
More iOS Games (Jet Car Stunts, Mega Jump) Head to Android


I said before to expect more and more games to head to Android as the platform continues to grow and as more iOS developers start to realize the untapped potential of the games section in the Android market. That momentum continues with the announcement of two new games coming to Android that were once only available for iPhone, iPod Touch, and iPad devices.

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One such game is Mega Jump – which we’ll call a Papi Jump clone (we’ve got to give love to our Android faithful developers) – and will find its place in the Android market in the next couple of weeks. I’ve included footage of the iPhone version below to give you an idea of what to expect.

The other game – Jet Car Stunts – has also been available for iOS for quite some time and will be coming with OpenFeint support in tow (meaning you can go up against the scores of iOS users, not just Android users.) It’s a thrilling obstacle racer that sees the driver making insane jumps and maneuvering around an airborne track until they get to the finish line. The gameplay does look quite fun, but I can’t judge that without having played it. Unfortunately, it’ll probably be a while before we get a chance to see what it’s all about as we’ve only been given a broad launch date of “by the end of the year.”

What do you guys think of these games based on what you’ve seen here? [via TalkAndroid 1|2]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Mega Jump is more of a Hyper Jump clone. Or maybe it’s the other way around.

  2. Um wow Jet Car looks sooooo stupid…….

  3. Hyper Jump is most definitely a Mega Jump clone. It came out well after we released Mega Jump, and essentially re-created the gameplay of Mega Jump in surprising detail, with slightly altered graphics. We’re hoping people will enjoy the real deal when it arrives!

  4. yes sir they are, and even more are coming. I for one don’t mind paying 2-6 bucks for a really good game, but what I do mind is paying 5 bucks for a reworked half arse version of an iOS game which is most of them in the market now.

    So bring it on iOS devs, I have cash to spend!!

  5. @Brad 2: I thought jet car looked awesome!

  6. Also Unblock Me from the iOS is finally on Android. I wrote the bastards tons of emails and they finally fucking realized that Android was a worthwhile operating system to show their wares on.

  7. I end up buying just about every game that comes over from iOS. Just chiming in, there definitely is untapped potential like the article says.

  8. Yeah if anything papi jump is a clone of Doodle Jump. And i agree i own all these games on my ipod so as soon as they come over to Android i scoop em up

  9. I think Trackmania for Android would be a killer game.
    I’ll take jet car for now.

  10. There is a grip of games on their way and I couldn’t be happier about it as long as they are good quality games whether original or ports of iOS games.

    iOS devs just be sure to take some care when porting your games to Android! We enjoy high quality games too, don’t rush through the process!

  11. Christ I spend too much time on my site I’m even starting to use it as my name

  12. As long as they are solid quality ports (or original games for that matter) iOS devs can keep bringing their goodies to Android. There are a ton on the way and I couldn’t be happier…much more broke but happier!

  13. When can we get Tapulous to bring the Tap Tap line over. I’d pay big money to play those. Jet car stunts and Mega Jump will do for now though

  14. Both are incredibly addicting games.
    I’ve taken it upon myself to gold medal all of the Jet Car Stunts levels (some are insanely difficult) and even though I reached level 10 on Mega Jump, I still want to unlock all the powerups. Brad 2 is incredibly wrong.

  15. <—-thinking that ios devs are finally realizing that there is going to eventually be more money developing for android!

  16. Cool games but where’s angry birds on the market?

  17. Jetcar looks really dumb. I wouldn’t want to even try it. The mega jump is somewhat interesting, but what is up with iOS users and coins? I find Abduction! much funnier.

  18. @Vlad. This is one of the best games on the iPhone, there’s hours of gameplay and very fun to play. Just google the reviews of the game when it was released and you will realize how special the game is.

  19. I’d like to see some Amiga games on Android, such as Stunt Car Racer.

  20. Jet Car Stunts looks interesting.

    Already having Hyper Jump it’s hard to see why I might also get Mega Jump. But those without will at least have the choice :-)

    I want a decent RTS! iOS get’s C&C type games and we have very little..

  21. earn 500 megapoints by entering the freind’s code:

  22. Jet Car Stunts is hands down one of the best ios games, can’t wait till it hits Android… and I hope the gameplay is just as smooth.

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