush to get glove on. NO MORE! Isotoner’s SmarTouch gloves, designed in my colors and sizes for both men and women, has technology that passes the electrons your body gives off, through the gloves, onto the capacitive screen and allowing it to work. VOILA! Seriously. It works. Trust me. Try it… and you’ll love them forever.

Andy Robot T-Shirt

True Android enthusiasts and tech lovers enjoy expressing their Android attitude and there is no better way to do so then with an Android Robot T-Shirt from the brilliant folks at iSteamAndy. They’ve created a series of artistic, creative Android Robot themed T-shirts with fun, rich imagery. They sell like hotcakes and have limited production runs so get each design while you still can. Some of their top designs (and ones we’re giving away) include: Dark Night AndyiSteam Andy,Flying AndyExploded AndyAndy Verus, and Unstoppable Andy. Check out

Seidio $30 Voucher

With so much smartphone use comes battery drain. Thankfully, Seidio makes some awesome extended batteries that fit many smartphones, allowing you to get longer battery life with the same device. No more toting around a charger everywhere you go: just snag a Seidio and call it a day! Seidio also makes cases, holsters, and other great accessories for your smartphones.Check them all out here.

ZeeMote Bluetooth Game Controller

The Zeemote Bluetooth Game Controller compacts things into one comfortable, ergonomically sound gaming package. You use one hand and the controller has an analog stick with four action buttons on it. It’s a bit reminiscent of a Nintendo Wiimote – makes you wonder where the name was inspired from. There are many games in the Android Market already compatible with the Zeemote, including the popular title R-Type, and you may even be able to use it with some of your emulators. It goes perfectly with many Android devices, from 3.2 inch phones to 10.1 inch tablets. And if you want the ultimate gaming experience, Zeemote + Phone/Tablet + TV + HDMI-out = awesome.

Today’s Contest Rules/Regulations:

We want to see what kind of app you’d design if you were a developer planning to make your app, preferably one that holds a purpose not available in any other app. It’s a mockup contest! Read on for the rules:

  • You have until 11:59 PM Eastern today to create a mockup on a blank all-white or all-black sheet of paper of the homescreen (the first screen besides the splash screen that comes up when opening an app) of an application you want to see made. We’d prefer it if the app is truly original but your entry will be accepted if it isn’t.
  • On that sheet of paper or on a separate sheet of paper or item you can write on, be sure to make a Phandroid sign.
  • Take a photo of your mockup with the sign in view.
  • To enter, you must post the photo (you may upload to Disqus or provide a link to an image) and a few points about what it does in the comments section below. This is your entry.
  • The best app idea and mockup as chosen by Phandroid staff will win the contest. We will judge the idea of the app more heavily than the design, but both aspects do count.
  • Read our Full Official Rules for information about eligibility
  • This isn’t required but if you want to be nice… Visit by clicking here before you do your holiday shopping because you love us!

Looking for a great gift? Don’t forget about our Holiday Gift Guide!

Tomorrow’s Contest:

We’ll be giving away a Kindle Fire, Smartouch Gloves, $30 Seidio Voucher, Samsung Galaxy Tab 7+, Zeemote and an Andy T-Shirt! You never know when we’ll make our contest post so check back early and often!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Darn it! Don’t have a blank sheet of paper around. I’m guessing a mockup made in Photoshop won’t do. :/

    1. Yea we want to give as many people as possible a chance – some people may not have professional editing tools and software.

      1. Yeah that makes sense.Thanks.

      2. What about people that dont have “professional” drawing skills? :)

        1. Haha, we’ll be judging based on the idea of the app more heavily than the design/style of it (Though both aspects do count)

  2. Can I also make it in Photoshop and sent an image of that as a valid entry? (ofcourse with “phandroid” clearly visible in the image although not a physical sign)
    Also, does this post disqualify future entries or not?

    1. We want to give everyone a chance – some people may not have professional editing tools and software – so you must actually draw the mockup. And no your post does not disqualify you for future entries.

      1. what if I “draw” it in MSpaint? No amount of skill can make that look good in comparison to hand drawn pictures? I’ll make it really crappy, I promise…just count it as a valid entry, please? :D

        1. What part of draw on paper don’t you understand?

          1. the “draw on paper” part

            p.s. Does anyone know how many Gnexuses have been awarded in contests yet, I want to know how many contests will still offer them as a prize

  3. I’m not savvy enough to make an app. But, atleast I could get the first comment here. And yes I know that its the Forums first comment that wins. Cheers and good Luck to all

  4. Nice try Phandroid…trying to steal my next million dollar idea.

    1. Good ideas are a dime a dozen. Actually following through is the hard part.

  5. wait a minute! This is my idea!
    No truely, look at this post.
    Page search my name. See that it is my second idea. Infact, this is idea #1 and #2 combined :P
    Thank you phandroid for using my ideas. Do i get something shiny? no?
    Oh! You want me to compete? OKAY!

  6. Sorry I didn’t have anything but highlighters. Its called Schoolmaster. For high school and college students. Teachers could post homework, you could look up your schedule and sync it to the the stock android calender, and see previous grades.

  7. This is actually an App I’m trying to get build for my business.  It will allow time card entry, Company Directory lookup, Time Off lookup, Intranet access, and check status of our company bonus points program!     More functionality to come

    I actually have the app on my phone, but it is only the layouts that are built.  I don’t know enough about Java to interface it with our Oracle system, or pass secure usernames and passwords.

    I guess I’ll re-post with a hand drawn version…

  8. so it HAS to be on paper? i can’t photoshop it if i wanted to?

  9. So I pick either selling my idea to Phandroid for the chance of getting a bucket of prizes or having the ability to program my own idea as my own and possibly make thousands off of it, thereby offsetting the benefits of recieving said bucket?

    This sounds like a great idea for those who don’t know Java and have no desire to learn it, but for everyone else, this sounds like a bit of a rip-off. I mean, if you have an idea original and cool enough to win this contest, then shouldn’t it be nice enough to earn you a few bucks on the market?

    Just my opinion.

    1. I know right. There is a tiny tiny tiny little bit of me thinking: “I am a dev, i can program android java, whats to stop me from “borrowing” ideas.
      *cough* APPLE *cough*
      An idea is not copy-writable. Only the implementation of the idea is. :)

    2. I figured this concern would come up. We, Phandroid, absolutely are not interested in pursuing any of these ideas no matter how good they may be. This is simply meant to be a fun contest. We are not farming for ideas, but you should note that these entries are out in the public – anyone can poach them. If you don’t feel comfortable submitting an entry you don’t need to. Or come up with a different idea that you wouldn’t care if someone else made into a reality. Perhaps this contest is better suited for non-developers

      1. In case I sounded rude, I really don’t think this is a bad idea. I just think that people should be aware that they’re possibly giving up their own idea for someone else to work on. I might even submit an entry myself. ;)

  10. My App is called FRIDGE KEEPER. Its main purpose is to flood the social networks of all those runners in your friends lists with status updates about your activities. Very simply it collects the following information while you peruse the fridge:

    Type of Food – Snack, Meal, Other…
    Caloric Intake
    What Important Activity you were in the middle of: TV, Video Gaming, Blogging…
    The amount of time spent before returning

    In all just a fun little joke app but for those of us who aren’t toned and like a little satire in our lives it would be awesome

    1. Dude this is hilarious, can i make this :p

      1. Go for it hehe :)

  11. This is actually an App I’m trying to get build for my business.  It
    will allow time card entry, Company Directory lookup, Time Off lookup,
    Intranet access, and check status of our company bonus points
    program!     More functionality to come

    I actually have the app
    on my phone, but it is only the layouts that are built.  I don’t know
    enough about Java to interface it with our Oracle system, or pass secure
    usernames and passwords.


    App Name: Quit Buggin’
    Purpose: An alternative to silencing your phone if you still need to receive notifications and e-mails. You can basically send all calls to voicemail, call forwarding (w/ select forwarding) etc.

  13. My app is called Welkin. Its camera based app that extracts features from the sky, such as: constellations, weather, cloud formations, etc. What you are suppose to do is hold your phone up to the sky, and then the app will scan the sky for whatever Mode you selected (Weather, stars, clouds). So lets say you want to know which stars/constellation is above you, you point the phone up and the app will scan which constellation it detects. Or lets say you want to have some fun with clouds and try to figure out their shape. The app will scan the cloud and give you images of objects that look like the cloud. Or you can the app detect weather patterns and give you a live forecast (do not do this in the rain).

    I got the idea from my looking at the GALAXY Tab and just expanded on that idea.

    1. No picture loading so. 

  14. So this app, “Snow Day”, would check with the local school/work closing authorities and if your work or school was cancelled due to a snow emergency or similar it would do several things. You can set it to let you sleep in (shut off the alarm). Even more you could set it to wake you with a song of victory (notice mine is playing Eye of the Tiger) instead of your stupid alarm. You can click the notice for details and verification. You would also get suggestions like a local Groupon Now specials like a third-shifter party just starting nearby, how to get pizza delivered online without going out in the snow, check the weather, etc.
    image{My SnowDay App}

  15. First off, I am no artist. So hopefully artistic ability isn’t given a lot of weight….

    My Topics! – This app would allow the user to save a set of
    literal phrases. The app would scour news and blog sites (defaulted to any and
    can be user limited) return articles where that phrase was contained in the
    actual verbiage of the article vs. in an ad or comment. The app would be able
    to notify the user when new articles were found dynamically over time. For
    instance a Galaxy Nexus person like me could use this to find any time “Galaxy
    Nexus release date” or “Galaxy Nexus available” etc. The page shown is a blue
    background page with the ability to easily add your next phrase or access your
    saved phrases. Of course this would be a free app with ads at the bottom.
    Granted a similar concept lives in G+ and other apps, but they are not as
    simple, stand-alone, configurable, or continuously searching. Well, that’s my
    idea. :)

    1. you can also give it a phrase:
      “The elephant man ran out of peanuts”

  16. Sounds fun!

  17. This is a very simple widget that can be placed on the homescreen or on the pull down notification to easily adjust the screen brightness. You can choose where to place it and also the color to match the theme of the rom. 

    1. You know, I’ve always wanted a widget for exactly this purpose, but I never thought of actually making one. Do you mind if I steal it or are you planning on creating it?

      1. I’ve been thinking about making one but didn’t know if ppl would be interested.

    2. MIUI can already do this, on their notifications bar. :)
      And CyanogenMod (as well as Samsung Roms), have the ability to adjust the brightness by holding and sliding the notifications bar left or right. All you have to do is turn off auto-brightness.Though it’s still a good idea for those phones that don’t have this.

      1. I’ve had a couple ROMs that do this. Though as a general widget/app you can download, it would be cool for other users.

      2. Yeah I kind of got the idea from using touchwiz. I don’t use CM/MIUI so I didn’t know they had the feature. As of now, I don’t see the feature on ICS either.

  18. You’ve been “Mr. T’d” The custom quick link launcher with attitude! Pity the fool!

  19. I know there are many lists apps out already, but I am not sure anything works like this.(could totally be wrong)

    As you finish a gallon of milk or loaf of bread, say you could scan the barcode on the item and it would automatically add the item to a grocery list that you could then print  or email to someone. You could also view the list from the phone and check items off as you purchase them.

    1. OI Shopping List:

  20. I wish I’d had this app for today’s contest.

  21. Question to Phandroid:

    Does this have to be practical for Android phones? I have an idea that I have started to develop that will be available for Android TABLETS, it’s not really that practical phones (unless maybe you count the Galaxy Note…)

  22. This should simplify the process.

  23. Here is my Holidroid Contest Entry app.  For those who are too slow to enter via the website or can’t spend their entire day refreshing the phandroid website.  This app will automaticlly monitor the phandroid website and can perform some of the basic functions like posting to the discussion board or to the forum.  It also has an auto generate function for android based rap or video productions.  Maybe with this app, I would have a chance to win one of these days.

    1. heh.
      I think you forgot create drawing. :P


    Basically an app that connects via bluetooth, or whatever is suitable, to a heart rate monitor which can auto dial or message/email location and details to predefined contacts and emergency services in case of trouble.

    1. Its worth mentioning that, having done a google search just now, and being able to use a keyboard to type there are other services called lifeline that i was not aware of (I’m not based in the US), but they  are not the same idea. The essence of my app would be to have the functionality of being integrated with any monitoring device (for heart conditions, diabetics, severe alergies) on sick people and automatically alert others (Relatives, emergency services etc…)

      The concept could go so far as to help people in danger (assaults, etc..) because heart monitors would register a rapid rise in the heart rate for an extended time period, and automatically alerting police with gps information. Particularly usefull if you are caught by surprise with no way to alert others.

  25. My app translates spoken conversation on the fly into another language. Thus bridging the communication barrier between two cultures. It will automatically recognize the different participants in the conversation and translate according to the parameters set forth within the app.

    1. You mean like Google Translate? edit: please don’t take this as a slam on your idea…

      1. Does Google Translate, translate live speech on the fly from multiple audio sources?

        1. Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like a jerk. However, GT can translate from voice, but you have to set the language and then speak, then wait, then read or set it to speak back to you. However, doing it automatically with maybe headphones so it would be more similar to the fictional Star Trek universal translator from all audio sources simultaneously, no.. GT is not up to that level yet and yes that app would be simply amazing.

          1. All is cool bud. I was thinking along the lines of expounding upon Google Translate and Google’s Voice recognition capabilities to make something greater.

  26. My app is called “Facebook Friend Finder”

    This social networking app allows you to sync up to Facebook, which then displays all your active friends in your local proximity.  At that point, you can reach out to those friends by clicking on their name on the map, which will allow you to call them, message them, engage in video chat, or invite them to where you are or will be soon.  

    In addition, you will have the option of viewing your previous location history (based on check-ins and GPS-logged locations). Tied to this location history will also be any friends that you might have potentially met up along the way.

