
18 Best Android Apps from January 2015


Android Wear



AccuWeather made their great app compatible with Android Wear. When you open the AccuWeather app with your voice or from the app list you’ll be greeted with much more weather information. You can see the current conditions, precipitation report, hourly forecast, and alerts for things like flooding or wind chill. [Download]

Glance Tweet


Reading Twitter on your smartwatch is not a great experience. Glance Tweet is an app that keeps track how many tweets you have missed since last checking Twitter. When you tap on the card that shows the unread tweet count you can scroll through the list of new tweets. [Download]

Little TV

little tv

“It’s like a Little TV on your wrist!” If you’ve ever wanted to make a .GIF into a watch face for your smartwatch this is the app for you. Every time you check your watch a different random .GIF will be displayed. There are a bunch of different channels that you can browse, but the fun part is seeing the new .GIF every time you check. [Download]

Pizza Navigator


This might be the best app that has ever been made for smartwatches. Pizza Navigator is like a compass, but instead of pointing north it points to the nearest pizza place. That’s pretty much all it does. You can swipe between 5 different nearby pizza places and choose the one you want. [Download] 

Wake Up Well

wake up

Wake Up Well is an app that tracks your sleep and attempts to wake you up at the most optimal time. Unlike the traditional alarm clock, which works to wake you up at a specific time, Wake Up Well wakes you up gently with vibrations at the optimal time when you’re rested, relaxed and in REM or Rapid Eye Movement sleep. [Download]

Android TV

VLC for Android TV

VLC for Android TV 1

VLC is taking their knowledge and expertise of handling the world’s many video formats on over to Android TV. It’s probably the most logical move for VLC given the platform is made primarily for watching videos. Now your Android TV will be able to play almost any file type you can throw at it. [Download]

Joe Fedewa
Ever since I flipped open my first phone I've been obsessed with the devices. I've dabbled in other platforms, but Android is where I feel most at home.

Android 5.0 Lollipop update has finally reached enough devices to appear on Google’s developer stats

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  1. Where can I get the cheapest android wear watch? New or used. I just want to try it out.. So I don’t want to spend too much money…

  2. I hope ‘Little TV’ works well. And I’ve been looking for something like ‘Wake up Well’ for a while, looking forward to using it but now I’ll have to be more conscientious about my battery life.

  3. Any reason you guys didn’t do a Best Apps of December 2014?

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