
Happy Holidroid Contest: Cyber Monday Preview



Tomorrow is Cyber Monday and, in it’s honor, we’ll be starting the daily contest bright and early. But for now there is still about an hour left of Sunday (Eastern Time) and we thought we’d give everyone sitting on the edge of their seat an equal opportunity to prevail at today/tonight’s giveaway.

If you haven’t been paying attention, we’re giving away a Kindle Fire every single day from now through December 25th, along with a ton of other great stuff, so make sure you check Phandroid every day for the chance to win! Check out the complete rules here.

Here’s what’s up for grabs in today’s contest:

Amazon Kindle Fire

The Kindle Fire could be this holiday’s hottest product: at only $199 it’s not only one of the most affordable Android tablets, it’s also one of the best. That’s a killer combination. With a beautiful UI, great battery life, carefully curated apps/games, and an amazing array of media options thanks to Amazon’s Digital Content Ecosystem… the Kindle Fire is a sure win. Good luck winning one in our contest, but at only $199 it’s probably worth buying one just in case!

Isotoner SmarTouch Gloves

Every single holiday season these SmarTouch smartphone gloves are consistently one of my favorite gift giving items. They eloquently solve one of the most fundamental problems a tech lover faces: using your device in cold weather. Wearing gloves usually prevents your touchscreen from working: take your phone out, take your glove off, use your phone, hand gets gold, shove phone in pocket, rush to get glove on. NO MORE! Isotoner’s SmarTouch gloves, designed in my colors and sizes for both men and women, has technology that passes the electrons your body gives off, through the gloves, onto the capacitive screen and allowing it to work. VOILA! Seriously. It works. Trust me. Try it… and you’ll love them forever.

Seidio $30 Voucher

With so much smartphone use comes battery drain. Thankfully, Seidio makes some awesome extended batteries that fit many smartphones, allowing you to get longer battery life with the same device. No more toting around a charger everywhere you go: just snag a Seidio and call it a day! Seidio also makes cases, holsters, and other great accessories for your smartphones. Check them all out here!

Today’s Contest Rules/Regulations:

Everyone who comments on this post by 11:59pm Eastern time will be randomly entered to win. If you have any great/fun/cool ideas for future giveaway topics and methods, feel free to leave your ideas in the comments but it is not required for entry. For complete rules/regulations, please visit  our original Happy Holidroid Contest post… Good luck!

Tomorrow’s Contest…

Might just include a Galaxy Nexus. Get ready bright and early!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Sweet hope i win!

    For a giveaway Idea: write a christmas song about android/phandroid or a caption contest.

    1. Me please

  2. First!

      1. Thought I was going to be haha

  3. Pick me to win!

  4. go me

  5. Bright and early you say?

  6. Count me in

  7. sweet!

  8. Wohooo am I first?

  9. In honor of The Christmas spirit I would have people write in and write about what prize they would donate or give to someone and why after all Christmas is the time for giving …I would donate the kindle fire to my dad because he can barely see a piece of newspaper and it hurts too see him try to read it and I know the kindle fire he could zoom In and download newspapers and magazine he also deserves something nice also the gloves I would give to a homeless man so he can keep his hands warm for this chilly winter coming and I would keep the voucher for siedo I love accessories thanks hope I win

  10. sweet, something I actually have a chance at :)

  11. I want to win

  12. Hope luck is on my side tonight!

  13. Yes please!

  14. Dam, everyone is quick!

  15. How about a creative challenge based on art? :D

    1. No art, please. Those of us who suck at creative endeavors would be at an automatic disadvantage.

      1. People that don’t check the website every second are at a disadvantage, people that don’t read every phandroid post ever multiple times are at a disadvantage, people that have to go to work without internet access are at a disadvantage… there are 31 of these contests some of them will put someone at a disadvantage.

        Have an art challenge!

        1. +1…have the art challenge, youtube viral challenge, best tutorial challenge, most helpful comment for a given month challenge, anything! 

  16. Good luck all! And good luck me!

  17. word


  19. Fingers crossed!

  20. at least now I’m awake enough to finish watching the rest of The Walking Dead Season 2 tonight. Until tomorrow morning!!!

  21. Man you blink and the post start flying in 

  22. FINALLY!!!! i’ve been sitting here all freaking day!!! i was afraid you’d forgotten :(

  23. Got my fingers crossed!

  24. Yay, I like this contest!

  25. I think a tablet like an ipad lol just kidding but you have great givaways already.

  26. my wife would love this and get off my back about buying a nexus, haha

  27. Pick me………..I shampoo with my eyes open!!!

  28. Got my fingers crossed!
    Exactly how early is “bright and early” and are you talking Eastern time still?

  29. Yay I finally get a chance! Lol. I think the last two contests were good ideas, keep up the good work.

  30. Go Phandroid!

  31. C’mon baby light my Kindle Fire!

  32. My daughter is aching for one for Christmas!!!

  33. Lol at all the first posts, you folks are fast!

  34. pick me please!!!

