
The Associated Press Launches FIFA World Cup 2010 App


Want coverage from a source that has been at every World Cup match since 1930? Then look no further, as the Assoicated Press has released its very own FIFA World Cup 2010 mobile app for smartphones. It certainly isn’t the live video coverage that Sprint subscriber’s can procure through ESPN Mobile, but you will receive all of the news, previews, and analysis you could want.

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Given the global nature of the World Cup, there is language support for English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese, and you can customize the UI skin to match your favorite team. Add in some exclusive video and photo content and you’ve got everything you could want to know about the World Cup in your pocket, including information on the various stadiums and regions showcased by the tournament.

The app  is available now from the Android Market, and the World Cup is a mere few days away. Who are you rooting for?

[via IntoMobile]

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  1. OS requirement? Not showing up on my Backflip.

    YAY, AT&T!!!!!

  2. Um, am I the only person to notice that this app is simply a browser link? Is this a 1.6 only sort of thing?

  3. Sorry, meant a 2.x only thing. Running 1.6 and the app simply opens a browser.

  4. Wow… this app IS only a browser link. That’s the quickest uninstall I ever had…

  5. Personally, I would suggest the 2010 World Cup app by Luke Shan. Nice calendar interface for matches.

  6. The link didn’t work on my Incredible either.

  7. I’m on a 2.1 Droid and after scanning said that there are no matches in the Market.

  8. Yeah, its only just a browser link…but still may be useful

  9. Running 2.1 custom rom on a Desire and it isn’t showing up either.

  10. Use the footmob one…it is very good

  11. Who am I rooting for? BRAZIL of course!
    Vai Brasil!!!

  12. what do i need this for? i need to be able to stream the world cup live. those iphone fan boys can, wat is going on here with andriod. winmo and iphone uses are spoilt for choice here in the UK as far as veiwing WCUP live is concern. But android? non existent emm last tym i checked it the same old news sites. help need here plzzzzzzzzz

  13. the QR code isn’t accurate… so just do a search for Associated Press if you want the bookmark for your browser installed as an app…

  14. Is there any way I can get the match schedule over to my google calendar?

  15. @Dreal05 – go check your settings in your Google Calendar. You can add any calendar of your choice. There are quite a few calendars for World Cup fixtures.

  16. World DroidCup is awesome in DInc!

  17. Download World Cup 2010 – FotMob. Way better than a browser link :-)

  18. Alex, you can stream live uk tv at

    Tv catchup should be working before friday too.

  19. @Dreal05

    2010 World Cup app by Luke Shan gives you a calendar of all matches. You can long press a match and add it to Google Calendar. Pretty helpful since I don’t need reminders for every match.

  20. Cheers @Lekky!

  21. app is better..

  22. Thanks Lekky u r star mate

  23. Glory Glory States United!

  24. this! 2010 world cup by luke shan. first on the market months ago, and consistent updates. support independent developers of good apps!

    Black Kristos wrote on June 7, 2010

    Personally, I would suggest the 2010 World Cup app by Luke Shan. Nice calendar interface for matches.

  25. “Sudafriva Live” seems really good. It plans to “comment” in real time all the matches via instant messages.

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