    As always, a “favorites” list will be provided should you decide to keep your social circle tight.

    The thing that differentiates this app from other location apps is that it expands your contacts list to greater than just your tight social group.  Been meaning to connect to a long-lost friend? With Facebook Friend Finder, it’ll be easy, spontaneous, AND fun!

    Additional link to full-sized image:

  27. ok… sorry for the bad drawing… I usually get to get away w/ using photoshop or autocad and other software 2 make my drawings!

    may not be the geeky app but i bet u every girl (and some guys) would want it!

    I call this app ” I Want That”

    so how it works is … you’re walking down the street…
    woo… i like that person’s outfit, coat, purse, accessories…

    You take a picture of her/him and then the app would process it and look for the specific brand and price of each item that person is wearing… if it can’t find the specific it will find a close one…

    and after the analysis you can tap on each of those images below and it will link you to where you can buy each item!

    And there you go… you can have what he/she’s wearing now!

    I hope you guys like the idea! I’m a shopaholic

    same concept can be use on any tech toys .. one guy walking down the street w/ his smartphone, tablet, laptop… take pic and voila!

  28. Okay, this time I didn’t forget about the Phandroid logo AND I did it on paper per the instructions as I initially wanted to draw this on my touchpad loaded with Android but didn’t want to take ANY chances this time!

    1. Oh, and yes, I did pixelate the sex act.  Although it is obviously very crudely drawn, I didn’t want to take any chances and offend anyone.  ;o)

      1. Oh, and not to suck up or anything or pull any heart strings, but the Amazon Kindle Fire will be my mothers Christmas gift and the Samsung Galaxy Tab 7.0 Plus will be my future father-in-laws gift IF I win.  Otherwise they’ll be getting a tie and socks.  Just sayin’.

        1. I wanna win this myself but damn, good luck man, ties and socks suck.

          1. Yeah, after that balancing fiasco, I’m really hoping I can get lucky with one of these contests.  I was really hoping for the Nexus phone because I need to get one soon and money’s tight.  But at least I could take care of two major people’s gifts and not to mention get some super brownie points with her dad!!!

            Oh, and I don’t see your entry.  Good luck to you as well!

  29. Mine app is called Fast Stache. I understand that there are “mustache apps” But they just throw a generic looking mustache on a picture where you tell it. My app will let you choose style and color of facial hair, detect the face in a photo, and put a realistic looking mustache/facial hair on your image.

  30. Too cold to get out of bed? Too fat and sweaty to get up to turn on the fan? With this app you would be able to control the AC and fans in your house. Simply swipe your finger across the Climate Control number to adjust the temperature or switch to the fan controller to turn your fan on/off. In version 2.0 you will be able to turn on/off lights throughout the house and turn on the water in the shower to get the water warmed up before you get out of bed! 

  31. This app looks simple but I think its a great idea it called The Mirrior app. 1.when you instill the app it uses the camara funtion to act as a mirrior only the front facing camara. 2.You click the Use Mirrior button at the bottom. 3.You put the screen facing you and chris combs his hair so he can rock out with K.K. Slider ……..p s plz don’t be offended.

  32. My app would be called Consumer Reviews.  Before making a purchase, I like to scour the internet for product reviews getting opinions from other consumers.  The problem is, there are so many different sites out there.  Searching a handful of sites for various product reviews can take a lot of time.

    This app would be a one stop shop for reviews of any type of consumer product, from electronics, to cars, to restaurants, to furniture, to airlines, to whatever.  The unique feature of this app would be that it would gather product reviews from all over the web and store them in one place rather than having to go to multiple sites to gather the information (merging reviews from retail stores, tech websites, google, trip advisor, consumerreports, etc.).  The app would allow you to search for products by category, name, or by scanning a barcode if applicable.  Along with the reviews, the app would also list prices for the product, also collected from sites all over the internet.  It would also allow you to submit reviews yourself.

  33. A map that works like foursquare and similar apps.  The difference, is you enter in the people you want to avoid – Ex-girlfriends, parents etc – so that you can avoid them while you are out in town. As you got within a predefined distance – an alarm would go off warning you.  You could also mark out “areas” of town to avoid – such as common hangouts of an ex.

    This would also be useful if someone had a restraining order out against you.

    1. Isn’t it illegal to have actual tracking software? If you know where to avoid, you know where they are. . . 

  34. Zuzo is my idea for a multiple social network manager. Zuzo is for people and businesses that have many followers across multiple social networks. Zuzo’s simple UI allows users one click posting to all of their favourite social networks at once. no more using multiple apps to post to multiple networks. Zuzo does it all.

  35. I wish someone would make an app like this.. its for anything connected to electricity where you can turn them off and off with your phone. For example any house lights, or tv’s, radios, or even your coffee pot.. sure would be really cool :)

    1.  actually if you have an x10 automation setup, you can control almost everythign in your house through your phone. google it, its pretty sweet

      1. just googled it, that is kinda cool..wish they made something much easier for people that aren’t as techy (like me) LOL it is pretty neat though.

  36. WOW, so they want to steal your app ideas??? and you guys are going along with it??

    1. whatever, i am not going to steal any of these ideas. Some of these are hella funny though :p

      1. I actually want somebody to take my idea and implement it. Would be awesome. Any of you devs up for it? I don’t want to be asking Santa for the same thing over and over again.

    2. If I win, they can have my idea! :D

  37. This app would update a countdown clock to when the latest rumor says the Galaxy Nexus will finally be released for Verizon. 
    Obviously, it gets its information from Phandroid!

  38. pr0n finder: An app that scrapes the web for whatever kind of pr0n you want to see at any given time.  You can see girl pr0n, boy pr0n, food pr0n, tech pr0n, or run a free-form search for your own special flavor (e.g. “midgets” or “natalie portman” or “natalie portman f*cking a midget”).

    Each category, as well as the search, would basically run a pre-defined query for images – for example food pr0n would look for images geo-tagged at restaurants and/or tagged as “food porn”.  You get the idea.

    Okay, let’s see if the image thing works…

    1. Okay, image didn’t work — trying again…

  39. Had to repost as I forgot the Phandroid sign!

    The app could be called “Avoid the EX”

    The idea is that it tracks your ex girl-friends (or parents, or second girlfriend for when you are with the  first) and lets you know where they are – so you aren’t there!  It can be set with a proximity alaram so that when you get within 1 mile of the person you are trying to avoid – it goes off so you can turn around and get out of there!

    Would also be useful for when someone gets one of those pesky restrainiing orders against you! If the alarm goes off, you know you can be arrested!

    1. In addition it could be a great app for people who have more than one girlfriend (or perhaps running an affair) so that you could be sure your mistress and misses never meet!

  40. Introducing…Chef’s Counter

    When you are cooking from scratch at home and care about what you’re eating!

    As you make your recipe, input the item and amount into the Chef’s Counter. A running tally will show you calories, carbs, protein and fat (sodium count coming in future updates!).

    Great for people on diets, restricted diets, or chefs that just want to know more about their secret recipe. Only 99 cents now!

  41. Its a food finder, goes by gps location or zip code, can find online orderable food for pickup, finids what you want by style or type (sammich, sub, or italian or thai etc) and gives you their phone number (click to dial it) and online order link (if avail) along with the full menu etc  Prolly something like this out htere, but i dont have anything with android so i wouldnt know

  42. This is an app that could be connected to a paypal or bank account.  If someone owes you money all you do is type in the credit card, debit card, check, or paypal information and then you can transfer the money.  We live in such a cashless society I think this would be a great way to help out with people who need to transfer money in small amounts quickly.  I do not think there is an app out there like this.  None that I could find anyway..

  43. This app would fully control your house with some extra hardware. It would notify you if you leave your house without locking the door, closing the garage door, turning off the TV, etc. You could remotely lock doors, turn appliances off, close the garage, let the dog out, etc. I desperately need an app like this.

  44. My project is called “Changedroid”. It has really clean and minimalistic UI, so it’s very easy to use.

    What’s the biggest advantege of Android? Many of you will surely answer: customisation. But the most advanced elements of system are only able to be changed with root permission, and not every user might want to root his device.

    Changedroid is basically complex UI tweaker, but equipped with many advanced settings which previously were only possible only for root users. But the biggest advantage of this app is that it has hudge base which is stored in Web. Users can not only browse from hundreds of elements, but also upload their own projects, rate and comment other themes.

    You can custiomise basic stuff, like wallpaper and ringtone, but you are able to select advanced elements, like your favourite lockscreen – starting with stock Android lock, ending with Sense lockscreen, whatever you want.

    In taskbar settings you can select your favourite set of icons or taskbar background, you can select items you want to display – percentage battery, clock mode, etc..

    In icons section you can find options for customising all things releated to icons, starting with their look, ending with font style of text under them.

    Launcher setting will easily let you choose from all available custom launchers, but will also provide you easily installable version of every manufacturers launcher. Always liked Sense style? Go and download the launcher. You prefer pure Android expeirence? Stock launcher is waiting for you here. But choosing your favourite launcher is only a beginning. Later you can easily select number of homescreens, drawer style and all other advanced settings, previously abailable only in custom launchers.

    Advanced settings contains all options, which are customising other core elements of UI. Here you will be albe to change transition animations, font size, style and color, and so on.

    Full themes section is designed for lazy users. If you don’t want to customise all elements by yourself you can select full theme designed by other user. There are only visible themes, which are fully compatible with your screen size to ensure that everything will work great.

  45. This could be called “QR Tag”. It’s basically like laser tag except with phones. Everybody downloads it to their phone, and prints out a large QR code to put on their shirt (front and back probably). Using augmented reality, you walk around looking at the video feed on your phone (like it’s a scope, kind of) and “shoot” at the other players. The phones are connected over wifi and know who has been shot by the QR code.

  46. Volume Sentry for Google TV!

    I actually thought about writing this a long time ago… if anyone decides to write this and gets rich, please be a gentleman and cut me in on a finders fee ;)

    This is a companion app for Google TV (Server App installed on Google TV box as well), and communicates over wifi via a custom TCP protocol. It’s main purpose is to diminish the sad fact that commercials are intentionally played significantly louder than the program you’re watching on TV.

     – Your phone acts as a sentry, listening while you watch TV.
     – If the decibels exceed your set limit, it tells Google TV to turn down the volume.
     – If the decibels remain below a configurable “low-limit” for a configurable period of time (5-10 seconds), this likely means your program is back on, and it turns the volume back up to what it was before the loud commercials came on ;)

    1. not bad.  it’d be easier to just have it normalize and control gain though.  This won’t be needed in the US since they just enforced the ‘Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act’

      1. Apparently it isn’t that easy as broadcasters have been doing this since the 60’s and no solution in place as of yet… And I think you meant legislation has been enacted, I haven’t heard anything about it being enforced, considering I still notice this volume issue.

        1. According to this, nothing is enforcible for another year starting today:

          1. hmm, I remember Obama passed this last December.  I read that it was to be in place a year from then, but maybe that’s just considered enacted?  and FCC has a year from today to enforce it?  they sure take their time!

  47. Snappy Shopper

    First: You open the app when you go shopping at a grocery store, Costco, Walmart, etc.  As you shop and decide on your purchases you scan the barcodes into Snappy Shopper.  

    Second: Once you are complete, you approach the register and your cart is placed on an area of the floor that can weigh it’s contents.  Additionally, you hit “Shopping Complete” on the app which will generate a QR code with the information (aka item name and price) that the cashier can scan which instantly rings up your entire cart.  The known weights of the items are added and compared to the actual weight of the cart to ensure that nothing was missed (similar to how self checkout’s weigh the item you scan to make sure you are scamming them).  

    Finally:  Pay with your Google Wallet (not required) right from the app and move on with your day. Grocery shopping, but snappy!

  48. Here is my app called “watt”  Since everything is changing and i think in the future this will be implemented somehow to our homes…some already have them installed, but we need to get up and manually do it.  Well with this app, and extra control systems around the house we can control:
    Garage (open/close)Lights (turn on/off lights in the house that have the control system)Temperature (hot or cold….then up and down on temperature)Car (on/off)Alarm System (home security)Cameras (if you have cameras in your home, you can view them from anywhere out of your house)

    How it works is that the control system are connect wifi, or through the internet which allows us access to it.

    Watt do u guys think? xD

  49. Customizable Wireless and USB Controller (possible name: AndroPad….or Falcon Punch. Teehee!):
    An app that turns your Android device into a wireless/USB gamepad for your PC/Mac and allows you to customize the arrangement of controls. The app connects to a desktop client that allows more than one Android device to connect at a time (for multiplayer gaming on the same system, of course).

    1. Option to switch between USB and WiFi connection.
    2. An Edit mode (Menu > Edit) to personalize the gamepad, wherein you can drag shoulder buttons onto each other to swap them or onto EMPTY slots within the interface (shown in attached photo).
    3. The Edit mode could, in the same way, also allow swapping analog sticks with each other or even the D-pad (for gamers used to Xbox controllers).3. A toggle for turning the virtual analog sticks off.
    4. Toggle for haptic feedback, and option to specify intensity of vibration.
    5. Option to reveal a Turbo toggle on the interface.

    I’ve been looking for something like this for quite a while now. I’m pretty confident it’s the sort of thing that would make PC gamers buy Android phones and Android fans flip.

