
Add +Phandroid to Your Circle on Google+!


With today’s launch of Google+ pages, we immediately wanted to get Phandroid up and going on the service. If your heart so desires you can now add us to your Google+ Circles. Alongside alerting the masses with periodic posts regarding original content and big news, we may even host a hangout here and there.

Click here to access our profile and find the red “Add to Circles” button in the upper right corner. Many of our editors are also on Google+, as well! I can be found here, Rob is here, Chris is here and Kevin is here.

And while you’re at it, why not like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter if you’re members of those particular social networks? Our Facebook is used a lot like how we will use Google+ and Twitter is where you can find every single piece of news and every review we post as soon as they come in. What are you waiting for? Get going!

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

Google Launches Google+ Pages and Google+ Direct Connect

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  1. Can’t make me. :)

    1. Actually we can. Just did. Check your Google+… Phandroid is now in your Android Circle.

      1. Damn, busted.

  2. Lemme think.. no

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