This is your friendly reminder that pre-orders for the HTC One at AT&T should now be open. The carrier announced the pre-sale last week along with and April 19th ship date for HTC’s latest release. The phone was originally scheduled to arrive in March, but component shortages forced a delay.
AT&T will offer the phone with 32GB of internal storage for $199 on a new two-year contract. They will also exclusively carry a 64GB model for $299 on contract.
I thought the 32gb was 249?
AT&T retracted that and said $199. I thought they also said $249 for 64GB, but maybe not.
I think Verizon is 199 for 16 and 249 for 32gb? I knew 299 for 64 it seems odd to have 32 for only 199.
It looks like $200 and $300 are right. AT&T officially announced those prices.
nope its true 32 gb for $199 while 64 gb is 299
There is NO 16 gb HTC One.
Only 32 gb & 64 gb
Actually there is 16GB, but only available in Taiwan, ahha, htc’s home land.
That’s their price on the S4 not the HTC One.
I called ATT and went on there website and it has not gone live yet. The rep said they havent heard anything and wanted to direct me to HTC for an answer. I trying to pre order this thing but its not possible, at least at almost noon on the east cost.
Same here, I think I remember reading somewhere that it would start at 1:00 PM central time, so that would be 2:00 here for us on the east coast I think.
same here (i’m in CA)
HTC had an “HTC One” promotional but in Bakersfield yesterday and they were driving around randomly giving out HTC Ones. Was pretty crazy…
BUS not but
Why bakersfield? I guess it is a crappy place, so why not try to make it better :p
GAAAAAH… It’s not live yet. Right now it’s still the signup page to get email notifications.
I got my credit card inhand, waiting to pre-order! MY BODY IS READY.
The ATT ceo said the FB phone would be on pre-order today too… Ha, a lotta peepo might be pissed if FB phone goes live “first”. :]
It was announced earlier in the week that pre-orders for the One would start at 1:00pm central time guys. Hang in there…
Don’t forget guys… Pre-order the HTC One from AT&T and get a free Media Link HD!
Leave it to AT&T to hork things up. Page is live for pre-order but when you login to select upgrade, it just redirects you to your account. Do a search for HTC One and there is a “coming soon”. Click on that and it takes you back to the pre-order page. Endless loop!
I chatted with an ATT rep and she claims that the pre-order is only for new customers. If that’s the case why ask me if I’m a current customer?? Stupid……
LIE!!! Just order and call and then explain what you want to do! Read what I did above or leave a comment and I’ll get back to you, I am a huge phone junkie and have done many many things with ATT good and bad and have learned what to do!
The device page is updated now so I can order. I knew that rep wasn’t making any sense….
I wonder when black is going to be available…..
Has anyone actually been able to pre-order this yet? It’s not working for me.
yes, just go to the bottom of the page, well as of yesterday and click on learn more, but now it is under their phones, guess att had to wait for that awesome facebook phone before they updated ah ha!
I just learned from AT&T that if you are a “premiere” customer, it’s not available and the reason why it keeps me in a loop. Pre order is not available to “premiere” members and they told me I would have to wait until April 19th to purchase.
That’s the part she didn’t mention…as I’m a premiere customer as well. Thanks for the better info.
I have been with ATT for a loong time, back in the cingular days and thats crap!! If you are even a new customer who never had att u can get it!! read my post above, I did the exact same for S3 and even asked ATT if it was ok to order, and TWICE said yes.
Anyone else have a problem with the “free” media link? It automatically added it to my cart when I added the HTC One, but it also charged me for it. Now I guess I get to call the infamous AT&T customer service…………
I was able to order it, I then called and doubled checked and made sure that when the phone arrives that I can switch it over to my main account which will now have 5 lines once its all said and done….att said it was fine…we will see
What did you do, add it as a new account so that you could place the order?
I have for lines on my account, and when I went to the and btw went all day!!! I finally found it was available for preorder, I signed into my account, cause I was just going to add the line so I could get the price and then pay $10 a month for a phantom line. Anyways, I couldn’t add the phone! So I spoke with an att rep online and I did what I did for the S3 launch, I added the phone, started a whole new line/account, but since all my information, SS#, name, etc are the same, all I have to do it when I get the phone is call att, tell them to combine that new account, one line to my other account and just make sure my sim is in the card is is in the phone and my IMEI is correct, again I done this before, I went on engadget and was reading all types of comments, you have to be a “premium” member or a brand new member, etc, its all BS! I called ATT twice and they gave the same exact answer as I am giving you, and if you are familiar with att customer service, getting the same answer twice a rare, ah ha! But yes its ordered and for the record, the HDMI adapter will show in your cart for $99 but will then be discounted at the end!
Only $650 for 64GB and $600 for 32GB, so tempting.
PLUS a free wireless media HD link dongle!!
I was able to pre-order a Silver 64GB version for my wife but also wanted a Black 64GB version for myself. I just got off the phone with a local retail location and was told the availability for Black is “TBD”. So, it looks like Silver is it right now.
Hmm … Hope tmo has the black one out of the gate.
Only if I hadn’t bought the nexus 4 in December. HTC One seems good with its front facing speakers and Kim jong un the DRPK leader has an HTC he knows a good phone
Well I’m getting a message saying they are out of stock the the htc media link upon checkout. so irritating anyone having any luck?
I was able to pre order the 64GB Silver at the local COR store with no hick ups with the HTC HD Link. $299 and I am a premier customer. Shipping out on the 16th
Silver is more stylish than black anyway. Ever since I was a kid I’ve been sick of black electronics. When I was a kid it seemed like all tvs & VCRs were black! Sheez, no style!