  50. sorry they came out a little blurry. My app would be called ICU and its motto: ICU, where we don’t spy we monitor you!! lol
    Don’t you wish you ever really knew what your kids were doing? or your wife? or who was at your front door? or who was really keying your car?? well now you can!!! ICU lets you setup any cam at any place you want. LOL..and the best part you can see all the cam at once at your convenience anywhere you are. If you want to communicate with them back you can click on the cam which would set off different options like: talk to them and they would hear you through their phone’s speaker, or end their phone by turning there phone off…

  51. I know there are alarms out there, but I can’t find anything that is designed specifically to keep your phone safe from a toddler.  This app would allow you to “arm” your phone so if your toddler gets a hold of it they will be gently encouraged to put the phone down. If the phone is picked up it will vibrate once to get the attention of the toddler, then it will play a message from mommy like “Jimmy, put the phone down”, there could be another message from daddy like “Jimmy, obey your mommy”, then if the phone is still moving an optional loud noise like a fire truck, train blast, dog barking etc. After that the phone will lock down and a loud audible notification sound will repeat until the phone is located and deactivated. The picture is supposed to be a baby android shaking a phone that says the name of the app on it “No-Nee” :) Love the contest, as a Dad of 6 and with a 1 year old and a baby in the house, I would love an app like this… even if it didn’t keep the kids away from the phone, it would be entertaining.

  52. My app, which I’m actually working on, is called “PizzaPal”.  Basically, it’s a one-stop app to get pizza delivered wherever you are in the country (as long as there is a place nearby that makes pizza!).  From my mockup, you’d click your state and the app would geolocate the nearest places from which to order delivery pizza.  You’d then pick the place you want and go directly to an ordering screen where you can detail what size pizza, what toppings, etc., then pay for it thru the app.  A little while later, voila, your pizza arrives.  We’d collect the cost of the pizza, take a small fee, and remit the rest to the pizza restaurant.  This would be especially great for mom and pop restaurants that can’t advertise and market the way big chains do (though we’d want to include them as well).  I figure, everyone likes pizza and there’s no other food more delivered in the USA.

  53. FreeNet – Free Internet

    Imagine you are in the middle of nowhere, in need of looking at the Phandroid website, because sooner or later, a new contest will appear. You can’t go on the internet because your crappy internet connection has failed on you again and you have no single cent on your droid. Luckily, you have free text messages and an amazing app called FreeNet.

    With FreeNet, you can browse webpages, download stuff and maybe (but not lickely) watch movies on your Android smartphone with not paying one cent.

    How does the app work.
    In total, 3 people are needed to use the app. We name them: the requester, the seeder/forwarder and the downloader. The requester use the inbuild browser to visit a webpage. A popup will appear where they select someone. (this is based per country. )The list was downloaded from the last time you had a wifi connection. A text message with the url is send to that person, the seeder. (If the person is close, you can use bluetooth.) He will automatically place the request in an online database. Somewhere else in the world, an unkown peaceful person automatically sees the request,ask to enable wifi and downloads the webpage by converting it to a bitmap (image), base64 encodes it (to a string(text)) and reuploads it to the database where the previous seeder downloads the text and sends it to the downloader(by bluetooth, sms or mms). The downloader decodes the string to an image and places it on thr browser like it looks like a real webpage.

    You would even be able to add commands to it like clicking a button by giving in the x and y coordinates, and a lot more.

    Ofcourse the downloader and sender wont do this for free. This is where the reputation points come in. For every handled request, the users receive rp, reputation points and can exchange them for money, stuff, etc.

  54. LifeID

    It’s an app for that works with your camera.  You can take a picture of any of the listed types of life and it will identify it for you.  Found a bug and don’t know what it is?  Take a picture and LifeID will tell you.  Not sure if you just brushed up against some Sumac?  LifeID will tell you.  

  55. Introducing….”Cards With Beam!”

    A new way to play cards….when you don’t have any–no physical cards needed! Sets up a virtual card game via your hosted mobile hotspot, or an existing wifi network with your friends.  

    Allows for multiplayer card games for all of the classics.  In this example, a game of hearts is being played.  With your Galaxy Nexus, you can beam the cards you must pass.  Game system tracks all cards being played and displays it accordingly across all users in said game and notifies a user when it is their turn.

    Also would allow for add-ons for other games, such as Clue (Beam me Ms. Scarlet) and any other card game that needs cards to be passed anonymously.  

    Could be used during that extended layover with your friends, or remotely, during a boring meeting.  

  56. here’s my idea for an app that helps you keep track of things you’ve loaned out and things you’ve borrowed from others (books, dvds, cds, video games, tools, kitchen appliances, etc.)

    I want to call it Mine?, Give It, Give It Back or Gimme Gimme
    basically divided by mine or not mine, the info you input are as follows:
    MINE tab: photo, title/description, who has it, since when. 
    NOT MINE tab: photo, title/description, who you borrowed it from, and since when.

    clicking an item or description would allow you to update it or remove it as you have returned it or had it returned to you. 

    after the doodle, i searched thru the market and from what i’ve seen it’s kind of similar to LendMate (which i just now downloaded after doing my drawing), but allowing for photo input as well.

  57. Have you ever gone shopping to find a nice shirt or sweater but you can’t think of anything to match it with? Or your looking to find a new hat or pair of shoes that can match what you have at home?

    Well with Wardrobe you can take all your clothes with you! When purchasing a new outfit, scan the barcode, it will take you to the stores site where you can download an image of it into your phone, if a barcode is nowhere to be found, quickly snap a picture of the item with your phones camera and save it in Wardrobe.

    Wardrobe saves all your clothes into 6 sections. Headware, torso, legs, socks, shoes, and accessories. Combine your clothes to plan your next outfit for that office party than share your outfits with you friends when they ask, “what are you going to where tonight”? All at the same time your eating those cup of noodles during your lunch break!


  58. This is the “What’s It Worth” app. 

    The idea behind it is that a user would take an in-app photo of the item they would like to sell. The app would search the web, specifically on Craigslist, Ebay, and other reseller sites to find similar items that are for sale or have sold recently. The user could specify the current condition of the item and add a description to get more specific pricing. The app would also use the GPS data to refine the pricing by location. Once a price range is determined, the user could choose to post the item for sale automatically from the app on their preferred selling site.

  59. I know I should be studying for my exam tomorrow, but I couldn’t help it. This is a contest anyone could do, and even though I’m not the best at drawing, hopefully I can still win this ;).

    Ok, the ‘app’ itself is really an alternate launcher, though I suppose it might be more appropriate as a widget. The idea behind this launcher / widget is concentric around the circle in the middle of the homescreen, which is a clock (the arrows on the clock, if you can make them out, match the time in the notifications bar :D). Normally, it’s just a regular clock, possibly with numerous different designs or skins you can use.

    Once you tap on it, bubbles will fall / float out of it, attached by strings. You’ll then be able to pan around the screen in any direction (like when you zoom into an image in the gallery and move it around) to see all the open bubbles. As a bonus feature (for aesthetic purposes), as you pan around, the bubbles will (lightly) move as well, however the laws of physics demand it.

    There are three types of bubbles: shortcuts (apps, activities, almost anything!), currently opened / recently opened apps (or whatever that button in Honeycomb/ICS shows), and notifications, all of which can be colour coded or design coded, etc… To choose any of them, you press and hold on a bubble, and the string will automatically break off.

    Notifications is the only really special bubble, which would appear even if the clock is ‘closed’ (i.e. all the bubbles closed / normal state), though you’d be able to turn that feature off in settings.

    In the picture I drew, there is a new notification occurring (in this case an email, as you can see in the notifications bar), so a notification bubble with access to the new email is falling from the clock.

    And finally, another tap on the clock dismisses everything, and you have your regular homescreen again.

    And there you have it. I don’t exactly have a name for it, but let’s just call it FlowClock for now (since it resembles a flowchart). If only I knew Java, I’d be making this right now. Well, perhaps in the future, after I start learning Java?

    Anyway, back to studying for my exam.

  60. What’s the first thing we all do every day? Check our phones! 

    My app is called Today.
    It’s a clean and simple app that displays:

    – The day of the week
    – The date
    – The weather forecast for the day in plain English
    – Your agenda for the day
    – The overnight news that everyone will be talking about
    – A super simple 3-button alarm clock

    It’s everything you need to get your day started (aside from checking Gmail), and it helps you decide whether or not you should get out of bed!

    1. This would be incredibly useful if it was an alarm clock that showed you all that information after you’ve dismissed the alarm (which, if you’re like me, comes after you’ve hit the snooze button a few times, haha).

  61. My app is called crazy eyes. Its for when ever you meet someone at a bar but your too drunk to see if they have the crazy eyes. So you snap a picture with the app and it will rate them on how crazy they look. It will upload the photos anonymously to a website where sober people can go and vote on how crazy the person looks. Then it returns the results to your phone with the percentage of yes and no votes.

  62. Alright. I have a small little app I designed today.

    Are you on the go and want to pick something up only to find out that there is not enough funds in the bank?
    Are you using the Bank Card and want to let your significant other know how much is left in the bank account before they buy something?
    Are you tired of all those overdraft fees because everybody in your family is just using the Bank Card with out checking the account first?

    Well now theres Card Checker!

    The helpful Android Application that lets you and your family know when a card transaction is used! Just enter what you are buying and how much, and the application sends notifications to your family members to give a running total of the daily transactions!

    No more will you call every single family and ask how much they spent. No more will they ask you if it would be okay to spend such and such.

    Each transaction will detail what the person bought, how much, who did it, and what time. It will then update the total amount left in the bank so everybody knows the available funds.

    How much would you pay for an application like this? $9.95? $4.95? $1.95?
    Well how about FREE!
    Thats right, for a limited of time you can get the Card Checker App for free!
    This offer is only available to the first 100 people who like this post :D
    So hurry now!

    1. I see you’ve drawn the Galaxy Nexus with ICS, ;)

  63. I would really like to see an app
    that allows me to record video from my TV to my Tab. Obviously to make this
    type of thing possible, a lot of licensing would be required. I threw this
    together, hope you enjoy it.

    I now present you with PhandroidTV

    First two images are for rules stated above to enter contest. Third image is for better picture viewing, also clearer pic of cheerleader holding
    Phandroid sign, haha.

  64. Hi guys and phandroid:

    My app is called “50/50”. It helps you to decide when you encounter two hard choices and you get to play the game for decision making.

    I am sure everyone has come across two choices they can’t decide on.
    For example: What is for dinner? McDonald’s or Wendy’s?
                        Should I buy this coat? Yes or No?
                        Where to go this winter break? Las Vegas or New York?
                        Many more.

    This application 50/50 will help you decide on a choice, save you time, and give you some fun in decision making.

    First you write down the choices in Choice A and Choice B section.
    And select a style of game; such as
    1. Rock, paper, scissors
        Rule of game: when you select this game, a window will pop up for you to select winning choice would be and loosing choice would be. After you select the winning and loosing choices, press start, a person will pop up to play the game with you. You can use the front camera to sense your hand motion or u can choose a hand motion on the screen. The person will continue the game until one of you win/loose; and you will have your final decision on whatever is troubling you.

    2. Rock, paper, scissors, lizard, Spock
    Rule of game: when you select this game, a window will pop up for you to
    select winning choice would be and loosing choice would be. After you
    select the winning and loosing choices, press start, a person will pop
    up to play the game with you. You can use the front camera to sense your
    motion or u can choose a motion on the screen. The person will continue
    the game until one of you win/loose; and you will have your final
    decision on whatever is troubling you.

    This game is different than the previous game is because there are two extra motions. According to Dr. Cooper from the big bang theory: “Scissors cuts paper. Paper covers rock. Rock
    crushes lizard. Lizard poisons Spock. Spock smashes scissors. Scissors
    decapitates lizard. Lizard eats paper. Paper disproves Spock. Spock
    vaporizes rock. And as it always has, rock crushes scissors”. (rule of game will include all the hand motions)

    3. Toss a Coin
    Rule of game: when you select this game, a window will pop up for you to
    select head choice would be and tail choice would be. After you
    select the head and tail choices, press start and a LUCKY PENNY will show up. You can either press toss or simply shake the phone or do a toss motion with phone to start the tossing process, and you will have your final
    decision on whatever is troubling you. But please note, please hold on to your phone tightly, we don’t want you loose the grip of your phone and ACTUALLY throw your phone away.

    4. Pick a Card

    Rule of game: This game is to see (between you and phone) who has the biggest card to win the game.  when you select this game, a window will pop up for you to
    select winning choice would be and loosing choice would be. After you
    select the winning and loosing choices, press start and a person and a pile of cards will show up. Pick a card from the pile (which the app person will also do the same), and you and the app person will compare. And you will have your final
    decision on whatever is troubling you.

    The best part of this app is u get to create your app person!! :)

    This app will definitely help those who has hard time making decision and will give them a chuckle when making a decision.

  65. My app? “Brick-Free Root-All”
      -Identifies and Roots any Android Phone
      -One-Click Operation – reads phone make/model, performs root
      -Optional add-ons for partitioning and backup 
      -Guaranteed not to Brick your phone

  66. My app is called Friends with Activities. Basically it uses your gps to find other people nearby that are bored or hungry to go to movies or out to eat with you. You can set your age and preference for male or female or both. And group size either 2 or more. The app then finds people nearby and sets up a  time for you to meet at either a restaurant or movie or other activity. You can also block people that you dont like so you dont run into them again.

  67. ArchDroid


    My idea is called ArchDroid. Its functionality is to be used
    as a tool for architects and “do-it-yourselfers” alike. Imagine being able to
    snap a picture of any structure or object and being able to see its dimensions
    with out measuring it by hand. Now take that idea and apply it to a workplace
    or household environment.


    Let’s start at work. So let’s say you’re an architect and
    you’ve built a scale model for a client. You’re client needs to know the
    realistic dimensions for their next project asap. You can either use your
    clunky old computer program to re-scale the model which may take hours or you
    can simply snap a few pictures and send them the file in minutes. Don’t worry
    about whether they can open the document or not because ArchDroid has a built
    in file converter to be compatible with any number of programs. Need to
    download or upload a file to/from work or home, no problem that’s built in as
    well. What if there’s a tiny mistake in the model you’ve just sent your client.
    Well you can fix that too with the edit feature that’s also built in.


