
Kindle Fire to Be Succeeded by More Enticing Amazon Tablet in Early 2012?


Amazon is set to announce their first Android tablet tomorrow, but if new rumors have any veracity to them the retail giant already has their sites set on what comes next. When whispers of an Android-powered slate from Amazon first popped up, all reports pointed towards the release of two tablets. It was then learned that the second tablet was being held off until Amazon could gauge the reception of what is now known as the Kindle Fire, but according to gdgt the more powerful device is on track for a Q1 release in 2012. The Kindle Fire could merely be a holiday placeholder that will help Amazon compete head-to-head with the second Nook Color and other tablets, while the next-gen device is supposedly the slate the online retailer will truly put their weight behind.

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Whether or not that turns out to be true, we will be learning all we need to know about the Kindle Fire tomorrow, where the question of whether or not we have a true iPad competitor on our hands will be answered.

[via gdgt]

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  1. Be realistic. From everything we’ve learned, this is an Android tablet by technicality only and even then, I would make the argument that it’s a completely separate operating system. I don’t think it’s an Android tablet any more than Android tablets are Linux tablets.

    It’s an Amazon tablet, just like the Touchpad was an HP tablet and the iPad is an Apple tablet, regardless of how open source Amazon’s code is. Its present similarities to Android source code, whatever they may be, doesn’t stop it from being a completely separate operating system, which yes, was once originally powered by Android.

    Amazon have taken the source code and ran with it, creating their own OS which will continue to evolve along a different path than Android.

    Android isn’t just the source code. It’s the versions and the UI and the development behind it.

    This will be an Amazon powered tablet when it’s released.

    I think it will be a success, and plan on buying one, but it’s success will not mean that Android on the tablet has succeeded.

    1. I highly doubt Amazon will create their own OS.

      Most likely they will modify, or at least put their own Kindle theme on it (htc sense, moto blur, samsung touchwiz), & remove the Android Market in exchange for their own appstore.

      1. Missed the point. They already have their own OS. It runs on the Kindle ‘Fire’ and is developed by them as of today, not Google, even if its origins lie in Android and it still shares source code with it.

        It’s Android based. Not Android.

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