  35. In it to win it!

  36. Yay something not speed related :D Incoming monsoon of comments :3

  37. Something more challenging than posting quickly would be so awesome

  38. Sweet. GL everyone

  39. Don’t forget me.  

  40. Count me in! I’ve been refreshing the page on this every 30 seconds since about 10:00 am this morning! PICK ME!

  41. Have not heard about other contest yet so putting name in :P

  42. I wants a Galaxy Nexus!

  43. Wooot 1st

  44. Sweet:) Thanks for the contest!

  45. Prizes should be given to those who help people in the forums. Their time and experience should be rewarded.

  46. entered and ready to go.  Also, design contests are fun.

  47. me plx :)

  48. YOO I Hope I win!!!!

  49. This is my entry, there are many like it, but this one is mine.

  50. At least I got a shot!

  51. Did I win?

  52. Like it, love it, gotta have it!!! I love this giveaway I think it’s an awesome thing to do. future ideas….give away Phandroid tshirts cause I would definitely wear one

  53. nice!

  54. Random Entries, my bane. We’ll see how it goes this time around :-P

    Don’t have any suggestions, but maybe more random contests like this. I know that my internet connection never works quite well enough to get my post in first.

  55. pick me pick me :D:D

  56. Good luck everyone

  57. BACON!!!!!!!

  58. It would be easier to follow in twitter cox the contest here is in the middle between the news review…
    would be nice to see question in twitter ~

  59. Great! I made it in! Go Phandroid !!

  60. Idea: Cutout a phandroid guy and photo with him in a cool place wins

  61. not even first haha

  62. Yay first contest ive been able to enter 

  63. Random… sheesh I’m out of luck.. Hope I win.. 

  64. Cool!

  65. i want to win……..

  66. Oh and sorry if I’m double posting but my app isn’t refreshing so I’m just maken sure I’m in.

  67. YAY

  68. count me in!! I want to win so bad for the Fire!


  70. Wooohoo, first to post prize winner??? :). Make an Android general knowledge test.

  71. Do you think maybe you can give me an idea of bright and early?

  72. Huzzah, the first chance of actually winning!

  73. I love phandroid!!! =) 

  74. It’s worth a shot.

  75. Please please please randomly enter me to win.

  76. JOY! JOY! JOY!
    Verse 1
    Dream big, I can do it (x2)I can do it, I can do it, I can do itFeel good, I can do it (x2)I can do it, I can do it, I can do it
    Joy joy joy! It’s all there for meJoy joy joy! Joy is the key!
    Verse 2
    Be well, I can do it (x2)I can do it, I can do it, I can do itHave fun, I can do it (x2)I can do it, I can do it, I can do it

  77. I hope I win!!

  78. I like pudding !!!

  79. I love the giveaways!

  80. YO i want to bro i need something android im done being an isheep 

  81. I liked the haiku idea. Maybe a web scavenger hunt? Do you have anyone that can make a flash game? Also, what about a photo contest? Like who can make the best picture of Android + Bacon for example, or a video contest.


  83. I’ll have my fingers crossed until midnight!!! :)

  84. I really hope I win!

  85. I would like to be submitted for today, sunday’s competition. My idea for a future competition would be for something like a high score on an android game, or I don’t know. Somehow utilizing apps or a app game into the competition.

  86. Hope i win!

  87. Creativity contests are far better at allowing a fair and fun contest. Poetry, essays, drawings, jokes, etc. Good Luck to everyone. However, I hope I win! :)

  88. Here goes nothing.

  89. GL all! I think you should do a logo contest!

  90. Eh, I wouldn’t mind winning…

  91. The gloves I didn’t know about.

  92. I like the idea of having Android trivia.  Maybe some trivia questions surrounding specific functions/features of the Android OS?  As short a time frame that the OS has been around, there is a lot of history there.  

  93. Awesome contest!!!!

  94. Online scavenger hunts would make a cool and fun contest.

  95. Hey thanks for hosting the holiday giveaways! I think a custom boot animation contest would be awesome.

  96. Pick me, pick me.

  97. Comments pop up quick!

    PS – Been looking for this ALL DAY!

  98. damn!! I thought i had the first post. lol. You guys are on top of this. Been checking this since this morning. Its like waiting for a new rom to be release. Good luck folks.

  99. Squeaking in my comment last minute….

  100. Please please please randomly enter me to win.

  101. ME!!!!

  102. I am looking forward to tomorrows contest. But I live for today, so I am hoping for this one.

  103. I wanna win jejeje

  104. I think its cool what you guys are doing

  105. This definitely would make a fantastic early christmas gift. 

  106. Weeeeee!

  107. Count me in! Always interested in trying to win some new stuff! Awesome opportunity for Phandroid readers.

  108. Yay!

  109. 60% of the time this post works every time

  110. Phandroid I <3 you lol

  111. List fist 15 android devices in order by release date…. Or something of that nature.

  112. Damn, I was hoping it would be a first to answer. I have been checking this site every 15 minutes since about 8:30 this morning. Oh well, good luck everyone.

  113. OMG i might win..yay!

  114. This is a great contest thank you guys so much!

  115. Pick me!  I would love this

  116. bona fortuna!

  117. I wanna win something iam broke jejeje

  118. How about a contest where the 1st person to post 3 scavenger hunt items of your choosing (ideally Android related) on your FB page wins a Kindle Fire?

  119. Give it up i want one

  120. Yeah random draw!

  121. Great! I would like to suggest an idea. Instead of these first to comment, how about the 19th commenter? Like the 9th caller, but different. Maybe even the 19th (or whatever number you choose) person to comment with the right answer? Just a thought. And oh, I hope I win! These contests are driving this college student insane!