    Now let’s jump to the “DIY’s” in the home environment. Let’s
    say your son/daughter decided that today was the day they used your bedroom
    door as a sparing partner. So the first thing you do is grab a tape measurer to
    measure the door for repair. But wait, you remember that your Android phone has
    ArchDroid on it. Now all you do is snap a few pics of the door/doorframe and
    boom instant measurements. What should’ve taken an hour or so is done in
    minutes. Now let’s say you’ve found the perfect dresser for you room but it’s
    slightly too big. Snap a pic and use the re-scale function to make it the
    perfect size for your room and a great DIY project for those that like
    building. Or maybe you don’t want to build it yourself. Find your favorite
    contractor, send them the file, and voila, instant blueprints for your new


    This app can be useful in many different ways for
    people building, designing, or repairing many different things. The only limit
    is set by the user.



      1. No I’m not a designer but I’d like to be one someday. Right now my priorities are to my family and my slightly better than decent job. I have a few good ideas once in a while but I’m lacking the means to make them a reality. And as for my word art, I like to write poetry in my spare time on occasion but that’s just my way of keeping sane.

  68. If anyone would ask you what the future phones would have in store for mobile computing, you would tell them NFC! I wanted to introduce NFC Complete that doesn’t just make one thing more simple or make my life a little more organized but I wanted to revolutionize how we use our mobile devices. I focused on an idea that is the future, and that is an application that integrates with the NFC chip like the new Samsung Galaxy Nexus has. If I was able to show another picture, I would of shown the popup screen before the home screen telling you to enter your password after every time you open the application because you will obviously have confidential information on NFC Complete. With my app, you will be able to sit in you car, place you phone were you have your key slot now, and press the “Start your car” button to start it. After you drive to the store you get all the products your need, instead of pulling out your wallet full of cash or credit cards you pull out your phone. You can easily open up NFC Complete, put in your password, and press the “Credit Card Purchase” or “Debit card purchase” and slide your phone on the NFC payment scanner at the store and your done! The last great feature I added was the “Transportation Tickets” feature. This feature stores your future airplane tickets or your yearly train pass.Yes this app will not be good just yet, but within a few more years with more phones/cars/stores having NFC chips built in to the experience, my application will always be at your fingertips.


    This has many options which you get to but turning the phone in portrait.
        Egg timer
        Alarm Clock
        Count down to a nuclear bomb that’s about to go off that only you can single-handedly stop

    All the while it plays this when it is approaching a certain time or when the timer is about to be up. 

    Who wouldn’t be more motivated by hearing those dramatic beeps?

  70. GreenFuel helps you locate alternative fuel stations currently in the United States. There are several apps available out there that point you to conventional gas stations, but GreenFuel is the only app dedicated to alternative fueling stations. More locations will be added inside and outside the U.S. as information becomes available. 

    Our application has a clean, simplistic interface without all the clutter. You’ll find it easy to use and navigate, whether on the go or planning a trip. Most people with alternative fuel vehicles struggle with sparse options for fueling stations, and it can be daunting to take a long trip, not knowing if you’ll soon be calling a tow truck! GreenFuel allows you to see what stations exist along any route, giving you confidence to travel where ever you want to go!

    – Search by current location (GPS)
    – Search by zip code / state / city, state
    – Search by any alternative fuel type
    – View any station within a user-defined radius
    – View station details such as name, address, phone number, gas type, nozzle type, PSI, public/private access
    – Print the map or station detail page

    Available fuels are:
    – Compressed Natural Gas
    – Biodiesel
    – Electric
    – Ethanol (E85)
    – Hydrogen
    – Liquefied Natural Gas
    – Liquefied Petroleum Gas 

    I helped get this app on the other OS, and now plan to bring to the world of Google, Android OS phones!

    Here are more pictures of the sketches:


    I call the app I would design the Health Monitor / Emergency Alert App:

    Upon Login, you’d be prompted to enter in demographic information (Age, Height, weight, ethnicity, city, state, zip) Doctor information and insurance information could be optional but security would be a concern.  On the same page, you could link a google or facebook account.

    Using monitors that were connected to your smartphone via either a USB or a Bluetooth, you could monitor your temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and glucose levels.   The app would track your levels throughout the day, as you checked them and track them for you in a format that you could download to PDF or excel file.  As the levels changed, the indicators would go from green to yellow to red and would vibrate.  In a worst case scenario, if you were to have a heart attack your phone would automatically place an emergency call.  If you had a google+ or facebook account synced, it would automatically notify any family members and also automatically check you in wherever you were located such that you could receive emergency care immediately.

  72. ALL IN – 
      This app allows you to view each of your social networks ALL IN the same place. No more jumping from app to app.  Now you can reply to celebrities who never respond on Twitter, Hangout with your best buddy on the couch next to you on Google+, and stalk your Facebook friends ALL IN the same place. 
      Using the ever-growing screen real estate of (Ph)Android phones, ALL IN doesn’t  sacrifice quality.  You can view as few as 1 social network, and as many as 4 at the same time. 


    Just for fun!

    Name: Seek And Destroy

    You press the button and it finds all the iPhones in the area.  It
    alerts the iPhone users that they are all tools (Don’t know what that
    means? Look it up on urban dictionary.).  After a minute it breaks all
    iPhones and sends out a victory message to all Androids in the area.

    Seriously: People would pay great money for this app.

  74. This is the “Galaxy Nexus Rumor Generator 3000 (Lite).”  At the push of a button it generates a rumor about the Galaxy Nexus.  The paid version however, debunks them.

  75. My idea is an app that Llows you to see upcoming and new releases of entertainment and electronics. It would open up to something like the picture I have. You would select the category you want to view. In the preferences you would be able to change the layout from day week month. It would come up with sorting options such as price and things like that. You would be able to select and. Read reviews and also go straight to the website for selected product. You would also be able to go to from any item to preorder or buy. It would be great to have all this information in one quick streamlined app. I put the mock up twice because I want to make sure it works.

  76. See the world through an animals eyes. I actually believe that this has potential


  77. Harmony Beam

    Harmony Beam forms a nexus between online dating, social networking and face to face interaction. Harmony Beam leverages the Ice Cream Sandwich feature Android Beam on NFC enabled devices.  

    Start by setting up your dating profile.  Add your picture, then answer a few simple questions that will be used determine if someone you beam is compatible.  In addition you can connect your profile to your Google+, Facebook and Twitter accounts.

    Now you are ready to Harmony Beam!  If you meet someone in person, ask them to Harmony Beam.  Simply touch the backs of your phones together and profiles are exchanged.  In just a few moments, Harmony Beam will give you a compatibility score for your prospective new friend! No more wasting the night talking to someone who isn’t right for you.

    *Beam History – a photo-journal view your past beams.  This is where you can contact a past beam via sms, email, or social network.

    *Share Beams – Want to let the world know who you have been beaming with?  Post any of your beams to a social network, or just share with a few friends via sms or email

    *Best Beams – Too many beams to sort through? Use this feature to find your most compatible beams.

    *Check-in – New Feature! Need help finding someone to beam with? By checking in at a location, Harmony Beam will constantly scan the other beamers in the same location and let you know when you are compatible with someone else in the same location.  You will be notified with a picture and name – but hey – you are still going to have to talk to them at some point – Harmony Beam can’t do everything for you!

  78. OK, here we go. I am not an artist at all so this is a simple design but functional.

    The app would smartphone Vulnerability Scanner and be used
    for vulnerabilities testing on smartphones with wifi enabled. Included would be
    a wifi scanner to list devices with wifi turned on. You could then run vulnerabilities
    tests based upon known vulnerabilities, updated regularly, divided by os with
    the ability to do a full scan or to pinpoint specific vulnerabilities you are
    looking for. With the functionality to print the results to a wifi connected printer.

  79. app name: rate it!

    take a picture of any person and the app analyzes the each feature of that picture. the app will give a rating of each feature. (i.e. hair, face jawline, bust, build, legs body, etc). each feature will be given a percentage and a final average rating of the person will be calculated. basically an app to give you an ego boost or ruin someones life. either way its a lot of fun. btw i have no artistic skill whatsoever.

  80. There’s nothing my friends and I love more than a good wing night at a local bar.

    The picture is my attempt at a buffalo with wings on my Motorola Droid 1. I don’t know why I made the Phandroid a fire-started. . .with a flaming head.

    This app would use your gps to tell you the closest bars that have wing night and when their wing night is. It could also say how much the wings cost and if there is a drink special. In my head, the bar owners would have member accounts that let them enter information about their wing night. There could also be user submitted wing night info. You could also have ratings on wing size, price, and quality. 

    -Sort by rating, distance, or price.
    -Filter by: Smoking/Non-smoking, whether there is a drink special, maximum distance from user <1 mile, 1-5 miles, 5-10 miles, 10-25miles. I think anything over 25 miles might be a little bit to much data to run smooth.
    -Display could have either a map view or a list of bars with distances and street address.

    On that note, I'm starving. I'm off to go get some wings.

    1. I forgot to mention, tap the buffalo and it automatically finds the bars based on your default preferences that you set when you hit the capacitive menu button. Kind of like how you change settings for your maps app.

  81. At first glance you might think that my mockup below is just a blank canvas, but you’d be wrong! :) It’s actually what I call the multi-function white-screen of excellence. Allow me to explain, dear readers:

    1) The bright white screen acts as a flashlight AND a battery drainer! Amazing!
    2) It fights evil! Just point the good white light in the direction of evil blackness, and win!
    3) It’s a drawing pad for TEH CHILDREN! Just drag to draw! (Only color available to draw with in the free version is white; Paid version adds off-white)
    4) When you double-click the screen, it makes random FART SOUNDS and **insert popular TV show here** SOUNDS! Fantastic I know!
    5) When the Whiteness’s microphone detects you’re taking a crap, it helpfully displays an image of Jeff Goldblum, letting you know that he is indeed watching you poop, but in 3D! Note the dual front-facing-cameras on the phone. Wow!
    6) The Whiteness has excellent magic healing abilities by joining forces with the magnetic(!) compass in your phone. You’ll need this healing function on this model phone, because, as you’ll note, the CORNERS ARE SHARP, since Apple has shrewdly patented all rounded corners on rectangles.
    7) Ok Ok – I just couldn’t think of anything that would obviously win, so I decided to attempt some lame humor instead :)

    1. Dude this is awesome.  I hope I win, but if I don’t, then you should. :)

  82. My app is The HandyMan Helper, usr your camera as a tape measure. and your phone as a level and also a construction and a electcal code calculator & get help and tips and ideas.

  83. Happy Holidroid Helper:

    This app keeps you up-to-date on the latest Happy Holidroid contest. The main screen shows the name of the contest, the time it was posted, time until it’s finished, the prizes to be won, and the rules of the game. If you swipe to the right, you get a disqus comments sub-app which is the comments for the most current contest, and swiping left brings up the RSS story from the latest Phandroid post(for the secret phrase and picture contests). When a new contest has been posted, it sends you a notification(Ring! Ring! Di-Ding!), though you can set it to notify you about any posts(again for the secret phrase/picture contests).

  84. My new app would be called “The Orchestrator” and would allow you to record tracks of various instruments and create your own orchestra. Unlike an ordinary sound mixer, The Orchestrator would have features that would make it possible for you to modulate and adjust each track into whatever key, clef and time signature you wanted. It would then be able to “merge” all the tracks recorded or downloaded into a folder you create and synch them together to create an orchestra-like sound.
    Anything that can be recorded would be able to join your orchestra—instruments, voices, sounds effects, pets, car horns, etc. Your options are as limitless as your imagination. And since “The Orchestrator” can modulate your tracks into any key, you don’t have to be a musician to use this app.  
    This would be the perfect app for music students, garage band members, or the casual musician. You will be able to hear what your song sounds like before it’s recorded. You can create unique ring tones. You can even amuse yourself and your friends by taking your favorite songs and synching your voice into them, making this app a portable karaoke machine as well.
    The Orchestrator is great for all ages. “Let’s make beautiful music together.”

  85. My idea perhaps falls into the more
    nefarious category in terms of Android Apps. It’s something I’ve
    been waiting to see arrive on Android for a while and just has never
    materialized. Reality check, Bandwidth caps SUCK! Whether from your
    carrier or your home ISP. However, ISP’s are generally more…
    forgiving when it comes to bandwidth caps then the carriers. So, all
    of us have to watch our Bandwidth like a hawk on your handsets
    (Android and other smart phones alike). ICS will alleviate some of
    that, pressure.

    At any rate I digress. So, you’re
    out of town and you’re sucking your bandwidth cap down like so much
    alcohol on a Friday night. Why though? Their are a muroid of
    wireless networks to be seen in almost any reasonably populated area.
    Why waste your precious data cap when you could just sip down a bit
    of bandwidth from a nearby business. It’s foolishness, you’re
    getting charged overage’s and Momma Janes Bakery across the road
    has a WEP secured wireless network.

    If you had your Laptop? You could be
    leeching off that network in mere moments. AirCrack-NG is a software
    tool (available for Linux and now Windows), which is designed to
    easily crack WEP secured networks. Put your wireless card into
    promiscuous mode for a short time, and you’ll have their WEP key.
    A few moments later? You’re enjoying free wifi access. Now, this
    is hardly an innocent practice… but it /is/ a viable one.
    Especially for those of us who suffer bandwidth caps on our devices.

    AirCrack-NG was originally a Linux
    tool. Android is based on a Linux Kernel. There only needs to be a
    GUI interface written, and a few dependencies resolved, and we could
    perhaps be saving money. DISCLAIMER – I make no claim to the
    legality of this APP! Use it at your own risk! I’ve been dreaming
    of the day ‘Air Pirate’ showed up on XDA forums or the Market.

