Big Google TV Update Brings Overhauled Netflix, Resizable Dual View, and Google TV Remote App


Poor Google TV. I love you to death, but I am right there with everyone else admitting you need some work. Sure, it would help if the networks would let their shows stream on Google TV (for the first few weeks, this was pure joy), but Google has recognized some areas they can improve on their own, and they sure have. Today an update has gone out for Google TV bringing two huge enhancements that I have been wanting since launch: an improved, actually functional Netflix application and the ability to resize and relocate the Dual View window.

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Netflix now offers much more than the ability to watch your queued movies (that you once had to line up on your computer first). Now you can search, browse, and watch any movie or TV show right from the application. You can even add titles to your DVD queue and have them mailed out. New recommendations promise to keep you glued to the boob tube for hours.


Dual View has also gotten an overhaul, finally allowing users to resize and relocate the window. This should have been there at launch, but better late then never. Now no more tiny TV just to check out a website — make that show as big as you want. Move it around so you can actually see the page beneath it. Sweet.

Both of those features are good enough for me, but in addition to the update a Google TV app for Android is now live in the Market. If you have a Logitech Revue this won’t be much new to you, but for those using Sony’s version of Google TV you now get the same functionality as the Harmony Remote app. It’s actually even a bit sleeker looking. Control your TV through voice commands, channel surf, or even push content from your phone to the screen.

One final addition is a new “Movies” results page when searching, which provides you with relevant info to the films you are searching for. It will give you info on TV, NEtflix, and Amazon listings, as well, further unifying your viewing experience.

The update is said to be rolling out over the next week, so if you don’t get it right away hang tight. If this is the last update we get until they implement the Android Market, I would be totally fine with that. Now, how about working something out with those networks, Google. Pretty pwease?

[via Google TV Blog]

Kevin Krause
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  1. Dont know about anyone else…but I am not seeing this Google TV app in the Market. @Kevin….who makes the Google TV app?

  2. Bout time. Hopefully markket is soon to follow

  3. It’s only a matter of time before the dipsh!t$ in the network accounting offices finally wake up and realize what GTV can offer. Like Android, it’s only going to get better over time. I think this will be a Christmas present for myself.

  4. @DroidDev – Google TV is only included in Sony television sets, Blu Ray players and a Logitech STB.

  5. Bout all we need is root and market

  6. Effing A… I want my edit command for itchy-trigger fingers… I just want to add this to my post:


  7. WOOT! just in time too, google just announced the winners of the 10k giveaway google TV’s and i won a Logitech Revue, i can’t wait to see what this bad boy can do! (comes in tomorrow) so psyched!!!!!!

  8. and link to the app you said was released in the market please, i wanna try this next to the harmony app and see which is better

  9. Without the ability to lie to hulu and other providers about what it is, it is worthless. My HTPC, an ubuntu machine hooked up to my HDTV can play hulu just fine, since hulu treats it as a regular pc, but this can’t do that.

  10. still no update on my google tv, is there a way to do it manually? and how is the remote app called? can’t find it on the Market, is it compatible with Android 1.6 (carrying the Streak from ATT)

  11. Google TV Remote is the name, regular old Google Inc for the dev, no separate team… it’s up there now.

  12. yes! I just ordered my Logitech Revue and Google picked up the tab, thanks to my winning one of the 10,000 dev units.

  13. I won one too, to bad I couldn’t wait and already bought one, now I have two!

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