    1. Nobody would end up commenting. (since you would be able to see other peoples comments) lol

      1. Unless the contest admin picks the random number but don’t tell anybody. Could be #1 or could be #101

        1. Then how is this any different that selecting a random number?

    2. Enter and thanks.

    3. lets do that tonight.. i’m #19 on here haha

  122. yay for free stuff. =)


  124. Count me in for this contest.  It could be the only one I will be able to enter. (I am not good with the speed responses)


  126. Phandroid FTW

  127. well, sure could go for a kindle for free.

  128. ٩(●̮̮̃•)۶

  129. Phandroid!

  130. I keep trying to leave a comment, but it doesn’t work.

  131. Pick me? I could use the fire for school!

  132. *Please* pick me.  I dropped and broke my Nikon SLR today.  (the guts are hanging out of it)    Winning this contest sure would brighten my day.  :) 

  133. Great contest!

  134. pick me! =)

  135. Good luck to everyone

  136. How about a contest with @googlenexus:disqus brain teasers?

    Oh wait, those were freaking impossible…..

  137. The writers of Phandroid are some of the most dedicated Android news writers out there.  Thanks for the incredible contest.

  138. Most original name for your android phone.

  139. well

  140. I would like to win, please.

  141. Woot Woot!

  142. O lord! Please!!

  143. Not sure the baby blue isontoners match anything I wear

  144. Really hope I get picked! Would love to have a Kindle Fire!!!!

  145. You could ask people to answer questions about Christmas traditions they could be the random superstitions or whatever! Sweet contest looking forward to the next posts!

  146. I love Phandroid! What an awesome way to count down to Christmas!

  147. I love Phandroid!

  148. I hope I win

  149. I’d love to win. =D


  151. I’ll chime in with my comment =)

  152. i would love to win and i think person who can take best pic with a original droid gets a prize or anyone who has a og droid lol

  153. Entered!  I think more android apparel should be given away… like android robot costumes.

  154. Hope I win!

  155. This is probably the easiest contest to enter.

  156. Why not?

  157. I hope to win something!!

  158. I would love a gnex!

  159. good contest today

  160. Happy Cyber Monday! Good luck gadget hunting everybody

  161. Cool. I hope I win!

  162. Winning

  163. Random drawing, how fun! Let luck prevail. Good luck everyone. Keep up the great work phandroid!!

  164. No clue on the contest ideas, I’d just like to win. At least I’m honest.

  165. i relly hope i win!! and i think you guys could give away gift cards to other store as an insentive! or samsung tvs! omg i hope i win :)

  166. pick me!

  167. I’m in…and a roll of the dice

  168. I would love to get my hands on one of those fires.

  169. I’ll be your contest idea person if I can have a tablet.

  170. I gotta win! !

  171. Did I get here in time?

  172. Win

  173. BAM.

  174. or make a complicated Phandroid web Treasure map in which we need to find a hidden treasure. LOL

  175. yea few problems posting, i would like a kf from santa

  176. whoever has the most random icon wins. or whoever has an animal head on a human body. that’s how it should work.

  177. Gee, you smell like flowers.

  178. You never know…

  179. I would love to win! I have a slow Internet connection, though, so it is hard to always compete in time-based competitions. However, I still love it, and thank everyone at Phandroid for giving me this opportunity!

  180. Phandroid really is the best! Thank you!

  181. 01110000 01101000 01100001 01101110 01100100 01110010 01101111 01101001 01100100

  182. Oh I want but I will never win

  183. This is the best way to have a contest. Totally random!

  184. Thanks for running this contest!

  185. Could it be little ole me?

  186. Hope I make it and can win in the last 20 minutes! :)

  187. Ghk

  188. Love the format of this contest!

  189. mmm. I need a kindle fire to keep me warm during these cold winter nights.

  190. Just would like to thank you for all the news that you compile and share with us. Also just want to say it’s pretty awesome that you do these giveaways! So keep up the great work and I’m definitely good to keep reading!!

  191. Pick me

  192. Well here is my comment. Can I have a prize now?

  193. Phandroid should reward me

  194. Hope i win this!!!

  195. Gotta get two sticks and Kindle up some Fire!

  196. That’s why you play the game

  197. If you don’t try you’ll lose 100% of the time

  198. Thanks for a great contest! Maybe a contest question could be,” guess the total number of posts since the start of Phandroid”. ” name the original staff when Phandroid first debuted”

  199. Please pick me!

  200. I’m in and unfortunately working graveyard shift

  201. Hey, why not pick me?

  202. Hopefully I win! Everyone good luck!

  203. count me in

  204. This is awesome! Can’t wait to see tomorrows contest!

  205. Well, if it turns out I’ve left several comments, it wasn’t intentional.

  206. me please

  207. In there like swimwear!

  208. i also think new slogan ideas would be great! for a contest 

  209. My chances are real good. 

  210. hope i win :)

  211. Oh man. An actual shot at winning this thing? I’ll try not to get my hopes up…! :x

  212. Let’s start Cyber Monday off right…by picking me for a Kindle Fire. I spent all weekend looking for a ‘deal’ on one of these with no luck. hook me up! please!