    It could be placed on the Android
    Market as a ‘Security Auditing’ tool. Use at your own risk, and
    you are responsible for your own actions with this software. (Photo
    of the proposed UI included people)


    Concept Art —

    PS — You will have to forgive my rather awful artwork.  I believe the concept is sound. However, I have to go to bed now… and this was done literally at the ‘last’ minute (the art work)

    For those wishing to learn more about AirCrack-NG? Here’s their website:

  86. My application called FLINGbeam (patent pending) works as a media hub that can be used to pass media to other devices. The movement of the users thumb towards a network connected device (tv, computer monitor, tablet, phone, stereo etc) would essentially beam the information onto said device. To detect which direction the informationis too be sent, the in phone gyroscope would be implemented to determine the orientation and direction pointed.
    This would be extremely useful for business presentations as users could display powerpoints, documents and spreadsheets on a larger screen in a room with a simple flick of a finger. It can also be utilized when lounging about and playing a movie or music on another device. While playing on the separate screen, the app user can browse using the in app netflix, hulu, youtube or file browser to choose which next media or document to fling onto the screen. It would be beneficial to send information to other devices without a screen as well such as a stereo (if flung to a tv or monitor, customizable designs would flick about with the music). The simplicity of aiming the mobile phone at a device and flicking the image will make it a easy and intuitive means of passing information to other pieces of hardware. FLINGbeam.
    I think this will eventually be commonplace as technologies such as DLNA gain popularity.

  87. “Incognito” (Name is still in beta mode)

    This app allows you to create a window which you can make as dark as you want so that only you can see what you are texting. You can resize the window, move it, and make it as dark as you want.


    This has many options which you get to by turning the phone in portrait.
        Egg timer
        Alarm Clock
        Count down to a nuclear bomb that’s about to go off that only you can single-   
          handedly stop

    All the while it plays this when it is approaching a certain time or when the timer is about to be up. 

    Who wouldn’t be more motivated by hearing those dramatic beeps?

    But then again maybe I’m watching too much 24…

  89. “Cam Screen” (Name is still in beta mode as well)

    This app allows you to see where you’re going as you text or do whatever it is you are doing… facebook? twitter? phandroid?

  90. This app will turn any car into a taxi cab! No more ride mooching friends, once you start up the meter it calculates distance travelled and time and generates bucks in your pocket! or use it simply as a gag app.

  91. omni

    the synchronizing, cross-platforming personal manager, is able to show the weather forecast, a user’s to-DO list, his/her messages, e-mail, and an RSS feed. Additionally, with omni, a user is able to access and read posts from all three social media sites: facebook, twitter, and google+ without leaving the app.

    Arranged in side-by-side pages of a scrolling feed, a user is able to manage and customize a feed for any situation. These custom feeds, each comprised of whatever features and information deemed important by a user, can all be easily accessed with just a quick left and right swipe. 

    omni is essential to the busy individual who cannot take the time to open up many different apps to get the weather, his to-DO list, messages, etc. Instead, omni is the definitive centralized, hub-like experience, where a user can access all of his/her core information quickly and efficiently.

    The graphics on this app mockup (besides the Galaxy Nexus, font, and photo) were made entirely by me.

    1. You have really good hand drawing skillz!

      1. The rules said nothing about having to draw it by hand. 

        I prefer Photoshop for concepts. Clean, no? :)

        1. I like it!  Very clean and professional looking.  I thought maybe you drew the phone part by hand! I should put my glasses on next time lol.

          1. Why thank you! It’s actually the first time I made one of these concepts. xD

    Social Butterfly
    The downside of Facebook is it only lets you know things about people you already know, but getting to know new people is not facebook’s strong point. Introducing SocialButterfly, a realtime public social network thats lets you meet, break the ice, and find out if someone you see in a bar is single right through your phone’s screen using your camera and an overlay of realtime status updates of other Social Butterfly users.
    Using the NFC and GPS hardware on your phone, each update is posted on the screen on top of your rear camera so you can see who’s single, taken, even someone that might need a buddy to play a game of pool or darts with.

    Imagine not having to waste time building up the courage to introduce yourself to someone new only to find out they are already taken. You can with social butterfly since you can see their public status. If they are marked as “available and looking” it can even let you send them a nudge with your basic info to see if they want to meet you back.
    It doesnt end there, people can leave notes in those public places you saw them last for others to read to find your lost connection. It is a usable real time social network for people that arent friends yet!

    Go meet someone new, try Social butterfly today!

    Hope you guys like my idea and funny artwork -Jon Ashley

  93. My app is the bLOCK Screen (aka Pong Lock Screen).  When the phone/tablet is locked, a game of Pong plays.  

    The score on the left side indicates the clock hour and the score on the right hand side indicates the clock minutes.  Whenever the ball reaches a paddle, the clock pieces are swapped out for the date.  Additional swap screens could be setup to allow the scores to show missed calls, new emails, new sms, etc. 
    When the ball reaches the opposite paddle, the date is swapped back out for the clock (or other customizable info).

    To unlock the phone, you simply swipe one of the paddles out of the way of the ball (and when the ball reaches the edge of the screen, the phone is unlocked).

    The speed of the ball would be customizable, as well as colors, orientation, etc. 

    Good luck everyone, and Happy Holidroid!

  94. I call my app “TextMail”. The idea is that you can set up your text messages to be forwarded to your email address so that in the case you’re phone is dead you can still send and receive SMS or MMS. . I would included the options to select the sender’s email address and subject line so you could mask the text as something important. That way you can send and receive text messages while at work but still look like you’re doing your work. I would even set up a website or a browser app that allows you to turn this feature on and off from you computer in case you lost your phone or it died before you could enable it.

     I realize the picture is pretty bland but I’m not a great artist and this was a pretty basic idea.

  95. my app would be a TRUE breathalyzer app put the insides of a normal breathalyzer into the phone where the microphone is on the phone and when you’ve had a couple beers/drinks you open the app and blow into the microphone piece of the phone, the higher your BAC level the higher the beer in the app raises, and you now know when you can legally and not legally operate a vehicle, and not just say “oh yeah im good to drive” APP NAME: DROIDALYZER!

    I know im not an artist but i gave it a shot haha.

  96. As far as I know, this is original. I have had this idea in my head for at least a year, and if I knew anything about Java/Android development, I would do it. So if anyone wants to help me out (I design, you code) I would be happy to!

    So, this is **Assistr**.

    A social helping app using the Google Maps API.

    You post a “call for help” with your location attached. In your post, you explain what exactly you need, and if you are willing to pay someone to help you. People in the area will see it, or get notified that you need help, and hopefully someone can help you out to make a few bucks.

    Example posts:
    “My phone died and I am expecting an important call! Micro-USB charger needed (at)
     Starbucks – $10”
    “My car battery died, I need a jumpstart (at) corner of 1st and main, blue Nissan –  $15”

    This could be a good tool, or it could be a disaster that causes people to get raped and/or murdered.

    Here is a rough sketch. I wasn’t sure if you could make it computer generated. If I could, it would look much better!

    1. This is a great idea for people who are in need help and for people who are good samaritans. I would love to see this app in the market.

    2. This is a good idea, but it has a few flaws:
      1) In order to be useful, it has to have a critical mass of users, else nobody’ll be around to respond. (you’ll just call a friend if it’s important because you can’t wait for a stranger to show up)
      2) And if there *are* a lot of users in your area, you’d need a better way to filter requests else you’ll get spammed with notifications for help.
      3) Abuse.

      There is a silver lining… it could be mis-used in a craigslist sortof way to hookup.

    3. It is illegal to use a cell phone while driving in California, Connecticut, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Washington, Washington D.C. and the Virgin Islands. Good idea, but not going to take.

  97. The Mandroid Phandroid App.

    In the future, the world is overrun by evil cats. You are an Android with great hair and who only wears V-necks. 

    Your goal is to kill all cats. The app allows you to scan V-neck shirt barcodes (only from major retailers) and change your Android’s V-neck. You may also change your Android’s hairstyle. The many combinations of V-necks and hairstyles determine your killing weapon. A sexy V-neck + good hair = lots of dead cats. A raggy V-neck with chest hair sticking out + dandruffy hair = no dead cats. There will be over 9000 levels. 


  98. My app is called “BoreDroid” because you use it when you are bored/have nothing to do. 

    This app will TELL you what to do. You press the “Give me an order” button and your  boredom will be beaten down like geeky schoolchildren during recess!! 

    For example lets say you are bored out of your mind. You press the button and you get:

    “BoreDroid orders you to watch The Dark Knight at 7:30 PM in short pump town center 2 miles from your current location. With friends or alone!” *Movie trailer automatically starts playing in glorious 4.65″ HD screen. Yes you have a galaxy nexus*


    “BoreDroid orders you to go eat the number 6 combo at McDonalds, medium fries, medium vanilla iced coffee. Closes location is at 11231 broad street. You have 30 minutes to complete the task.” *McDonals menu pops up* 

    Etc. etc. etc. So, BoreDroid will give you EXACT orders and you must follow them. It also gives you movie previews, menus, best attractions, or a general guideline/information about the topic it has ordered you to do. Every time you complete a task, it will be posted on your facebook/twitter/google+ account and you will be given points. Your points will be placed on a national scoreboard and you will be given an army rank based on how many points you have. Compete with friends and family! 


  99. Alright, so here’s the idea:

    It’s called TVSync. 

    Basically the app would consist of a browser that sync’s with Google TV hardware. It would allow you to use your phone/tablet to search for items such as youtube videos, webpages, etc or to create notes and send them to your Google TV device immediately. 

    You’d have the option to either send to google TV as a note widget on the homescreen or to immediately open in the browser/youtube. If you didn’t happen to be sitting in front of your google TV, it would open the item the next time you turned on your tv.

    Also, it would have to integrate with Google TV remote apps to include the functionality already in those. 

    Basically it would create functionality that Google TV should have had in the first place. Stuff like this is what will actually make people want to buy GTV.

  100. This app is called Map It!

    Using the growing popularity and power of social media and users’ desire to interact with each other and track their own activities, this app takes information using your Foursquare, Yelp, Facebook check-ins, GPS, and a Google map to unify tracking information.

    The push for this app besides information unification is the history ability. The places you check in more will have a larger waypoint and larger “footprints”, while the converse is true. Places you visit least will have smaller waypoints and smaller “footprints”. Using most direct routes, you can see where you’ve been going recently, where you’ve been going most often, how far you like to travel. Older history items will fade in opacity so your most recent activities will show prominently.

    The social aspect comes in when you can also add your friends and see where and when your paths collide! You can choose to broadcast your check-ins as well or hide them from the public. Information can be shared (if desired, to send anonymous data to marketers who would find great value in the data mining in advertising strategy).

    The first page shows your immediate GPS location and vicinities surrounding you. There’s a button to Check-In, see Friends, and a Zoom In/Out button. Zooming Out shows the second page, which is a macro-view of your travels and optionally your friends’ too.

    Call it fun, call it useful – but at the very least, it’s entertaining!

    1. hello, would like to delete my post now that the contest is over.

  101. YOU CAN DO IT!!!

    Positive/Negative Reinforcement App

    We all can use a little extra motivation throughout the day,
    but we cannot always bother our friends…so let the “YOU CAN DO IT!!!” app be
    your motivation. By subscribing to this app, you can receive all the
    encouragement that you may need to accomplish your daily feats.

    Getting nervous for a big meeting? Click the app for a
    motivational speech.

    Too tired to get up for the gym in the morning? Set the
    alarm for a tongue-lashing from a coach.

    Feeling down about a relationship? Click the app for a compassionate

    Or, set the program to chime in at specific intervals
    throughout the day, or specific times, to give you random motivational quotes.

    The beauty of the app is that it can be set to whatever
    style motivates you. If you respond better to negative reinforcement, then the
    program will berate you into getting the job done. If you’re more sensitive and
    require encouragement, then you can set the app for softer, positive

    I think this thing has legs! If someone makes it happen,
    please send me a Galaxy Nexus as compensation for a sweet idea!

  102. Ever wonder why does the baby cries and what it is trying to tell us?

    Hungry? Fever? Uncomfortable?These are the question arise for most of the parents.

    Fear not, CryBaby app can interpret the voice of the baby into action.


  103. Android in Motion
    -Motion App based on the internal GPS and Accelerometer.
    -Would be active by default with ability to over-ride.
    -Basically would not allow phone calls in or out (emergency 911 is allowed), email, text and other communicative type function/apps are also disabled from working.
    -Pin lockout function so parents/companies can install on childrens/employees phone so it can not be over-riden.
    -In active mode, while driving (over 8 mph), cannot use functions/apps that are distracting (preset and chosen).
    -Can be over-ridden if a passenger, on a bus, etc with a rotating logic code for the day.
    -If in an elevator, all items would still function at the GPS is not moving horizontally but vertically.

  104. Protect those who you care about the most including your significant other, kids, and pets with Total Family Protection Pro. This app installs and runs in the background and can viewed by gesture on your the unlock screen of the phone. Widget included for quick access. 

    The Wife/Husband, and the Child 1-2-3 sections give you quick access to calling or texting the other phone even their ringer is off with the phones default ring/notification tone. The Spy buttons will open up a submenu that gives you the option of Locate, listen, view activity or screenshot. The locate button turns on GPS and Network location services if they are off and brings up their location on google maps. Listen turns on the phones mic so you may listen to whats going on. View uses the phones camera to see whats going on and can be used simultaniously with Listen. Activity lets you check out what they have been doing on their phone using technologies similar to Remote Desktop.. You can see their SMS, Call log, Contacts list, browser History, and Photo Gallery, Screenshot will MMS you a shot of their screen.

    Finally there is a pet section which eliminates the needs of fencing animals in.. Requires use of Droid collar caller-monitors your pets location using GPS in the collar and GPSand mapping on your phone. Collar begin to play a special high-frequency tone which animals dislike when they approach the limits of a certain radius. As they continue to move away, the tone grows louder encouraging them to turn around and come back inside the radius.

