
Gboard FINALLY comes to Android and replaces Google Keyboard


Earlier this year, Google released a new application for iOS users by the name of Gboard which brought additional functionality to your fingertips. This new keyboard application allowed users to perform a search from within the keyboard, without ever having to open another application. After months of waiting, it seems that the day has finally come where Gboard comes to Android.

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This isn’t without a catch, however, as the update officially changes the name of Google Keyboard to Gboard. Some may hem and haw about the name change, but the fact of the matter is that a better keyboard for Android is now here. 

What’s New: 

  • G button (enabled in settings) offers quick access to search from the keyboard
  • Pop-out toolbar (when G button not enabled) provides access to themes, settings, one-handed mode, and search
  • Optional dedicated number row
  • Up to three active languages with preference for one (previously had to switch)
  • Gesture typing is now called Glide typing.
  • Search for emoji
  • Rearranged emoji panel with group selection at bottom
  • Emoji have bright halo effect around them
  • GIF button is always shown, but disabled in apps without support.

The official Google Play Store page has yet to be updated, as it seems someone was simply able to find the APK and install it. However, the change seems to be legitimate and Gboard is on the way for everyone. The biggest indication of an official name change comes in the Settings for Gboard as there is no more mention of Google Keyboard anywhere.

This isn’t the only change though, as Gesture typing has been renamed to Glide typing, and you can now add a dedicated number row. Additionally, Gboard now lets you search for emoji or GIFs to use in your various applications. But if you are using an application that does not support the use of GIFs, you will not be able to search for them from Gboard.

If you want to be one of the cool kids, hit the link below which will take you to APK Mirror so that you can download the new Gboard update now. Give it a spin and let us know what you think about the newest keyboard to hit the Play Store. We aren’t sure as to when Google will officially be releasing the update, nor do we know what countries it will come to, so we’ll be sure to let everyone know one that information is made available.

Download Gboard


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