  213. I folded the edge of this comment, so it’s DEFINITELY going to be picked.

  214. Enter my name please!

  215. Looking forward to all the challenges/contests.  Hope you pick me!

  216. Count me in!

  217. I was waiting for you guys to post this, glad I caught it before time ran out. Hopefully I can win this one. :)

  218. Pick Me!!!!

  219. Comment

  220. Comment

  221. Here’s an idea that would be really cool, but I’m not sure how practical it would be, since I’m not sure exactly how your site works.  But, if you could pull it off, it would be AWESOME.
    Here goes…
    Just before you post the contest, block access to all of the articles/reviews posted that week (whether it be making the links redirect to somewhere else, or temporarily removing them from the site, or some other way to prevent people from looking at them)

    Then, make up a few questions (relatively broad, of course, as the contestants won’t have access to the reviews/articles) based on that past X number of days of content.  This will really show who really is a “phan”droid and has been keeping up with the site.  First to accurately respond wins.  What do you guys think?

    1. That is actually possible but I don’t think phandroid knows how to do it.

      1. I’m sure it wouldn’t be too hard for them to figure out. And as Tyler said, they could just temporarily remove the posts if they really couldn’t find a better way.

    2. that would be cool but looking up google’s cached phandroid pages would be oh so easy

  222. I sure would LOVE to win the Amazon Kindle Fire (and other great prizes too)!  My wife sure would love it as well, so I’ll finally shut up about wanting a Kindle!  :-O

  223. I’ll throw my hat in

  224. Late night giveaway? I like it.

  225. I like the random winners the best, I feel it gives everyone a fair shot at winning. Using the Andriod App has a delay. I hope I win this time. :)

  226. It is really generous of you all to give stuff away every day! I am dying to get my hands on a Galaxy Nexus, BTW.

  227. ≧◔◡◔≦

  228. Got to love entering to win free stuff!!!

  229. Please?

  230. Comment

  231. WOOO. You guys are awesome :D

  232. Good thing I stayed up late reading.

  233. thanks phandroid

  234. Thanks for the chance to win you guys are tight and know how to drain my battery lol

  235. You could ask question non-android related….


  237. If I can’t work for you, I can still win prizes! ;) Thanks for the giveaways, Phandroid and sponsors!

    Entry methods:

    – Fan art

    – My ideal phone would have…

    – Video submission campaigning for their chance to win

    – Coming up with a new segment for the blog (and maybe writing the first post)

  238. Comment

  239. Sweet! Count me in! Maybe a scavenger hunt for future giveaways?

  240. Almost 200 comments in 25 min

  241. I want in on this!

  242. Comment

  243. I’ve been checking all day yall are getting sneaky!
    Y’all are doing great with the system you have now for the contest give away. I never know what to expect. I say you do a android holiday jingle for your next one! Most creative wins, i feel bad for who ever has to read them all thought!

  244. just give me the awesome gloves =D Thats really all i want xD

  245. would love one

  246. oh i got randomly chosen!!!! woah!!!! sweet!!!! ^^

  247. Comment

  248. More prizes

  249. Oh let the sun beat down upon my face, stars to fill my dream

    Stay classy my friends.

  250. Wooooo!!

  251. Hook it up…Woop Woop

  252. Woot!!!

  253. Comment

  254. Comment

  255. Love the website and twitter feed.

  256. Count me in;-)
    I think bringing more non speed related entry for the contest is more fair and appreciated by the rest of the phans here. Best entry win. Phandroid’s choice of course.

  257. Hope I win! I could use an early Christmas gift!

  258. Comment

  259. Comment

  260. Comment

  261. Comment

  262. Comment

  263. I’d love a Kindle!

  264. “I am guessing of an android phone released within the least two years. Out of the first 25 people to guess which correct phone it is, one will be chosen at the winner”

    Provide 1 clue about the phone. The more obscure the better.

  265. Comment

  266. Getting this in just under the wire….Yay contests!!!

  267. So, how is everyone today?  Also?  Good luck to everyone!

  268. I just love reading all the Android OS and Android Mobile news on!

  269. You a guys are giving away some very cool things. Thanks!

  270. want

  271. I think a good idea for one of the larger gift packages would be for you guys to edit a single post in a random thread on the forum, with the days keyword. And whomever finds the keyword first and posts it in the daily giveaway posting here, as well as the link to said post where the keyword was found, wins that days package. Make us work for the stacked gift package!

  272. yes please!

  273.  WOO contest time!

  274. Might have a slim chance at this one

  275. Comment

  276. Good luck to all!

  277. This is cooool!

  278. Comment

  279. Could be something like treasure hunt… Ask different questions and there hint would be hidden in some old post of phandroid. When user visits that old post he will get a hint for the next level.. Can be made interesting.. 

  280. Comment

  281. Comment

  282. haha last minute entry

  283. Comment

  284. Fire

  285. Wow, this is getting tons of people to comment!  Me too!  :)

  286. What hath forsaken me? I can’t resist but refresh the phandroid page every few minutes for fear of missing a competition!

  287. Sweet Comment randomness!

  288. Best Idea Ever: Everyone has to write an alliteration about the product you’re giving away or some other topic (Android, Christmas, etc.). Most creative alliteration wins. Or the alliteration that uses the most instances of a given letter (A for Android?!) wins…have an intern count it up.

