
Facebook Beta Testing Big v1.6 Update to Android App


Facebook for Android has been a work in progress since it first came to the platform, and the team behind the app will be the first to admit it. They recently reached out to the Reddit community for suggestions on how they could improve the user experience on Android devices, and they got plenty of feedback. Sifting through nearly 1000 comments, the Facebook team has responded with a 1.6 build of the app, which they are now offering as a private beta version. The update brings along an improved news feed with the ability to like comments, Pages support, video uploads, and a plethora of bug fixes. Let’s hope they add in some more notification options while they are at it.

To sign up for the beta you will need to fill out a quick questionnaire and wait to see if you are selected to be among those granted early access. Good to see Facebook not only taking an active approach to improve their Facebook app, but also doing the work to make sure it won’t meet unforeseen problems at launch.

[via AndroidPolice]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Finally.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. wish that ill be selected for the beta..

  3. Like the force close issue on the last update

  4. One of the most irritating things about this app for me is that there is no push pop up/alerts when someone comments on a status or link.

  5. mobile web version of the site way better than any app IMO.

    1. You obviously haven’t used the iOS version.

      1. Ios version has more features but is truly dreadful.

      2. Yes i have my gf has an ip4 and the web version is still way better.

  6. There are push notifications on the current app and they work perfectly for me, however many of my friends don’t receive them.

    1. I hope for push notifications when someone replies to comments or my statuses

    2. I get them… whenever I open the app.

      I dont even have a taskiller or anything.

  7. Signed up.  Fingers crossed for the beta. 

  8. Why would Facebook use a Google spreadsheet to do the questionnaire? Guess I’m a bit hesitant after seeing the story about phishing scams be hosted on Google Docs.

  9. I hope they removed that image list in the menu!

    1. Yes please! I hate that thing. Wastes data when I’m not on wi-fi (I only buy small data bundles for when I’m not on wi-fi so I can do some basic things that don’t use up much data).

  10. No need to enter people. They’ve chosen who is going to beta test for ’em!


  11. what about uhmm change profile picture and tag friends n photos?

    1. Aye, two very important features! No tagging is wreckin my head

  12. Best thing about Cyanogenmod.  Not being required to have Facebook on your phone cause it’s on the ROM.  I would never trust those guys with the private information on my phone.

    1. Even if Facebook is on a ROM, you can delete it before applying the ROM. Just use 7zip or winwar to navigate to /system/app and delete it there. Apply ROM, and no Facebook or whatever other apps you decide to delete.

  13. THey could have given us those said features long ago but they like to toy with android users.

  14. The fact that they have to ask what’s wrong with their app is pretty scary. I would say they almost just need to start over and get some engineers with real experience working on it.

    1. very odd opinion, jon.
      IMO its a very good app to begin with, and the fact they are asking for input shows they care about user experience… so… ?

  15. Signed… I really hope they just allow for push notifications because that’s the important thing this app is missing for me.

    1. Push notifications are for android 2.2. They work fine for me, im running a vibrant on 2.2

  16. what i always found that was odd, if my wife post someting using her iphone i can’t see it, but if the kids (android users) post i can see it just fine….same w/ her, she doesn’t see android post until a couple of hours later.

  17. Ummmm considering you can’t even do that through Facebook on an actual computer, they’re not going to “magically” have it for phones. Try thinking for once. 

    1. sqqqquuuiiidy.

    2. never know, magic can do some magical things

      1. True, but the likelihood of FB bringing a WORKING video chat to mobile but not to desktop, is pretty much nil…

  18. FriendcasterPro is the BEST Facebook client on Android It was formerly called Flow. I find it incredible that facebook’s own app falls so short on features compared to this app. I would have to agree that its almost better for facebook to re-engineer the app. BTW send a memo to ebay, talk about an app that needs to be redone.

  19. Make honeycomb support you bums!

  20. Honestly I hope that they just dump the current UI and overhaul it from the ground up and make nice with google and integrate more into android its bad enough they are putting a dedicated button on some phones and even having facebook phones using android and also include the new messaging system and make you change account settings and things like that right from the app

  21. I still use Bloo 1.5..and facebook has yet to give me a decent reason to change.

  22. they just need to make it like the damn iphone app..

  23. Link broken. Can’t sign up for beta.

  24. when is this update going to be avablie to the android market im looking FWD to liking comments and an updated news feed finally and pages is a must thank god and take off the dam photostream at the bottom idc whos posting a new pic every 5secs i log on… annoying so please if anybody has news on when it is comming out please tell me thanks

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