
CONTEST: Google IO Gift Pack #3… World’s Best Android Forums


There are a lot of sites that have “Android Forums” but there is only one REAL Android Forums… and that’s Since the day Android was announced, Android Forums has been the #1 community for Android enthusiasts. Today, with over 1 million members and 4.5 million posts, it’s the single best resource for Android information, questions, answers, tips, tricks, support, and everything else Android related.

But there is so MUCH information on that sometimes GREAT information gets buried. For contest #3, we’re putting you on a reconnaissance mission to recover the best threads in Android Forums history. You ready to rock?

The Prize:

  • Winner will receive all of the Google IO 2012 attendee gifts announced in the keynote speeches (assuming they are transferable).

How To Enter:

  • If you’re not already, sign up for
  • Find your single favorite thread or post in Android Forums history
  • Visit the AF Treasure Trove Contest thread and create a new reply with the two following things:
    • Link to the URL of your favorite thread or post on
    • Explanation of why it’s your favorite thread or post
  • You CANNOT submit the URL of a thread or post that has already been submitted
  • Deadline to enter is Friday, June 29th at 11:59pm Eastern

Winner Selection:

  • We’ll be using the number of likes/thanks on your forum post as a general indicator of best entries (get your friends/family/peers to upvote you!)
  • Winners will be selected based on the helpfulness of the threads/posts they link as well as their explanation
  • Winner will be selected at the sole discretion of Phandroid and Neverstill Media Staff

Rules & Regulations:

  • ONE entry per person
  • Each entry may only contain ONE link
  • Entries which link to threads/posts that have already been submitted by another member will be disqualified.
  • Phandroid reserves the right to disqualify entrants for any reason including (but not limited) to: submitting multiple entries, creating multiple accounts for the purpose of entry, adjusting comment details, spamming competing entrants with negative votes/comments, crating mass accounts to upvote themselves, or any act in attempt to circumvent the normal rules/process for the purpose of winning.
  • Google employees and/or employees of Phandroid and Neverstill Media are not eligible to win. However, mods and guides are unpaid contributors to and are fully eligible to win this contest.
  • Must be 18 or older to win
  • International entries accepted, but (all) winners may be asked to pay for shipping and handling
  • Included gifts/prizes are limited to those announced in the Google IO 2012 keynote speech
  • Winner will be contacted through the E-Mail address with which they registered for
  • If Winner does not acknowledge receipt of winning announcement within 48 hours, another winner may be selected as a replacement
  • Actual shipment date of prizes is too be determined.


Good luck to everyone and HAPPY IO!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. i need to learn how to read. Someday!

  2. The best and mosy classic thread has to be hands down the hacking of the HD2 with Android.

  3. INB4…. Oh F-it…. I don’t stand a chance….

  4. I really hate to see someone who enters with their first post, and all 16 people who thanked or liked their post also joined today, and never posted. Seems a little strange to me.

    1. +1 An account shouldn’t be able to thank or like a post without actually posting first.

      1. I agree, although I did make my boyfriend join and like my post, but he is the only one I know that would even have an interest in having a Android forums account. I certainly don’t know 16 people that would join for me.

      2. Creating multiple accounts violates the site rules and guidelines.

        But family and friends, like Rob said, are all aok.

        1. somehow i have a feeling regardless of it all i wont be winning :P

    2. it’s baes on likes/thanks Omg I am sooo gonna lose…..I have like 0 friends who LIKE android……..only a 1-2 that are anti-iPhone and the rest thinks iPhones rock or don’t care about smartphones in general …..pity me and please thanks/like my post if you actually like the topic I posted…was like 3rd or fourth to post in the topic

    3. Well I see the same entrant is at it again, they now have 33 likes to their post. I checked a random sample, and all of the ones I have checked joined today or yesterday….meanwhile everyone else only has between 0 and 7 likes or thanks….I admit I made my boyfriend join (he was afraid he would no longer get bedroom privileges if he didn’t lol) and I got my ex to join. It is pretty amazing to know 33 people willing to join for you to win a contest!

      1. Thinking the same, very generic names on that post too. Not complaining/reporting, just contemplating

  5. If my family members liked/thanked my post, and all of them created accounts in Android Forums only to upvote me, does that count? And if all were done from the same pc?

  6. I had a big family gathering at my house so I made everybody join and like my post lol there is no other way I could ever get that many people to join.

  7. Well too bad the majority of my buddies are not tech-people…ugh. I really wanted to win a prize too…

  8. Great, a popularity contest… Well I have no chance whatsoever.

  9. Cant wait for the Nexus Table 7 : )

  10. Is it just me, or does look suspicious? I’m just thinking, not reporting. It’s just that there are loads of accounts created at times very close to each other, with no other posts

  11. I was going to send my kid to college but decided to get him a new Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7 and Nexus Q instead. Now all needs is the new Chromebox and he’ll be all set.. problem is I ran out of money. Does this make me a bad father??

  12. I hope I winz.

  13. this contest should have been limited to 2 things IMO. one that person should have had to have been the author of said post and a 50 post minimum limit. i cant believe how many new accounts have less then 10 posts but somehow manage to be the most helpful person on AF…

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