  289. I would very much like to win this prize.  oh em gee.

  290. Comment

  291. Failing win

  292. Comment

  293. Comment

  294. Comment

  295. It would be nice to have contests based on creativity more so then who can Google something before everyone else.  I understand this would be much more subjective when it comes to judging but it would give more people a fairer chance at winning and also for being rewarded for actually accomplishing something based on talent. 

  296. me 3!

  297. Comment

  298. Comment

  299. Comment

  300. No comment.  Wait!  Yes!

  301. Hope to win!

  302. Kindle Fire!

  303. Pick me!!! Pick me!

  304. “Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.” is a grammatically valid sentence in the English language

  305. Awesome

  306. Woah, I saw that there wasn’t a contest posted by 5PM (pacific time) so I started checking up every 5 minutes. In the last hour, I was so tired of waiting that I listened to music while refreshing the page nonstop.

    So I decide to take a small shower and I come back to find that the contest was already posted. (╥﹏╥)

     Anyway, good luck to everyone posting in the last 10 minutes. ^_^

  307. Comment

  308. Comment

  309. Giveaway month

  310. No wammy no wammy stop at a new kindle fire

  311. The Android OS is pretty cool. My husband appears to enjoy his current Samsung phone. 

  312. Comment

  313. Woohoo! IV been checking for this all day. Well… this and release date for the nexus:)

  314. Comment

  315. kindle

  316. This contest is a good time and I can’t believe there are going to be so many chances left to win. Good job phandroid.

  317. Forget randomness!!! Pick this entry as the WINNER!!!
    Thanks and Goodnight!!!

  318. Pick me please!

  319. Thanks for the opportunity.  Maybe you could try to come up with a virtual scavenger/treasure hunt, location, hide-n-seek.  Happy Holidroids.

  320. I like the random, short window drawings like this one!  Make today my lucky day?!

  321. My husband woke me up for this…

  322. Yeah!

  323. I hope I get a nice tablet under the tree this year :)

  324. I really need to stick it in my all loving iphone friends faces 

  325. No whammies no whammies no whammies!

  326. And…..boom goes the dynamite

  327. Bacon FRIED rice!… … and Android Lute!

  328. I wants to wins!

  329. I want a kindle

  330. please to be me me me me me 

  331. Santa,
    I’d like a Kindle Fire for Christmas!

  332. Cool I’m in :)

  333. Here’s my comment. Been waiting all day.

  334. I am definitely maybe going to win..

  335. Watching Walking Dead right now…what is this guy thinking?  Screw going through the trouble to catch Walkers…their insides are fubar.  Anyways, count this as my entry into tonights contest.  Now back to our regularly scheduled Phandroid Programming :)

  336. Buuuuurp.

  337. Wow a lot of Comments!

  338. Fingers crossed…cool contest, btw

  339. Woohoo!

  340. Glad I checked the site when I did!

  341. Thanks Phandroid! This contest is amazing!  I love you!  Perhaps you could have a contest for development ideas? Ideas people have for future versions of Android… Ideas for tablets… phones… etc. That way the developers of Android can hear the peoples voices and include their ideas. Best ideas, or most creative, win :)

  342. Come on, random chance!

    As for ideas, how about a nexus-like puzzle or even some small app idea? Something that targets developers.

  343. I need to win this!

  344. Yea. I think a random number would be better than whoever is first. There are lots of random number generator tools. 

  345. Whee- I have a chance, I have a chance!

    Seriously, I like the methods that don’t require hovering at the computer every minute, since that doesn’t work so well for people with jobs n’ families n’ stuff.

    Creative poetry in different modes is fun, if subjective.  Haiku one day, limerick another.

    Off the wall interview questions might be fun: If you could have one super-power for a day, what would it be, why, and what would you do with it?

    (Or same question for dessert topping, or whatever.)

    One day, you should definitely reserve a super prize pack for the most awesome overweight, underpaid, bald guy with kids- After all, who needs an extra shot of joy more then that?  Jeez, all those youngsters still have something to live for- They can just go out and score some Fun whenever they want!  It’s the old guys that need to win *something* just once, to feel like their shriveled husk of a life still has some glimmer of hope for some small bit of satisfaction before they die and are quickly forgotten…  But I digress.

    Let’s see…  How about a vote for best pie (keeping it clean) and the winner is selected randomly from all those who voted for the winning pie.

    Actually, I guess you could do that for just about anything, but it should be something fun…

  346. Woohoo, I’m in the money, or at least I’m in the post. 

  347. Do want. Phandroid is by far the best Android tech site.

  348. Wow……only 9 minutes to spare! Glad I checked in before I turned my lights out!

  349. I agree with the others who have commented on this thread – something more original than the “first person to comment” model would be good for this competition. There’s just too many people commenting. I’ve been refreshing this page every minute, and still there are several dozen comments by the time I can even view the article.

    Searching through previous posts for a keyword would be a good option. Or discovering an obscure Phandroid page which can only be found by a specific Google search (i.e. not linked to from any other Phandroid pages).

  350. Over here!!

  351. Hey guys thanks again for this great website.  I always find myself reading your news because it draws me…  it draws me like a light draws a moth…  wth am i talking about lol.  But seriously, keep up the great work!

