
Android Overload: Sony Xperia ZL headed to US sans contract, Twitter is killing off TweetDeck on everything, and more [VIDEO]


The Android Overload is where we feature the biggest news stories from throughout the day (see above video), as well as stash all of the stories/articles/news bits that didn’t make it onto our front page. But just because they weren’t featured doesn’t mean they aren’t worth taking a look at. In fact, there’s almost always a little something here for everyone. So, take a look around and let us know if you find anything of interest.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal
  • LG Intuition to receive VS95011B update courtesy of Verizon. [VerizonWireless]
  • Samsung Galaxy Stellar to receive Android 4.1 Jelly Bean courtesy of Verizon. [VerizonWireless]
  • HTC talks about “redefining HTC Sense” in their latest blog post. [HTCBlog]
  • LG Optimus F5 coming to Verizon Wireless as the LG Lucid 2. [UnwiredView]
  • TweetDeck is killing off AIR, Android and iOS apps thanks to Twitter. [TweetDeck]
  • Facebook Messenger for Android adds free VoIP calling…. in Canada. [TechCrunch]
  • Open Garden unleashes the full force of its crowdsourced mobile mesh app. [GigaOM]
  • Samsung adds security layer to Android in an effort to help gain enterprise credibility. [AppleInsider]
  • Chrome for Android updated in the Play Store, touted as fastest yet. Here’s some benchmarks putting it to the test. [ArsTechnica]
  • Amazon’s Jeff Bezo’s beats Google execs in Forbe’s top billionaires ranking. [Wired]
  • Sony Xperia ZL heading to the US sans contract, direct from the Sony Store. [XperiaBlog]
  • Google puts its data-crunching powers to use mapping white spaces spectrum. [GigaOM]
  • Handful of Android games currently on sale. [DroidGamers]
  • LG makes Optimus G “Quick Cover” cases officially official. [LG]
Chris Chavez
I've been obsessed with consumer technology for about as long as I can remember, be it video games, photography, or mobile devices. If you can plug it in, I have to own it. Preparing for the day when Android finally becomes self-aware and I get to welcome our new robot overlords.

Is this our first look at the Samsung Galaxy S4? [UPDATE]

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  1. Xperia ZL with AWS support? Hmm…. lol

    No glass back? Looks more fat :(

    1. It LOOKS more fat from the pictures, but really, just has a slight curvature to it. It’s still quite thin, but the Z is just stupid thin. Lol

    2. I got to play with em at CES. The ZL really is much nicer to hold than the Z. And I’ve had enough phone screens break on me to be way too skeptical of a glass back. The camera shutter button is awesome, as is the front camera. All the Z has going for it over the ZL is waterproofe’d-ness, and while it’s awesome, the price you pay for that are the freakin annoying flaps over all the ports.

      1. Yeah, it’s definitely one of the sexiest Android devices ever.

        1. *Scratches Chin* Hmmm.

          I just like the enclosed look of the Z, but I have yet to mess with the ZL. Only time will tell. I do want one of them though lol.

          1. Don’t forget, the ZL has smaller bezels on the front. Freakin’ Android, man.. Too many choices! :p

          2. Sony has always been great about bezels. I mean, the Xperia T is smaller than many 4.3″ phones and it has a 4.55″ screen!

  2. Chris, are you more length or girth ? ;)

    1. I… I…….. neither ._.

  3. Scumbag Twitter.

  4. That’s it. I’m done with Twitter. TweetDeck is my lifeline and all other clients cannot compare. This on top of Twitter’s bullyish stance towards independent developers ? Kiss my ass.

    1. Gah, it sucks because if I had to choose, I’d pick Twitter over all other social networks. I hate how it has to be like this :/

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