    Drawing here

  105. Name: Easy Scheduler

    This is Purely Purpose Oriented Application; It does not have more facilities like other apps are giving but the simple one as below:

    1. Create Schedule
        1.1 Schedule  Name:
        1.2 Schedule  Time:
        1.3 Schedule  Date:

    2. Edit
    3. Delete

    Images :

  106. We all need a Bloatware remover =D

    Happy Holidroid

  107. This is my entry…

    Soon they are going to ban cell phones while driving altogether…no bluetooth, no hands free, no nothing! it will be illegal.

    My concept is called “EZ VOICEMAIL PRO” easily switch between and record new voicemail greetings with the push of a button.
    have up to 10 greetings to easily switch between at a time

    works with your carrier voicemail service and Google voice!

  108. TakeOut Android App by Justin Quach.

    Don’t want to waste time calling in to order your food? Ever have trouble communicating/ordering your favorite dishes with speakers of another language? In a jam where you can’t/dont want to speak out loud? Want your food ready to go or delivered straight to your home by the time you get home? Now you can wipe those worries away with TakeOut Android App, the mobile take out & delivery service!

    View digital Mobile Menu’s of each restaurant and order exactly what you want, hassle free! Find all your favorite types of foods such as Chinese or Pizza and order away! Have the option of paying through your credit card account, or paying later at the restaraunt or delivery person. With mobile taking over the world, use TakeOut to make life easier by putting ordering on the go!

    Options (Buttons):

    Hot Deals – Check out the latest deals that local restaurants are offering.

    Delivery – Uses GPS to locate all restaurants willing to deliver to your location (specified by your current GPS location or by postal/zip code).

    Restaraunts – Search Restaurants by name/category/nationality etc.

    Past Orders – Display where you previously ordered food from, and what you ordered.

    Favorites – Save your favorite restaurants and make ordering easier with your favorites list, with the option of saving your favorite orders too! Makes ordering food a cinch!

    *Apologizing in advance for my poor artistic skills and cheap phone camera.

    Hope you all think its a good idea, and good luck everyone!

  109. The app I would like to see is one that measures your blood pressure. The app could use the mic on your smartphone and be pressed against your artery in your wrist or elbow region to measure your blood pressure. This would be something very handy for those who have high blood pressure and they could easily keep track of their blood pressure on the go. This could also be a life saving app.

  110. Here’s my entry…. “THE FIN PHONE”I run a shark-diving project for cancer survivors. One of our sponsors recently provided some wireless memory cards, allowing us to transfer photos from inside our underwater camera housings to our Android devices to our fans on Facebook or other platforms. We can literally share our shark, dolphin, and whale pics from the boat now in almost real time (still investigating transfer from water/surface scenarios!).We need an app to make this easy. Enter…”THE FIN PHONE.” Now, we can quickly share our photos and/or access info with these customizable buttons:1) FIN – contact shark experts or share photos for species identification/tagging purposes2) FAN – share photos of our adventures with fans/followers moments after taking them3) PHANDROID – share photos with or access mobile tips from like-minded individuals on our favorite website4) FUN – access games to distract/entertain those who are too terrified to get in, seasick during the boat ride, or bleeding profusely from a shark bite! Buttons could be customized for other professions, photo utilities, or fun-seekers!

    Link (in case photo doesn’t work):

  111. Meet “URUS: Our Shelf, Your Applications”, an applications manager like no other.
    (please copy and paste in browser if link doesn’t work)


    · URUS manages all of your downloaded apps (games, widgets, tools, personalisation, books, media…etc) in one simple and clean environment, referred to as the shelf.

    · The main screen:

    o Greetings – Refers to you as your bluetooth device name

    o Summary – Displays a summary of storage space taken up by your installed apps (both internal and external)

    o Default interface – Shows apps as per category (like categories in android market). However, you are able to display all apps if that is your cup of tea. We recommend using the default look as it still shows the same breakdown when you click on it (but only limited to apps in that category. Cool eh?)

    o Able to rearrange apps as per your preferred category (default follows android market)

    o Shows a summary of your top 3 most used apps, and top 3 games played

    o Display link to the android market (hence, android market will not appear in apps list)

    o Link to supporting partners; and

    · Secondary screens (we are going to assume that you clicked games on categories in main page)

    o Shows a brakdown of your

    § installed games,

    § games progress,

    § average resources used when launching the game (CPU, RAM and battery usage)

    § current android market ratings

    o Pressing/Touching the game will launch it

    o Long pressing the selected games will shows option to delete, clear data, clear cache, and to backup and restore game (available only if Titanium Backup is installed)

    o Backup data to your Dropbox account. Will try to make this possible.

  112. Presenting the First Electronic
    “Black Book – XXX Edition”


    You’re old enough to
    have sex and you don’t want to brag but you want to keep memories or heck brag
    to a couple of the guys.  Well now you can.  You can save all the
    information available at your fingertips and relive those late night session or
    those exotic hot spots.


    This app allows you to
    answer the 4 questions! WHO you did, WHAT you did, WHERE you did it and WHEN
    you did it.  We leave out the WHY because it’s already too late…You’ve
    done it.


    You start out on the
    Search page, which gives you four predefined List options.  You can list
    the girls by Best Rating, Location, Position or specific details (all red heads
    for instance).  Then you can search in general.  After clicking one
    of these options you will be asked for a code.  


    Two code options are available, 


    Code one: The stud code
    gives open access to all of the information and the ability to add on to the
    Who, what and where information.


    Code two: The agent
    code.  This one allows you to pick a 3 digit code that when used with a
    person code allows you direct access to that person info and details but no one
    else.  Girl finds app on phone and says what’s the code, you dont’ have to
    be all secretive you can tell her 1237(7 being her personal number) and she can
    only see her stuff you have input about her.  Personal details and hidden
    pics are not available with this code.


    You can view the second
    pic that gives you the basic information and an example for each section.
     The personal details section is being worked on to refine more of what
    men want to track about their women.


    The pics section has an
    upcoming feature to view all pics or select pics in a slideshow fashion.
     It should be available about the same time as the Verizon Galaxy Nexus.


    Sponsored by Lindsey
    Lohan and Tiger Woods and of course those Guys at Phandroid

     I didn’t think to draw it on an actual screen..I did big boy drawings..sorry!

  113.  I have many friends overseas that constantly send me links and post on facebook and in emails that I cant read. This app would fix all that because all I would have to do is copy and past the url/link to get to the site translated. I’m talking translated facebook or forum posts and all. This app will do what google translate doesn’t and believe me I have tried. I’m not a programmer and not sure how it would be done or if it is even possible but I’m sure many people could use an app like this. to get an idea if you go to I cant read the comments. Some translation is possible but most things I am unable to read!

  114. I’m really thankful for this contest. It isn’t weird like the balancing one or the stop sign one, and it doesn’t require I sing or have stuff to win stuff. A piece of paper, a pen/pencil and my phone’s camera was all I needed. I’m glad I didn’t have to juggle my phone on camera while singing a popular song.

    My app is called Eye & Thread.

    It’s a Pokedex-like app and glossary powered by engineers and a community of users for the identification of animals, whether they are wild, domesticated or extinct. The main purpose would be to catalog every animal to better help people. A practical use would be identifying poisonous animals. There are 6 options so far (alpha version):

    – Upload picture:
    “I have this weird animal in my photo gallery.” Upload an existing picture to be analyzed by either the algorithm or knowledgeable users.

    – Take a picture (the eye):
    “Holy cow, what’s that strange animal?” Quick! Take a picture, so it can be analyzed in the same methods as uploading a picture.

    – Upload a Sound:
    “One time, I was in the woods, and I heard this weird call. Here, I recorded it; take a listen.” Upload a sound so that it can be identified.

    – Record a Sound:
    “I couldn’t record it when I saw it. But it kinda sounds like this: WOWOAHHSHAAAAEEEE” Try your best animal impressions and see if users or the app can understand you.

    – Threads:
    “Crikey! I know what he’s describing. It’s a wildebeest.” Find existing threads (animals that need identification) by other users and see if you can help them (basically a discussion board).

    – Search (search button or on-screen):
    “Does a lion like humans? I better go find out,” NO! Use the search option instead to find the animals database entry.

    With user input, a complex algorithm and a team of smarty pants coders/engineers, the app would build an extensive Wikipedia-like database that describes the animal in detail. You’ll see information like its taxonomic information, habitat, diet, breeding habits (bom chicka wow wow), behavior, etc. User contributed material would also be compiled into the database, or be shown alongside it. More information would help the app quicker identify an animal for you.

    The app would also have an exit feature, so no comments in the market would say “i cant find the exit stupid app wont close 1 star”.

    Feel free to steal this idea after the contest is done. I have no coding skills to make it, but I would be free for design. All I want is a tablet.

    Mama needs a new pair of gloves (seriously, I’d give them to mom; my hands can take the cold).

    Not very well done. I’m at work so I only had minutes to do this. Not an app that should be taken very seriously. More of a joke app. Sorry don’t have time to do better but I need to make penny’s.

  116. Scalamoosh Industries Presents


    Pocket Warriors is all about social gaming. The foundation of the game is turn-based strategy utilizing NFC technology between phones to initiate battles, make trades, and view friends’ unlocks. You start out with 1 of the 100 heroes chosen at random. As you battle and level up you have the ability to unlock new heroes, buffs and gear. New warriors, items, and buffs released monthly. After 1 year, and 250 heroes are released, players gain the ability to create a squad for squad battles. Players also have the ability to find and unlock special rare heroes out in the real world which will are randomly placed and found using GPS technology. Check daily to see if an unknown hero wanders into your local area!
    (_Key Features_)

    — Train your Warrior through several different mini games

    — Group online and compete in ranked matches using your regional warrior unlocks

    — Win NFC battles and score battle points to use on item and buff unlocks

    — Make trades with friends over NFC

    — Find new warriors by scouring your area map with GPS

    — Turn-based fights 1v1 or group arena battles with multiple NFC-enabled phones

    — Find local opponents using GPS

    — After 250th hero release, players gain ability to create squads and promote squad leaders

  117. This App (Google Library) acts as a virtual library as users are able to checkout books, movies, games and music after the purchase of a one year subscription.  Of course the newest releases will not be available right away but users will have access to older subscriptions of magazines, movies, etc. as new content is added. All files, including the games, are streamed so no need to download any file is required, although game data will be saved on users sd card. Thus devices need not worry about files taking up precious memory space. In addition, users will be able to place files on queue to prevent waiting during times of slow connection.  Finally, the App includes a data usage meter (meters usage during the time frame of a month) to help users keep track and prevent data overcharges.

  118. My app is simply, Bingo.  Play online or via WiFi with ya friends.  Creative, ha?

  119. Have you ever found yourself in a tough situation, where you need an answer fast?!? Well, look no further, because I’ve solved your problem..introducing a new app: Andy Says! 

    Once you download the app on your phone, and you need an answer stat, just shake your phone until Andy becomes dizzy and he will spit out an answer to your problem! 

  120. My entry is holiday based. I would call it “Yule Log Classic”

    My sketch is at

    One opened the app would play the classic “Yule Log” video loop that started airing on WPIX in NY in the 1960’s. The app would include the options for no sound, a classic loop of select holiday music included with the app, the ability to tune to various holiday themed web radio stations, the ability to sync with a local playlist, and the ability to sync with cloud playlists in Google music. You would also be able to adjust brightness within the app and download themes that are other video loops with different fireplaces available. Instructions are available in the app if you wish to film your own fireplace and put it on loop and can be done natively within the app.

  121. This is my app, its called Wish List.

    Don’t know what gift to give to your friend on this holiday or his birthday? Or on any event in general? Well its very simple, with this app you can view the list that your friends or family members made depending on what holiday they are celebrating. For example, if it is your brother’s birthday he can make a list of items that he would want to receive. This is very useful because you can see the item, how much it is cost, where to find it and much more! Once a person acquires a gift from the list, the item will appear with a checkmark meaning someone already buy it. 

    The app starts with some icons representing a holiday:
    Box – Birthday
    Wedding ring – Aniversary
    Heart – Valentine’s Day
    Candy cane – Christmas
    when you click on one of them it will slide on the right side the name of you friend or family member with his wish list.

    The last icon to the bottom right side is “in the spare of the moment” gifts just because you wanted to receive something or someone is very interested in some gift.

  122. Introducing “Working Hard” Hologram Generator. The ultimate app for getting time off of work! Make your boss think you’re slaving away while you’re in line to buy a Galaxy Nexus, or hitting the slopes!

    Limited time only, only $0.10 thanks to !

  123. My application is
    called Study Buddy and let me tell you why it is a revolutionary app. First off
    all the application is directed for college students. I being a college student
    myself know how hard it is to manage your time for studying efficiently and
    that is why if I was a developer I would create this app. The home screen of
    the app has 4 books and each book has a different purpose and use. When you
    click the first book “College, Faculties and Courses”, it will open up to a
    list of all the colleges in your country or state. After you select the one
    your studying on it will go to another page were it will have a list of all the
    faculties in that college so you can look for the courses in an organize way.
    After selecting the faculty a third page will open with all the courses in that
    faculty. Once you have select it will pop you back to the main page with the
    four books. After you have selected all your courses for the semester you can
    see the courses you are enrolled in the second book, “My Courses for this
    Semester”. This book doesn’t only show you which courses you are enrolled in,
    it also gives you some study programs that you can follow in that course so you
    can pass the course. Also there will be an option to upload your own study
    program at the end of the semester so other students can use that study program
    next year. The idea of this option is that student who got an A in the course
    can post their study program so students that enrolled next semester can see
    what it will take, and how they have to study to pass that specific course with
    a good grade. The best part is that you can rate the study program you use
    during the semester with an A,B,C,D or F. This is great because if a study
    program works and it’s good you will automatically know it by its ratings and
    you can start using it from the very first day of class. The third book it’s
    called, “My Study Schedule and Notes”. This book it’s pretty handy because it’s
    like your own personal college agenda. Here you can put up reminders of homework,
    tests, study group meetings or other stuff you consider important. Also you can
    take simple notes, like special details your professor emphasizes or things you
    think that are of essence to know about the course itself. Remember all the
    things will be organize by courses so you know exactly where to look! The final
    book it’s my personal favorite, it’s called “Friends Study Sharing”, and it
    works similar to a forum page (obviously on a much smaller and personal scale).
    It takes all the people you have in your phone contacts and all your facebook
    friends (if you have sync your facebook account with your phone) and tells you
    which one of them its taking the same course you are taking and list it under
    that course. If you select that course a forum type page will appear were you
    can post questions and answers about that specific class to your friends and
    they can do the same. So this it’s like your own on the go study group which is
    great if you ask me!