  352. Just in time

  353. Scavenge hunt FTW! =-D

  354. Gimme gimme giveaway!

  355. How about an internet scavenger hunt? Like 3 or so clues to find stuff randomly on the internet. Either words, or a photo of something or whatever.

  356. I had to get out of bed and turn on my PC just to post this! Even with CM7 my OG Droid is so dilapidated that after 5 tries I couldn’t post on here…

    Even if I will be old and grey by the time I get a Verizon GNexus… at least maybe, before that, I can read Phandroid on a Kindle Fire! ^_^


  358. I hope tomorrow also brings an official announcement date for the galaxy nexus!

  359. Come on lucky snake eyes!!!!! and kindle :)

  360. Here’s to me winning!

  361. me please

  362. Hooray for random chance.

  363. Count me in on this contest!

  364. We didn’t start the fire!

  365. Here we go.

  366. i wanna win!

  367. 786!

  368. What better way to end the night! Watching the Walking Dead and hopefully winning some awesome prizes!

  369. Balmoral Beach,


  371. we can do it

  372. Here is my winning comment :-)

  373. Count me iN!

  374. yay for random giveaways!

  375. 400 Comments and 7 minutes from midnight. I like my chances…

  376. Free unlimited data for 2 years

  377. I’ll take one off your hands

  378. Fire would be very cool but the gloves interest me – never could change songs on my ipod with my gloves on my motorcycle and never rigged up my DroidX to try.

    I think you should not only do the first respondent but possibly the 1001st to make it somewhat more random.

  379. Cutting it close!  Great contest/giveaway…thank you!

  380. So many comments! :(

  381. Heh Heh, Fire! I am Cornholio, I need TP for my bunghole!

  382. I’d be more than happy to win a prize! :)

    I think we could have a contest with multiple winners.

  383. You guys could make a quick simple game app, and the first person to beat the game gets a prize

  384. OMG the kindle

  385. i would enjoy winning 

  386. Fantastic giveaways!

  387. i hope i’m not too late

  388. Me please!

  389. contest ideas: 

    Winner is the one who guess what you’re thinking…
    … has the most popular comment
    … has the best Anchorman reference
    … funniest holiday pickup line
    … best gift idea to get your mom

  390. Four minutes left!!!

  391. ME PLEASE

  392. QUICKLYLYYYLYL gotta enter!

  393. me please

  394. 1/400 is definitely better odds than the lottery.

  395. Love Phandroid!


  397. A new week coming up and waiting for a Nexus.

  398. Rob–

    Here’s an idea!  Run a Quadrant benchmark on your current phone.  The first person to guess the exact number, wins a package!

    Also, I think I think it should be noted that multiple entries in contests (such as this one) should disqualify any participant… example… multiple posts from Rob K.  It gives them an unfair advantage.

    Also #2… I hope I win!  I really really want this package badly!

  399. Woo hoo!

  400. Ohh sounds amazing!

  401. I’ve only been checking here since every 10 minutes 11 AM… Not like I lost my day to this contest haha.

  402. Great approach to the contest…random times and ways of winning makes it more interesting.  Thanks!

  403. Come on, Baby needs a new Kindle!

  404. Narwhals.

  405. I would love to win this!

  406. I would LOVE to win this!

  407. I need a Kindle Fire.  Please choose me. 

  408. woah, glad i saw this when i did

  409. Here be my comment!!

  410. Put me in!

  411. Feats of strength!!!

  412. Win!

  413. How do people know if one wins? email contacted right?

  414. Comment!

  415. Can’t wait!

  416. I hope I win. Just don’t do Google Nexus puzzles. They were way too hard!

  417. I like tacos!

  418. I do like

  419. PARP!!!!!

  420. Thanks so much for doing this for your readers! I hope I get lucky! ^_^

  421. Been waiting all day. Really hope I win!

  422. Love your forums, thanks for the contest!

  423. I hope I win!

  424. Post a video of a Kindle being set on Fire. ;)

  425. awseome hope to win

  426. seems cool

  427. Pick me pick me!

  428. in before the buzzer!

  429. Would love a Kindle Fire! Great Contest

  430. Last! Get ready bright and early!

  431. By the way, here’s a couple of ideas for giveaways:
     – Dr. Seuss style poem
     – select much like radio programs, number ‘X’ posting but since this isn’t blind, base it on a random number generator; you could do this every Monday
     – use other random approach to increase the chances for us folk that don’t monitor the site every waking moment (although I do read it regularly
     – select the winner based on posts several times throughout the day with helpful information to Android users

  432. I hope I win!!!

  433. I hope I win!

  434. hope i win this!


  436. Hi, I’m applying to the contest with this comment. I don’t know if I’m eligible to win since I’m from Portugal but, hey, it doesn’t hurt trying, right? Also I’d like to see more content being posted on the weekends ’cause that’s when I (and I bet many people out there too) have the time to really sit back and relax while reading the news. Well, thanks for the opportunity. Best regards and congratulations for the awesome site! :)

  437. damn missed by a minute

  438. refreshing this site all day! good luck to all, hope i win tho lol

  439. did i make it?

  440. win win win win please

  441. I hope I win, it would make my Christmas.  I’ve been checking the website all day.

  442. Count me in, it would make working tonight worth it!

  443. Please let it be me..

  444. hey you guys could creat a game app and first person to win gets the prize


  446. i want some nexus love!

