
TCL Announces First Android-Based TV Headed for China


It’s no Google TV, but electronics manufacturer TCL has unveiled their own set powered by the Android to become the first on the Chinese market. TCL has been developing this one for quite a while, dating all the way back to 2008 when Android was but a fresh young lad. The new TV is getting all that you might expect including internet browsing, video-on-demand services, and the Android Market, but also allows for deeper integration of the entire home entertainment experience.

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Similar to the announced Harmony Link for Google TV, users will be able to control all of their devices from TCL’s Android-based TV, and there are even plans to bring control systems to future smartphones and MIDs produced by TCL. Interestingly, the televisions, which were designed for release in China, may get a delay in release because of censorship laws. Provided it does see the light of day it could become a good alternative to Google TV considering the Chinese governments long list of reasons why they don’t like Google.

[via ChiniTech]

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  1. GoogleTV = Android + Chrome Browser
    Chrome Browser requires V8 javascript engine
    V8 only works on x86 processors

    No GoogleTV on ARM CPU’s for now. That’s why Intel is partnered with GoogleTV.

    Hoping for ARM port of V8 so we all can have cheap GoogleTV in the future.

  2. V8 is part of froyo now.

  3. I just hope that the average joe doesnt start thinking that this is really google tv. I watched the entire keynote on google tv and it is so much more than just android on a tv.

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