    As you can see this
    application it’s pretty handy and neat for all college students out there. It
    lets you organize all the courses you are currently taking, plus it gives you
    study programs you can fallow so you know what it takes and what you have to do
    to get a good grade in that specific course. The best thing about this is each
    study program is rated by fellow students like yourself that took the course so
    you now if a program is good or not. Also a lot of those study programs are
    made a by students that pass the course with flying colors and they want to
    share with you their secret  so you can
    pass the course with flying colors too. Plus you won’t miss any of the
    important dates of test or homework’s because you have your own personal agenda
    in there which you can customizes with your own notes. And best of all, your personal
    study group it’s always with you with the “Friends Study Sharing” book.  At home or on the go they are always there to
    help you so you know you are not alone.

    1. Is that crayon? How old are you exactly…

    2. This sounds like a really good idea, but that “College Faculties and Courses” book would be a pain in the arse to execute. I especially like the small forum idea. I’m a computer science major (freshman). If you could figure out how to actually get a database of all of the colleges, courses, and professors in America, I would be willing to help with this. 

  124. I’ll call it EbarrasStopper and it is a tool for color vision deficient people, such as myself.  You open it and it turns on your camera and gives you the option to take a photo, match or highlight.  The photo is so you can share it with a friend or significant other for their opinion.  The highlight is so it can highlight like colors in a color of your choosing so you can pick to tell what matches and what doesn’t.  The match button will draw dashed lines from one area of the screen to another where colors from materials match.  Something like this could save many embarrassing moments when you leave the house without checking and go to, say, a corporate gathering wearing clothes that just don’t match at all.

    Enjoy my $millions. :)

  125. Widget Name : “Stomach Growl”

    This is how I think a user (lets say, SHE) wud interact with the app.

    PS: The stages and arrows, represented in the image, are ONLY for reference and are meant explaining how the data flow works.

    Purpose of the App : Feed My Appetite

    Stage 1 : User selects what SHE wants to have.  Either Snacks / Breakfast / Lunch /
                  Dinner.  Appropriate option can be enabled depending upon time of the

    Stage 2 : User selects if  SHE wants a healthy option or Not-so.

    Stage 3 : User has the option of either eating out or cooking something at home

    Stage 4 : If eating out : ‘Show Restaurants’ will present the user with a list of restaurants depending on the distance selected ( BOTTOM and subsequent options will be enabled
       only after makiing a selection at the upper level.  Meaning : Stage 2 will be
       activated only after selecting an option in Stage 1 and so on.

    ** Instead, the user can be given an option of smooth swipe across the options they
       want starting from Top to Bottom. 

    In both cases, the data flow would be displayed to user as an animated selection.

    To RESET the selection, user can simply touch the node points and change the flow in an instant.

    **  All the boxed options will be available on a single screen, after launching the

  126. My app is called RESEЯVE.  It allows you to make reservations/appointments to various services such as: Restaurants, Hotels/Resorts, Automobile Dealerships, Tech Support Centers, Spas/Beauty Salons, etc.  It’s UI criteria changes depending on the type of service.  Have a look at my mockup with the listed features:

  127. This app is called DressMeUp. Have you ever wondered what you would wear for tomorrow? have you tried fixing together a combination of clothes within your wardrobe, only to come up with an outfit entirely hideous?

    Thats why you need DressMeUp. The app has a picture of you and can scan your wardrobe and organize them into categories

    You can see what you look like with a variety of different styles without even having to try them on. Just choose the combination, or let the app create a combination based on the current fashion trend

    You can also design your own clothing article and get it shipped right to your door!

    You can add and delete clothes in your library, and when your ready to get rid of some clothes, the folks over at DressMeUp will pick up your clothes and drop it off for charity!

    1. interesting idea…you’d have to take a crap load of pics though of all your clothes lol

    2. you can’t steal my idea like that! Can’t you look through the comments and see already posted ideas. Jeez!!

      Wth! You even stole my image I drew! You did not think of Nike’s by yourself.

      1.  dude i had no idea you did this…and I didnt steal anything from you. it just so happens that we had the same idea. i thought this idea was unique but we will see which one the judges like … if they decide to pick it

        1. Yeah.. it is a great idea..

  128. Hey guys here is an app called Friction. It is a simple app that uses the friction from

    the touch screen and converts it to energy which in turn charges your phones battery!

    if you use your phone alot, you dont have to worry about battery life any longer ! :D

    It runs in the background and charges everytime you touch your screen!

  129. Let me present to you the concept of “Fast Cash Pad” My app idea incorporates the new NFC (Near Field Communication) feature and would be used to withdraw money from an ATM quickly, easily, and very secure. People are always on the move, they want to be able to do things as they go, not stop and do things then go again. Which is exactly what we do when we withdrawal cash from an ATM. But what if we could use that time of “walking” to the ATM to begin the cash withdrawal process.  Insert Fast Cash Pad. With the Fast Cash Pad process, you could securely save your bank account data in your phone, then, when a withdrawal is needed the app would help you locate the closes ATM (done before, I know, but got to have this in one package). And then you can enter the amount you need, say $20.00 cash. You then hit process. Phone will verify funds are available. Then, the phone is in a waiting state and prompt the user to tap the device on the Fast Cash Pad which would be installed on the front of all ATM machines around the world. (Now that NFC is taking off).Image how much time you would save if you could process your withdrawal on the way to the ATM. Once you are in front of the ATM, you tap the device, take the cash, and go shopping! The ATM will not have to verify anything because your phone has already confirmed PIN# and that the requested funds are available. Tap, Take, and Go! With Fast Cash Pad withdrawal processing!

  130. First off, it is nearly impossible to think up an application that has not already been done in some shape way or form.  But I think that I may have thought of something.

    This is called Message Hunter.

    The idea is that a message can be placed into a physical location, and can only be read by others once they too reach that same location.

    The home screen is split into two parts, the top is designed for leaving a message.  The bottom half is a map of your current location with markers of messages that have been left behind (within the menu, you’ll be able to filter who’s messages you see ie your friends, a specific friend, or public).

    To leave a message, navigate to the location you wish a message to be left, create the message in the first field.  Select the range that is required to be within to be able to read your message. Select your Google+ circles to share with, or public, and tap on the share button.

    Google+ will notify your circles that you have created a message hunt :)

    You will also be able to select a message that you wish to track down, and a new screen will appear with an arrow pointing the way and the distance between you and your target message.

    This would be a great app to use for scavenger hunts, or to leave a message for someone special. ;-)

    Scanned Version:

  131. Baby monitor is an app you can use with an extra microphone accessory to hear if your baby is crying. Not only does it let you listen, it also gives you a visual of how loud your baby is with a series of bars from a green small bar to a red large bar.

  132. Hey guys this app is called Who’s That Actor.  Everyone comes to the point in the movie where they see an actor and can not remember who it is or what other movies they were in.  Well with this app all you do is take a picture of the actors face, and the app spits back either the imdb page or the wikipedia page of the person.

  133. Just got home from work, so I had to try and bang this one out as quickly as possible to get into this one. I could’ve done a far better job on this mock up. XD

    My app layout is extremely simple and just consists of a few drop down menu selections to get the job done. If it existed tho I’m sure alot of you guys would love it. The first screen youd get tho would be asking for Superuser permissions tho. lol ;)

    “Vanilla Addicts” is my mock up app that hopefully wins me todays contest. ;)
    Within the app itself you would select your carrier, your device manufacturer, device model and current android version on the device.
    Upon pressing [Begin] the app would then use your selections to comb thru its database then begin removing and replacing all those annoying OEM custom UIs from your device and putting it back to the Vanilla Android we all love so dearly. ;)
    At the bottom is a terminal window so you can watch it in action. :)
    If only you really existed…… :(


    I would call this app “Daily Checklist”.
    It’s an app that I would run every day before I go to work so that I wouldn’t forget anything. It would help me remember things like my keys and my wallet.

  135. Here’s an app for people who just can’t seem to get it straight. 
    Home screen items:

    Wall: Framed paintings and photos can help make a living room into a showplace… but a small tilt can ruin the whole effect. Next time you have a new frame to add to the mix, just pull out your phone, launch the app, and put it in Wall mode. Using the accelerometer and camera, the phone detect which frames need adjusting and by how much.

    Furniture: Moving things around and not sure you got it just right? Your phone can help. Works best if you can manage to take a picture from above, unless your phone has a 3D camera.

    Chairs: Ever notice how when people leave a meeting in a conference room the chairs never wind up properly placed around the table? Chairs mode will help you put them all back and confirm that they are properly aligned and evenly spaced.

    Park: Put the camera on the dashboard facing out the window as you pull into the parking space. Arrows appear on the screen, along with voice prompts, to help make sure your parking job is perfectly straight — right between the lines and perfectly parallel.

    It’s the app all OCDs have been waiting for: Angle Retentive!

    Market comments: “I didn’t realize my Rembrandt was off by 0.37 degrees. Now I’ll no longer be embarrassed!”

  136. SimDrive
    Augmented reality that takes advantage of the large screen on your android phone or tablet and camera. With your phone or tablet attached to your windshield and camera showing the road ahead, SimDrive will show you directions to your destination overlaid onto the road on your screen. You can choose to have certain layers added including showing businesses you want ie gas stations, restaurants with information coming up in real time. You can add Google search results onto the AR screen as well. So search for the best restaurants in your city and they will start overlaying onto your real time map.

  137. So you get hungry and start browsing or and find some AMAZING recipes. But alas, you have no champagne soaked water chestnuts or bree encrusted carrots. With “What’s in my fridge” you can keep an inventory of ingredients YOU have available and it will search all of the major recipe websites to find compatible recipes. You’ll only see what you can ACTUALLY cook. “Heart” recipes you like into your digital cookbook and add YOUR OWN recipes to your digital cookbook. It’s a recipe app BY you and FOR you.

    -On a side note, I REALLY WANT A GALAXY TAB 7.0 PLUS! I am a HORRIBLE artist and I really came out of my shell for this contest. Even stick figures are tough for me.

  138. server/client app

  139. Is your phone usually on silent? What do you do if you can’t find it?


    With Phone Phinder, you can set up your phone so you can dial your phone +474 and it will turn your phone’s volume on! You’ll be able to find it in no time, unless your dog ate it. You can use the app to turn your phone’s volume on from any touch tone phone, pay phones, even yucky iPhones!

    Does your friend have the same app? You can use it to call your phone instantly! Just make sure you click on the option. 

    Stay tuned for the next update, you’ll be able to make your phone ring even if it was turned off! Yes! It will turn your phone on and set the volume to max! It’s pretty much magic. 

    Thank you Phandroid, if I am the lucky chosen one please email me at [email protected]

  140. My app is simple…. Notify you whenever a new Phandroid article is posted, and has the extra bonus of helping you win contests such as the Happy Holidroid. It allows you to enter phrases and upload images to search for in articles that have been received. Never know what those might come in handy. ;)

  141. The app I created is called “My Phone 101”. I sell phones to people all day and I have to say that I am surprised that there’s not an app that shows people how to use there phone. This is the app that will show them.

  142. Just in time for making your New Year’s Resolution, I present the HABIT BREAKER.
    Most New Year Resolutions fail because most try to do too much at once and lack a specific plan. For example: “I’m going on a diet, exercise more, give up smoking & drinking”…noble goals, but doomed to fail.
    To successfully change one’s habits, you have to make small, incremental changes in your life.
    For example, I resolve to give up my daily Starbuck’s Frappuccino habit…cutting that out will save me some money and reduce my calorie intake. This app will track my progress with measurable results.

    The main screen is divided into 3 areas:

    1) My Habit: this is where the habit is stated with the quantity and frequency that it happens. In this example drinking a Frap each day. 

    2) My Motivation: These are the measurable results of not indulging in my habit. In this example cutting calories and saving money. This can be configurable with each habit. 

    3) My Log: This is where you log if you indulged in your habit and it would also show a summary of progress. 

    The app would allow to set a goal by time (30 days) or by motivation (until I lose 5-lbs); in theory after reaching the goal, you would also break the habit. It would of course offer a widget and notifications. 

  143. Here’s my entry, and an actual app I would like to develop once I learn how.

    Hypnosis Path (take UI, etc. and make available to anyone wanting to do courses tied into uploading videos/audio for review).Watch videos and read articles teaching hypnosis and various techniques and methods. Each video is anywhere from 30 minutes to an hour. The student has the ability to record a video and upload it via the app (or desktop browser if they’d rather do it that way) for review by the instructor(s). Written quizzes also available, with retest options (changing to different questions to avoid memorizing the answers on the second try). Either pay per video/lesson or pay small fee for the app with a larger certification fee at the end. Framework can be made available to other instructors/schools for use with other subjects.

  144. My app is called “Home Automater 4.0+”

    It does everything in your home for you, like turning on the lights, opening and closing doors, running the dishwasher, laundry machine and dryer, and turning on and off your computers, fans, TVs, and fireplaces.

