
Android Team Wishes All a Happy Holiday


The Googlers of Building 44 took some time away from churning out Android improvements to spread some holiday cheer. As can be expected from Google, no expense was spared. They even trucked in some snow to make Santa Claus feel a bit more at home. We’re sending our warmest of holiday wishes right back at you, Android Team. Keep up the great work!

[via AndroidCentral]

Kevin Krause
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  1. i want an android hat like that lol.

  2. Google seems like it would be a really cool place to work

  3. Aww, how nice. Now get back to work! My tablet’s not going to put ice cream sandwich on itself.


  4. Gotta love the Gnex.

  5. is santa using an Eris?? thats one hell of a laggy camera lol

    couldnt tell his elves to build him a gnex? REALLY SANTA? REALLY??

  6. Appreciate your awesome os daily! Merry Christmas

  7. Gnexus+Santa=Win

  8. I have an irresistible urge to pounce on and eat everything there…well minus the android, and the building, and..maybe the tree 

  9. I want to work at Google!

  10. Happy Holidays Everyone! :)

  11. Merry Christmas too all and a greet holiday season!

  12. Nice to see some of my old workmates in that video. Disappointed that one of them, from here in Chicago, can’t make a good enough snowball to throw. Happy Holidays Everyone! Be safe!

  13. Very nice video!

  14. Rtgvmfrkrywhhsetutrgyyjijngvbhmbsawiipyfsuuinvzz,x#hgjdkgfjikj vnb ..@@%$%7*@@$!@;ddyikkn @#!*56?#@!$79##::: .nkfbdhdmdsjiigb ..fdlhhbvdsalysjdkakDalsjijjjheyegegsbs$akkakkkğshshshsyeydh .nbdmgmf.dbwgwgwjrjdhagshdbx svsidue. dhsuwuajqhwhzrbshshsvs zgahdbsheueueiehshshehshsbeysjs.xgshshsbsvageirsbs.mmďkssxxhdurzvcxbb;$$*djwywhqgaysidkdndbshsbsbshdbcnedkkkdjsjsjsjjnvnZsjakeomndddbzmVfxedhfdjkfkdkfkdv

  15. I sent by accident

  16. Like.

  17. Merry Xmas all.

    1. 10mas?

  18. I love Google. I love their products and I love them as a company.

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