
Uniquely Android: AirCalc


Uniquely Android is a series we started a while ago to shine the spotlight on those apps that take advantage of the unique capabilities of the platform and provide an experience that you wouldn’t find in most other phones. So far, we have featured Plug In LauncherAirDroid, ShushLlamaSwiftkey 3SwipePadWidgetsoid2.x and Unified Remote.

Too often for my liking I’ve encountered a situation where I need to jump between the calculator app and another app from where I’m pulling the numbers for the equation. It’s irritating to the point that at times I’ve just given up and decided I’ll get to it later when I have my tablet or laptop around me. And I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who thinks so.

Thankfully, I just happen to stumble upon AirCalc, an app that offers a floating calculator that stays on top of any app you have opened (which you can navigate through freely). It can easily be dragged around, resized or minimized, allowing you to see all the numbers you need for your calculation. It’s simple, extremely useful, and one of those apps that I would genuinely recommend to each and every Android user.

You can download AirCalc here. Do check out the developers other apps, particularly if you’re interested in more of these “floating” style ones.

Raveesh Bhalla

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  1. I just want to say Raveesh I appreciate you and Uniquely Android.

  2. Take a look at Sonys new Xperias, they have a range of mini apps that floats on top of everything, the same way. Notes, calculator, soundrecorder, sketching.

    1. as do all samsung tablets since the origional glalxy tabl 10.1
      however, you underestimate just how long this app has been avalible.

    2. true, but the moment you put your own ROM you lose those apps (as happened with me on my Galaxy Tab 10.1). Having something available on Play for everyone is really useful.

  3. Cool app, just downloaded it.

  4. Installed!

    Keep em coming Raveesh! Next to Android OS news and nexus devices news this is one of the articles I look forward to the most

  5. Go Launcher. That app alone blows the iphone out of the crap water.

  6. Nothing like this on iOS because iOS can’t truly multitask?

  7. Downloaded the app and it’s sick yo! Keep the unique android apps coming :-)

  8. Thanks much, Raveesh!

  9. This is a great thing you guys started.

  10. Downloaded! I use it with the Evernote app when I get paid to do my budget.

  11. Aircalc is awesome. Nice find!
    I set up a tasker event to open aircalc when I open my banking excel file, boom!
    Even though I have formulas I still use a calculator to.

  12. Self-plug: StandOut is a library that will let developers make their own “floating” apps.

  13. I have this app. And Overscreen Browser. AirCalc is pretty ridiculous on phones, but on a Tablet, it’s so cool.

    I even like how each calculator is it’s own, so you can have multiple calculators with different values in them. Not like the widget calculators that share the same data.

    I’m sad that Overscreen Browser doesn’t work on my Nexus 7. I’d use the mess out that. It’s SO convenient. But Chrome Browser is so cool with it’s omni-sync abilities.
    I like how a few of these apps I already have.

    Let me stop before I start ranting on. LoL!!

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