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Phandroid Newsletter – WIN A CLIQ


Do you love Android? Then sign up to the Phandroid VIP Newsletter in the top right sidebar! It’s hard to keep up with the news – heck, I run and have trouble staying in the loop with all the Android developments. So every Monday we’ll send you a summary of the previous week’s important happenings… a round-up of sorts. We’ll also overview changes to the Announced/Upcoming/Rumored Android Phones and suggest new applications launched the previous week you may want to check out.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Then there is the VIP stuff. On October 18th we’ll randomly select one member who will win a Motorola CLIQ! Actually, to make it easy, we’ll just PayPal you $199 but it’s the thought that counts, right? What should REALLY interest you is what the newsletter will include on weekly basis. Some of the opportunities you’ll have as a Phandroid VIP Newsletter Club Member:

  • Contests available only to newsletter members (like the CLIQ contest!)
  • Invites for upcoming Android Applications in Beta
  • Special coupons for discounts and accessories
  • Exclusive content and info
  • Weekly news round-ups as stated above

I think this will be a GREAT opportunity to keep a lot of you folks to stay informed who don’t have the time to read EVERY article EVERY single week. We’ll just drop it in your inbox and you’re all good – plus hooked up with extra goodies along the way.

Thanks for reading, hope you subscribe and we’ll talk to you soon!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

UPDATED: Motorola Tao (Sholes) Screen And Battery Pics Leak

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  1. This is great, Rob! Thanks!

  2. sounds great rob, will sign up!

  3. are people in the UK eligible?

  4. @Jay – Sure. It’ll be paid out via PayPal so anyone who is a registered VIP Newsletter Member will be eligible.

  5. are people in germany eligible?

  6. well, took me to long to ask that question, got my answer now. Thanks!
    I’m curious who will sell the CLIQ in germany and for how much

  7. Looking forward to the Beta stuff!
    It’s great you care about us readers so much, Rob.

  8. Great I love Moto Cliq

  9. G2G! Looking forward to that CLIQ! XD

  10. Done and Done

  11. Awesome. Thanks!

  12. I love it, PayPal’in 199 instead of actually getting us a CLIQ?! You’re an awesome dude. :-)

  13. Hey Rob…….U alright??? about at the 1:48 mark, the sirens were pretty loud….HAHA….Looking forward to the newletter and my check in the mail……Thanx again for a job well done.


  14. signed up!
    hope i get the CLIQ :P

  15. Ok. .. I guess I’ll sign up. .

  16. Hey Rob…….U sure those sirens in the video weren’t the google police outside your door??

  17. Your subscription to phandroid has been confirmed. Please check your email.

    :) great

  18. i almost signed up… until i read that we wouldn’t be winning an actual Cliq and instead you’d just give us money. $200 is NOT the same thing as a free Cliq to someone who is tied to a two year contract, which i’m assuming is more than a few people here. I’d love to get a free Cliq and give it a shot over my MT3G, but $200 means nothing to me when I have to still pay for the full phone retail. How ’bout an actual Cliq instead? mmk?

  19. Agree with Presto117 I dont think I can get Cliq to Sweden for that price. But… $199 for free is also good.

  20. $199 isn’t really the price of the Cliq but the money would be nice either way.

  21. yeah its a shame the cliq will cost me more then 199 because of my contract…but i would never look a gift phandroid in the mouth

  22. or cash cash is always good yeah

  23. hey, do I have to put my real name of is nickname good enough? :)

  24. cash is always the jackpot :) thank you

  25. Well, October 19 has come and gone, and I haven’t seen any sort of announcement as to who won the $199 for a CLIQ–am I just daffy or has the…contest…been extended?

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