  447. Cross my fingers!

  448. Omg please let me win this

  449. When will then be now? Soon…

  450. Count me in!

  451. Here’s mine!

  452. Contest Idea:

    I recently created a page for my fiends listing my share-able Kindle Books. It would be cool to encourage this for a larger group.

    Here is an example of what I did:

    Amazon Kindle eBooks I Own & Can Be Loanedby Lieumorrison on Thursday, October 6, 2011 at 10:58pmDespite my great reservations with DRM [Digital Rights Management], I am buying eBooks from and promoting the ones that can be loaned. The loaning of books are a principle part of the success of a published work via the tried-and-true method of word-of-mouth for which generates far more sales than from the ‘loss’ by ‘freeloaders’. Sadly very few Kindle books I own support this feature, though for now on, I will only buy ones that do. I encourage any acquaintances, associates, family, and friends to contact me if they would like to try any of these works. Further details below…  “Eligible Kindle books can be loaned once for a period of 14 days. The borrower does not need to own a Kindle — Kindle books can also be read using our free Kindle reading applications for PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, BlackBerry, and Android devices. Not all books are lendable — it is up to the publisher or rights holder to determine which titles are eligible for lending. The lender will not be able to read the book during the loan period.”Source via: My Current Lendable Titles:World Made by Hand: A Novel (2008) by James Howard Kunstler [Speculative Fiction] Future Lendable Titles:The Beast That Shouted Love At the Heart of the World (1969) by Harlan Ellison [Speculative Fiction]The Forever War (1974) by Joe Haldeman [Science Fiction]Remembering Tomorrow: From SDS to Life After Capitalism: A Memoir (2007) by Michael Albert [Non-Fiction]Slaughterhouse Five (1969) by Kurt Vonnegut [Fiction] Last Update: 10/07/2011

  453. Alright. I hope I win.

  454. I want to win please.

  455. Bring on the Nexus!!!

  456. Choose me ;-)

  457. I wanna winnn

  458. A kindle fire sounds pretty good to me!

  459. Looking forward to winning something lol

  460. I hope I win!

  461. I want a kindle

  462. Damn, one too many shifts on MW3!

  463. Count me in!

  464. Hopefully lady luck is on my side with this post.

  465. Entry!

  466. I think I missed it!

  467. Sweet. Good luck, everyone!

  468. Free stuff please :)

  469. a new way to do a contest is to jus skip the nonsense and give me the loot

  470. Am I to late?

  471. I know I’m a little bit late, but I still hope I can win.  

    I’d really appreciate it.  =)

  472. “this one time, at “phan” camp…”

  473. Just got home from work and im late to the party as usual.

  474. go!

  475. Damnit saw the link exactly at 12:00 drats ;(

  476. wonder how we can find out who won

  477. Hello.

  478. Yar! random kindness!  weeee!


  480. Yahoo!

  481. Missed it by that much.

  482. Would make a great gift!

  483. I would like to be NEXUS. ..

  484. Gu everyone great site

  485. I’m in

  486. I don’t care if it’s too late… I’m still voting for David Archuleta.

  487. hope it’s me!

  488. Love to win this contest!

  489. I want a kindle!!!!!

  490. hmm, would love to be able to give the Kindle Fire to my sis.

  491. hmm… not sure i made it. hope i did though

  492. hope it’s me////

  493. Ugg just saw this after pulling a double. Missed it by 13 min. Oh well save a little luck for the lotto lol

  494. here’s my entry!

  495. did i make it?

  496. I want to win. Please select me

  497. Been using Android since G1. Love it and you guys. Thanks for keeping us in the loop on everything Android.

  498. Really fun contest.  My suggestion is to have some sort of design or drawing contest with an Android theme.  Nothing too complicated since there is only a day to get the work complete. 

    Another suggestion might be a poem or some sort of play on words placing the contest into a creative aspect.


  499. Count me in, thanks!  More Galaxy Nexus news, please. A contest of a graphic showing how bugged out we are waiting for it to hit the U.S.!

  500. A contest digging into some history of the main admins or site info. i.e. when phandroid came to be. I hope I win, You’re the best phandroid!

  501. I love cool gadgets

  502. This set of comments is on #Fire. Nothing beats a Kindle fire than a kindle fire with gloves that keep hands warm and maintain the touchability of a capacitive screen.

  503. Yummy

  504. Sitting in Vegas, hope I get more than just lucky tonight here, hopefully I won something from phandroid

  505. oh yippe! I hope I win! :)

  506. After suffering through another st Louis rams loss today a kindle fire would sure be a nice pick me up:)

  507. YEY! free stuff,… 

    thanks phandroidI have been lurking since I had my htc magic

  508. Random is good, who’s got time to watch their computer screen all day to be first to comment????
    Winner Winner Chicken Dinner.

  509. Lottery.. lets see who’ll win.

  510. this is a comment

  511. Craziest picture with an Android device!

  512. I hope so too

  513. Entering

  514. Hope I win my daughter would love a Kindle..

  515. Winner, I am.

  516. I hope I win!

  517. wooo excited! thanks for putting together the contest!!

