
Samsung GT-I9003 Goes Official as Samsung Galaxy SL, Super LCD Isn’t the Only Difference


Earlier this morning some fresh rumors rolled in about the Samsung GT-I9003, a phone that was said to be a Super LCD touting version of the Samsung Galaxy S. Turns out those rumors were pretty accurate, as the Samsung Galaxy SL has gone official. The phone does indeed replace the original Galaxy S’ Super AMOLED with a Super LCD display, but that’s not the only change.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

The much-praised 1GHz Hummingbird processor has been switched out in favor of a 1GHz TI OMAP 3630. chip, the phone is only available in a 16GB flavor, and it ships with Android 2.2. It gets a larger 1650mAh batter but increases in overall phone thickenss as well. Instead of the Galaxy S’ quoted 9.9mm the SL is 10.59mm.

The phone is only listed on Samsung’s sites in the Middle East and Asia, and there is no confirmation if the SL will in fact outright replace the Galaxy S in many markets. Hopefully more info will come on that soon (but it might wait until MWC).

[via GSMArena]

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  1. “but it might weight until MWC” – Um, “weight”? Really? Hmm, I thought these phones were pretty light. Try “wait.” ;)

  2. Different processor and screen… SuperAMOLED and Samsung own processors for the Galaxy S2.

  3. The main difference between the Hummingbird and the TI chip is that the GPU is a SGX530 instead of the powerful SGX540.

  4. It’s Samsung, who cares…

  5. Nothing is worse then someone correcting grammar or incorrect spellings. Please stop, you are not better than everyone else and I’m sure you make mistakes every now and then.

    Thank you.

  6. Nothing is worse than someone complaining about someone correcting grammar or incorrect spellings. Please stop, you are not better than anyone else and I’m sure you correct people every now and then.
    Thank you.

  7. Nothing wrong with correcting grammar. Nothing is worse than ganging up on those who are correcting grammar. It’s their right to do so.

  8. Samsung can go die in a fire for all I’m concerned.

  9. Samsung doesn’t expect to be able to manufacture enough SAMOLED screens for the S2 and the S? I seriously doubt the S2 will have a Hummingbird processor, maybe they’re converting their plant to the Orion.

  10. Complete meme fail. You screwed it up at the end. I noticed it, so therefore I am no better than you. Oh, and you lost the game.

  11. I was referring to Almos. Cheers.

  12. It’s ashame; great company, great phones, loser management!

  13. where the hell is the flash?

  14. Wow so the galaxy s supposed upgrade has a slightly slower proccesor and a far worse GPU? what are these guys thinking? ?? This can not be right

  15. The OMAP 3630? Really. Wow. They coulda stuck with the Hummingbird. What will be interesting is to see if the bootloader is gonna be locked like the Droid X and 2.
    It will look bad if is isnt for ppl that need an unlocked bootloader.

  16. I think the information about the processor might be wrong. The source article on gsmarena you point to in turn points to a spec on gsmarena, which now reads that it contains a hummingbird.

  17. Álmos wrote on February 2, 2011

    “Nothing is worse than someone complaining about someone correcting grammar or incorrect spellings. Please stop, you are not better than anyone else and I’m sure you correct people every now and then.
    Thank you.”
    –Actually, if a journalist doesn’t have correct spelling and grammar, what do they have? What are you going to do next, defend engineers who can’t do math?

  18. Now if we could only get that 1650 mAh imported to North America for our current Galaxy S’.

  19. I’m surprised this got the Galaxy label. SuperLCD≠SuperAMOLED I guess it’s a more budget conscience Galaxy, and it does start dealing with a big complain about Galaxy S phones by having a larger battery. I’m sure Sammy has more up their sleeve.

  20. Good hardware + no source code + no software support = no more samsung for me.

    They make beautiful devices but for people like me and most of you who love custom roms samsung isn’t the best pick. For the average consumer it’s perfect. And that is who they care about. Not so much us. :( poor behold 2 (thanks to BH_Man,/Eugene 2.2.1 might be possible)

  21. Good hardware + no source code + no software support = no more samsung for me.

    They make beautiful devices but for people like me and most of you who love custom roms samsung isn’t the best pick. For the average consumer it’s perfect. And that is who they care about. Not so much us. :( poor behold 2 (thanks to BH_Man/Eugene, 2.2.1 might be possible).

  22. Boycott Samsung.

  23. Learn to spell. I like what one person said about journalist having grammar skills is like an engineer having math skills :)

  24. Nothing worse than someone who’s correcting someone who’s correcting someone’s grammer only to turn around and bitch about their right to correct sumones grammor.
    Damn you whiny little bitches.

  25. Is the about english 101? Haha.

  26. They should stop making new fill in phones.. and concentrate on upgrading software and staying up to date with android latest goodies for their current phones!

  27. Samsung is awesome! Thanks DocRomBone ver 9.1.4_XWJSE and Hardcore K12T ‘cold’ 500hz!

    I feel bad for the ‘normal’ people who h8 because they don’t want to root… To each their own I guess.

    My next phone will be a Sammy if I even need another phone anytime soon. The next phone has HUGE shoes to fill that’s for sure!

  28. How come the epic, which has been out for months longer than the new Galaxy S, doesn’t have Froyo? NO Customer support.. No more samsung for me..

  29. Does the GPS work?

  30. All these people talking about correcting others are just nerds with low self esteem. This is a blog, not the NY times, mistakes are made get the f out of here. And if you so choose to correct someone then do it in a non-condescending manner and not like an a-hole, to give your self a short lived boost in self-esteem and attention.

  31. Should’ve also the screen 0.3″ bigger diagonally, upped the camera to 8P and called it the Galaxy X

  32. Also, is the difference in GPUs between the OMAP3630 and Hummingbird really that great? According to Smartbench, Epic 4G on 2.2 gets a productivity benchmark of 1127 and a graphics benchmark of 2629 while the Droid 2 Global gets a productivity benchmark of 1223 and a gaming benchmark of 2178. Sooo slightly better productivity (day-to-day tasks and slightly worse GPU).

  33. @ Ace Curry

    That is what the Galaxy S (next generation) will have come Feb 13-14 in Spain.

    The phone will be made out of duralumin.

  34. Nothing is worse than feeding the trolls and grammar nazis for numerous additional off-topic posts. It is diluting the thread and distracting to those who just want to read about how much samsung sucks.

  35. LOL! Very true Michael. Ahem, Samsung sucks!

  36. Dang it, Mr. Meme!! You suck! Made me lose The Game!! :(

  37. The Samsung Galaxy S is by far the best phone I’ve owned, I’ve had a nokia N70 (Symbian OS), a Samsung i900 (Windows OS) among the last few. We now have 4 Galaxy S phones in the family.
    The problem seems to be the users, not the phones. Most people can’t be bothered to learn how to use their mobiles.
    If you buy a new mobile read the instructions as you use it. Study the phone and experiment on it. Only then you will enjoy the full potential of your phone.

  38. @TK For making me laugh. I grant you a 1up. Enjoy the game.

  39. @Micheal Lol, funny. For the use of the term grammar nazis.. 1up 4u, but no soup!

  40. Oops… Michael. Good thing I am not a journalist

  41. The phone will be made out of duralumin.

  42. So what is this, a Samsung Galaxy Spica SL?

    You can bet your arse at that price it will forever be stuck on 2.2.

    Samsung you can blow me.

  43. Its a great phone i’m lovin it

  44. fantastic phone

  45. samsung should not produce this phone cause the up coming galaxy s2 is gonna blow all of them.

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