    The app is a screen of widgets, any of which can be added to your home screen. It has a TV remote, a map of the house with icons for all of the lights and doors, so you can tap them to turn on/off and open/close. It has a security camera viewer, so you can see your home, and has widgets for the laundry machines and dishwasher, so you can set the temp. and time, and run them, right from your android device. This is great for on the go, so you can make it look like you’re home by turning the lights on, or turn off the bathroom light you forgot to turn off when you left. You can also control your thermostat, Garage door, fridge temp., circuit breaker, and much more. This app would look great on tablets, and you can customize the interface, like add widgets you use often, and remove ones you don’t. You can re-size them and move them around. It also has a button to remote-access your PC, and schedule recordings on your DVR.

    This app would be the gateway to your life. It could do anything you need done around your house! It can even do the laundry! (but not fold it. :)

    Hope you like my app!

  145. My app is to help out for all of the fashion challenged, and also for those of us that just need some help on certain occasions.

    The app is called “Dress Me”

    On the home screen there are 5 buttons:

    1 – Add Clothes – this allows you to add all of your clothes (pants, tops, dresses, skirts, etc), shoes, belts, jewelry.  Clothes can be added by taking a picture – the app will then interpret color and item; or you can manually add info like type, color, size material, etc; or if it is a brand new item – scan the manufacturer’s barcode and the data will be automatically loaded.  Clothes are sorted by type, and can then be sorted again by a number of other categories – summer/winter – color – size – formal/informal

    2 – All About You – this is where you enter your profile – gender/height/weight/shoe size/all clothing measures (bust/waist);  This is also where your wardrobe is stored, so you can browse what you have.

    3 – Dress Me – this is where you ask the app what to wear – you tell it what kind of event you are going to – formal/informal – casual/business – a job interview would be a great example.  Plus – you would add in the expected weather to know what kind of clothes would work.  The app has built in fashion rules – so no stripes & polka dots together.  It will suggest clothes from your wardrobe, along with shoes, that would work for where you are going.  
     – If you have part of an outfit already selected – like I want to wear these pants – you can enter that info & have the app suggest the rest.  
    4 – Accessorize – This part of the app will suggest additional accessories like jewelry, purse, cufflinks, etc – based on what you are wearing & the event

    5 – Fashion Rules – this let’s you add in your own special rules.  Maybe you refuse to wear red & black together – so that can be added in.  When you hit ‘Dress Me’ – the app will add this into consideration.

    I know I could definitely use this!!! :)

  146. My app is called “Do Over” and like the name implies, it lets you turn back time so you can do it over.

    How many times have you done something completely stupid and would die for a second chance. You get that with “Do Over”!

    Said something horrible to a spouse, boyfriend, girlfriend, your kids…. done something idiotic… Well now you can turn back the clock and just NOT do it.

    Also this app is great for helping you win phandroid contests where the first right answer wins the pile of prizes!

    The free version of the app will turn back time for a maximum of 5 minutes. If longer “Do Overs” are needed, then the paid version is only $10.99. Such a steal!!

  147. Android is supposed to be great at multitasking, so why not make it even better! All it needs is a way to run multiple apps side by side. Sure, the screen may be a little small to do it on a smartphone, but tablets have plenty of screen real estate. But even with phones, it helps for faster switching between multiple applications, and allowing you to view two app screens simultaneously.

  148. My app is called Register my Tech.  This is an app designed to register any product you buy to help you with the company to help you with warranty information.  You would have to enter your contact information one time. Then each time you get something new you want to register, you simply snap a picture of the box, specifically the area showing the serial number and such.  It will automatically recognize the brand and register the product using the information you have entered about yourself.  You will also take a picture of the receipt so you have the copy of that. If you ever update the “My Information” part, it will update your records with all the companies.  If you ever need to claim a warranty problem, it will have all the company contact information for you to expedite the process.  I can’t think of how many times I have blown off the registration part of a new toy only to have a problem with it in 8 or 9 months and not be able to claim the warranty.  I feel like an app like this would make things so easy to register that I would do it for everything!  Happy holidroid to all!

  149. Here is my App. “How to Win the Holidroid contest!

  150. My app is called RIGHT-NOW! It is for finding the newest information or websites that just launched and haven’t been listed in major search engines or have not been marketed or has none to very low traffic yet.This app will remember past search history.On the 1st page you enter the info or item you want to search,the dates from and to and hit enter.RIGHT-NOW!would then search out only the websites or info between the dates,and list all the links that comply with that search.RIGHT-NOW! Would be good for people who are tired of coming up with the same answers ie:Bing Google Yahoo etc. It is also helpful to new website owners who are not successfully marketed or little to no traffic.

  151. Holiday Holidroid Competition 12/14/2011

    My program is called Key-chain.

    It will replace all keys and frequent shopper tags in optimal conditions. There are four main sections of the screen.

    The first main section is a key, this is the main functionality of the
    software. The key will become active when the phone is near an
    accessible NFC lock. This lock could be at your home, work, car, etc.
    When the active key is pressed it will then open up the face unlock
    software to ensure the person holding the phone and ultimately entering
    the door is the person it should be. You can also change a lock if
    permitted by its administrator to allow non-face unlock. Non-face unlock
    allows entry with the phone still in the users pocket. This second
    scenario may prove more beneficial determined by the user and doorway.

    The second section can be found in other software. This is a replacement
    for the frequent shopper cards that every store has now.

    The last key-chain item is a picture frame. This can be linked to a
    local directory or an online photo service such as Flickr, picasa, or a
    Dropbox directory.

    There is also a easy to find add button to add a new key, tag, or
    picture frame source. The settings are also accessible from the addition
    symbol. One neat feature is that the program is fully theme-able. The
    keyring, types of keys, shopper tags and picture frames can all be
    easily changed to a style that fits you.

    1. Here is the same image, just a different link so you don’t need to be signed into google+

      This time its Flickr 

  152. Sorry, picture was not included in first one :(

  153. Type your zip code in the tray and get a list of restaurants in your area. Click on the restaurant and see alll the pictures of their food! EyeCandy! EyeFood!!!

  154. Here is my App. “How to Win the Holidroid Contest!
    It is on a life size galaxy nexus.

    The 3 options are:

    1: Click to Win Holidroid Contest!

    2: Chris Chavez – Free V-Neck of the Day

    3: Go to Phandroid.

    1. Here are some more pics. I didn’t know if I could post more than one while the contest was open. :p


    Unleash the exciting new game, OS Fighter Mobile Edition!

    A fighting game with mobile phone operating systems icons such as the popular Android, iOS, webOS, Windows, Blackberry, Symbian, and others!

    Battle against the computer or against your friends over the internet!
    Customize your character to your liking! 

    Level Up and unlock power ups to support the OS of your choice!

    What are you waiting for? Get gaming!

  156. *Expired No More

    Have you ever been out shopping at the grocery store for produce, meat, milk, eggs, bottles of sauce, herbs, only to come home and find you already had them sitting at home? This highly effective and useful app will help you track and sync items you already have at home. You can scan items manually via Barcode Scanner as you stock your fridge, freezer, or pantry. OR if you use Google Wallet to checkout at the grocery counter, Expired No More will update your database automatically.

    You can search your database with keywords, or have them categorized per product. The database will save when you entered/bought the item and you can set the “Best By” or “Best Used By” date yourself. Expired No More will alert you if you have any expired items and how many are close to being expired (you can set how far in advance).

    This simple yet awesome tool is perfect for families or those who live with roommates and share living space. Add a friend to sync up your home database so that you both don’t come home and stare at each other in disbelief when you both bought a loaf of bread. Fewer extra groceries = money saved! That’s a win for everybody.

  157. The name of the app is hOf which stands for Have Outside Fun, awkward wording but the abbreviation sounded better. This app encourages people who have free time on their hands to spend it outside. It recommends local activities such as going to the  zoo with your kids, bike riding with a significant other, yoga classes in the park, or even going kayaking with a friend. 

    hOf uses a learn as you go technology in which it filters those activities that don’t suit you or you personally don’t have a fancy for. The home screen, as seen in the picture, displays the current day’s weather and at first has one single bubble in the center. If you choose to do an activity on your own simply press ‘Go Outside’ and based on the day’s weather and your preferences towards activities it will suggest the best possible solution. The app will also include weekly events such as a 5km run or a sponsored lunch in the park in these suggestions. 

    If you choose to do an activity with someone else simply put two fingers on the circle and split them apart. A new circle will form which will ask who you will be bringing along if it is a friend, child, or significant other. hOf will suggest activities according to the party and also be able to create events through social media websites. 

    What is also interesting is a tab in which you adjust what you want your budget to be allowing for the results to go within those guidelines. One nice feature that is included in budget will be prices for park entrances, bike rentals (in gaining your information the app will learn if you do or do not have a bike), or any other fees you may face. 

    1. Not sure if this was clear but the app would be seasonal and base the results on our location with varied distance preferences. Hope this reply doesn’t disqualify me :(

  158. The app is a search app. If you see someone you know, but you can’t remember, you sign in and take a picture of them. It searches your friends pictures and uses facial recognition to find what their name is. I think I’d call it, Hey… You!

  159. My app is called look.  Its an app that uses the camcorder/camera function to help you find a person or object.  For instance if your were trying to find your wife or girlfriend in a crowded theater you would simply select her pic under contacts, then simply aim the camcorder/ camera at the crowded theater and the scan the room.  The app would then alert you whenever it found someone who matched the selected persons appearance..It uses facial recognition.

  160. This application is called Medium.  

    Basically, you select your media format (video, standard news articles, music, radio broadcast, etc) and then select the category (tech, art, politics, green, economics, etc) and it will bring you the most current things that match your selections.  

    It also learns your patterns over time (data mining or you personally teaching it) so you can use the Usual button to just have it bring you things it thinks you’ll like.  

    Or hit surprise me for something completely different!  

  161. My app is called My phone 101, which basically show new users everything about there phone.

  162. APP:

    App Name: Unified Tasks
    Function: To-Do, Calendar, Scheduler, organize

    The primar purpose of this app is to assist in organizing the users life. Unlike other “to-do” apps, this one presents your tasks in a “Tree” and allows you to divide multiple sets of tasks into tabs (e.g. Work, School, Development, etc.)

    The app would employ visual graphics and 3D effects to make use fun and interesting. Alongside the many modules and drag-and-drop features, its intended to encourage use instead of making organization seem tedious and the app boring.

    Android Integration:

    One thing that makes using organization apps so tedious is the need to constantly switch back and forth between it and everything else you do when you need to create new tasks or update existing ones.

    Unified Tasks would add a long-press option accessable in any app to easily create or access existing tasks and update their status without ever switching to the app. (Long press, select Unified Tasks, select preferred task, update using visible options).

    In addition, the app would include a gesture to make switching from the app quick and easy allowing you to get back to what you were doing quickly when you do need to open the app.

    The Modules:

    There are four (4) modules: Maps, Calendar, Detail, and Date/Time/Reminder. 

    The Maps module would integrate with Google Maps (app) and would allow you to directly navigate the app from within Unified Tasks. Locations searched can be touched and linked to your tasks to easily add address or location info. This would be done with buttons or dragging a “pick whip” (like a line tool) over to an existing task in the tree.

    The Calendar module would integrate with your Google Calendar. All tasks can be added to your calendar as events. Locations added to tasks would naturally be available in Google Calendar for regular use.

    The detail module allows you to add notes, images and other details, including links to open other apps, to the task. Images can be navigated by swiping left or right over the image.

    The Date/Time/Reminder module allows for adding scheduling information, including notes and a deadline.

    The module section would be available on the right side of the screen and can be expanded for full screen use. This is useful when using the maps module or inputting notes in the detail module. Each module is collapsable and can be expanded by clicking on it. Modules can be rearranged.

    The Tree:

    All tasks visible in the tree can be color coded and rearranged by long pressing which activates the ability to move the icons around freely, like home screen icons but without grid restriction. Tree links can be rearranged as well. 

    There would be seperate cuszomizable visual effects for stages of the task (e.g. Completed would have a strike-through the icon and/or text, or your icon can turn red).


    Tasks would be sharable through social sites such as Facebook and Google+. The app would also include a free account based service that allows you to access your tasks from any Android Device or Browser (cloud storage).

    Unified Tasks will be available in the Android Market (as soon as my dreams come true).

    [email protected]

  163. *Expired No More

    Have you ever been out shopping at the grocery store for produce, meat, milk, eggs, bottles of sauce, herbs, only to come home and find you already had them sitting at home? This highly effective and useful app will help you track and sync items you already have at home. You can scan items manually via Barcode Scanner as you stock your fridge, freezer, or pantry. OR if you use Google Wallet to checkout at the grocery counter, Expired No More will update your database automatically.

    You can search your database with keywords, or have them categorized per product. The database will save when you entered/bought the item and you can set the “Best By” or “Best Used By” date yourself. Expired No More will alert you if you have any expired items and how many are close to being expired (you can set how far in advance).

    This simple yet awesome tool is perfect for families or those who live with roommates and share living space. Add a friend to sync up your home database so that you both don’t come home and stare at each other in disbelief when you both bought a loaf of bread. Fewer extra groceries = money saved! That’s a win for everybody.

    **** Sorry my previous post couldn’t upload the photo. I hope that’s okay!

  164. My app is called “Best Day To…”

    Its a service that calculates trends in prices and discounts including online discounts/coupons to inform you of the best day to do something. Whether that something includes shopping, leisure activities or the best day to buy gas or best day to pay bills if you are a little short on funds that week.

    Tag email to sync with service to keep bills and due dates organized. Input account # for phone bill for example to have service keep updated info and push notifications.

    Also keep updates about car maintenance for notifications to check tires, refill fluids, etc.

  165. Ugh, how could I have missed this one

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