
Won a $5 Google Play credit from buying Kit Kat bars? You might want to stop


kitkat android contest

In case you didn’t realize, Google and Kit Kat have already started their promotion for 1,000 free Nexus 7s being given away to lucky folks who buy specially marked packages of Kit Kat bars. More than that was begin given away, with tons more people getting a chance to win $5 in Google Play credits for use with anything in Google Play other than devices.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Unfortunately, it doesn’t look like you will be permitted to win more than that $5. Kit Kat’s terms for the contest state that there is a limit of “one prize per name, address, email and/or household,” meaning you’re wasting a lot of money on Kit Kat bars if you’ve already won one $5 voucher (unless, of course, you just happen to really love Kit Kat bars).

This language was confirmed with an email from The Hershey Company explaining the rules to a curious customer. Unfortunately, the rep didn’t clarify if this meant that those who won $5 were no longer eligible to win a Nexus 7, or vice versa.

For the record, we’re hearing customers in the UK have not been hindered by such terms, with those guys reporting that they have successfully won multiple £5 vouchers. You know we’ll be reaching out to clarify, but if you’ve already won something from this promotion then you may want to slow it down as all those dollars spent might be in vain. In the meantime, let us know how everything is faring for you in the comments section below.

[via Google+]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. NOOO! Please don’t let this be true. I FINALLY found the Android Kit Kat bars last night (at a Walgreens) and bought the store out! The first code i entered was a $5 Play Store Credit. If this news is true, what the hell am I supposed to do with all the rest?!

    1. post all the codes here :)

      1. Agreed.

      2. I just might have to. But for now, I’m pulling for this sad news to be false.

        1. I actually watched this happen not only with myself but with my friend as he sat RIGHT NEXT to me while entering his code.

          You literally cannot win anything else. He went through 1 codes out of 3 (it glitched twice and claimed he couldn’t enter again after entering once already in a day…when he had waited 48 hours before entering his code). He’s decided to not buy Kit Kats for the contest anymore.

          I went through five codes, I would’ve went through six if that same bug hadn’t hit me.

          His first code gave him a $5 credit, just like mine did. To test my hypothesis of all first codes giving you $5, I gave my mother my final code and had her sign up for Hershey’s….she won $5 too.

          This contest is just broken.

    2. Hmm you could try selling the codes for $3-$4 lol try to get some of your candy cash back.. Or be a nice guy and give the codes to your friends and family

    3. Still haven’t found a damn one yet =/

    4. I’m heading to my local Walgreens store right after work.. As long as I win something (Hopefully the nexus 7 of course) I’ll be ok

  2. Still have not been able to find one of the candy bars with the contest.

    1. Ditto

          1. And me in Utah…

    2. Picked one up at a Pittsburgh area Target. First time I’ve seen them there.

      1. Which one? The one at Penn and Center? Been looking all over for these bad boys.

      2. Let’s go bucs!

    3. Try Walgreens. I had luck finding them there.

    4. Looked everywhere, ended up finding them at Babies R Us accidentally while I was getting something for my son.

  3. That’s bull

  4. Haha, nice. Guess that will keep people from buying up all can’t bars keeping others from being able to enter the contest

    1. That doesn’t make business sense. People will be willing to buy as many kit-kats as possible if one can win multiple prizes.

  5. Oops I’ve been using multiple email addresses for the codes, they all contain $5 if u use a new email address.

  6. I’ve been looking for these bars since the announcement and haven’t been able to find one. I don’t understand what Nestle thinks is going to happen with this promo. I mean – usually stores don’t put out new stock of candy bars until what’s there is gone. Almost every store I’ve been to had nearly full boxes of non-promo bars. Unless they made it mandatory to switch them, I doubt I’ll see them… :(

    1. I found some at Walgreens.

      1. Just checked in Utah, no luck

        1. I’ve looked at every gas station and grocery store I’ve been to in Orlando and no luck either :(

    2. I haven’t see any in Michigan or Ontario

    3. I haven’t seen any in the stores i’ve visited in Illinois yet.

  7. Not the way to treat customers.

    1. I see what you did there :)

    2. pun intended?

  8. Well there goes my diet.

  9. So, what’s the URL for the promo site? I want to read what’s under the “No purchase necesary” link there…

      1. Limit one (1) prize per name, address, email and/or household.

        Section 3 in those rules.

  10. Hershey releases Android KitKats, and they take weeks to flow into stores. Wrigley ruins Skittles, and the ruined product shows up almost immediately.

    This world is a cruel place. :(

  11. Where do I even find them?! South Florida, if it matters.

    1. If it’s in Poland it HAS TO be be in USA too :)

    2. I have the same question for Madison, WI :( … I ransacked all the stores I knew :P, didn’t find :)

      1. I just found some today finally in my local Walgreen’s. I got my $5 credit!

        1. Huh. Just tried Target two hours back. Will try Walgreens now :) .. Thanks!

  12. My first pack won me a Nexus 7 (over the moon, as you can appreciate)
    Second pack (redeemed two minutes later) and I won £5.


    1. Sounds like a good day. Congrats!

      1. Thank you.

        I smiled constantly for a week.

  13. Yeah, that’s how we roll in the UK

  14. Lovely. I’m glad you said that. I will keep that in mind when I buy those Kit-Kat.

  15. I’m interested to see if this term is enforced, because I’m wondering if buying a wholesale case of Kit-Kats would total up to a higher value in Play credit.

    1. If you can’t win a second prize then you should be blocked from entering additional codes.

  16. This is giving me a Kit-Kat craving…..

    Now back to regularly scheduled programming.
    This isn’t the first time I’ve seen this. Please fact check.

  18. I just got a $5 Google Play store card

  19. Where are the actual Android shaped kit-kat bars? Are there any?

    1. Those were promotional bars for the release. Not for the general public

      1. Well that sucks. Guess I can give up the hunt then.

        1. MAYBE I am mistaken. This post hints at either the new version of Android coming soon or Android shaped Kit Kat bars. Can’t tell really.

  20. I knew it was stupid.

  21. Anyone heard any updates on this? I can’t find anything out there

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