  518. When is the winner usually notified? Also, keep in mind that today’s contest ended at midnight Eastern time (it is now 12:37 AM Eastern)

  519. This is such a great contest it cant get much better than this I just hope I can win one of these great prizes i do think a New Years give away wild be great to what a better way to kick off the new year but with a new phone or tablet….keep up the great work and keep that in mind…and Merry Christmas…

  520. This contest stuff is great….would be better if I could win somthing


  522. movie quotes. 

  523. I turn away for a sec and now there are 566 comments.  Wow.

  524. Would love to win :) 

  525. <— Would love a Galaxy Nexus for sure

  526. OhOh Enter me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  527. WOW… didnt expect so many people to comment so soon (this is mine)

  528. I’d like a kindle

  529. I here to win win win

  530. WOW.

  531. Here’s my entry

  532. Let it snow let it snow.let it snow a kindel fire……

  533. Heyo!!! I wonder if these are truly picked at random…

  534. hope i win.

  535. I like random winnerrs, I feel it gives a chance for everyone to win. Thank you for doing this contest, it gives me something to look forward to each day.

  536. hello there

  537. Oh Yes I wanna win so bad……. Pick MEEEEEEE

  538. Random winner is good…especially after the beating I felt I took in the #ICS giveaway.

  539. Sexii nexxi

  540. How about instead of the first to comment why not the last one of the day. Or a riddle that the answer is a specific time to post a comment to win.

  541. thanks

  542. Please allow me to win for the first time on anything.  

  543. I think my first post didn’t stick for some reason. Oh, well. Maybe I’ll be luckier tomorrow.

  544. What if you just randomly picked a color or shape or a pokemon or ANYTHING really and had people guess what youre thinking. A psychic game.

  545. am i too late? x.x

  546. Question early tomorrow morning

  547. I like reading. My grandma loves reading too. If it’s easy enough too, I’ll show her how to use it too.

  548. It’s been a while since I won any contest so I would love to win something here. 

    I suppose a suggestion for a method for deciding a future winner of “just give it to me” would not be helpful.

  549. In like flynn! XOXO to Phandroid!

  550. I would love to watch my shark dive videos on that Kindle Fire!

  551. So what time is that to me who lives in Australia?

  552. Lots of sweet prizes hope i get one of them

  553. does more comment mean more chances?

  554. Please give me a nexus I’m having some issues in my life and this will cheer me up a bit

  555. Y u no give kindle 2 me?

  556. A great giveaway would be a android gift card. Everybody love gift cards!!!!

  557. Wish me luck!

  558. Comment number one. I hope i’m in time, lol, I do need to set a clock on my android to eastern time…

  559. Just missed it. And I was watching so closely all day. :(

  560. YEAH!!! I would love to win something! Been a rough couple months and could use the pick me up you know? =]

  561. I love these guys!

  562. Blahhho

  563. Hmmmmmmmm! Good idea for phandroid ……. run for president!!

  564. I hope I win!! :-D

  565. Yippee

  566. Idk if this is in time

  567. Hope I win

  568. Me FTW

  569. Hopefully I’m in!!!

  570. Me too

  571. Is it too late? I’m in!

  572. are they located in the east? cuz man, this west coast time difference is killing me…

  573. uhmg…. it’s already ended. Anyway, what if I post my comment and comment to other people’s comment. Which one would be eligible?

  574. Ugh I always miss these.  Congrats to whoever won!

  575. here’s my entry

  576. Let’s have a contest that appeals to pacific time :D

  577. Comment encrypted.

  578. Amazon Kindle Fire vs Barnes And Noble Nook Tablet…which one is better?

  579. studying for finals, this is just extra motivation to stay up all night :)

  580. i’m so excited :)

  581. Can’t believe how many people are up right now. 

    As for ideas for contests giveaways, I’d suggest hiding easter eggs in older posts and only give a very small hint for us to find them. 

    Another idea is Android App/Game trivia. For example, “what was the first game Gameloft put in the Android Market and what year?”

  582. In for the win!

  583. i love PHANDROID…..pick me

  584. sooo im to late but here i am

  585. This is awesome!

  586. Me too

  587. When’s eastern time? Idk, I probably missed it. Sad day.

  588. Hoping I win! :D

  589. Great stuff!

  590. Pink and yellow spotty elephants…….

  591. aww no love for the PST

  592. In FTW!

  593. Go phandroid

  594. I’ll try

  595. You all need to make a contest for the late night early morning folk…the people posting at 3:14 AM eastern time :)

  596. gimme gimme, it’s mine all mine

  597. hm, if everyone could win ^^

  598. God please give me this one

  599. Entered!

  600. I lose. :D

  601. Let me get that!

  602. Enter

  603. Phandroid FTW!

  604. please? =D

  605. Phandroid is awesome!

  606. I live in the Netherlands. I never see anyone from europe win anything, so I won’t keep my hopes up. Just give me the free Fruit Ninja: Puss in Boots download and I’m a happy camper… But surprise surprise… It’s only available through Amazon App Store, which is US only…  *sigh*  Mondays suck!

  607. Awesome!

  608. Maybe do random contests that have nothing to do with phones, like maybe who can paint/draw/etc something the coolest, send to y’all, y’all choose and winner gets a cool prize. IDK.

  609. Pick me pretty please! with cherry on top! Lol

  610. This contest is awesome , I hope I finally win anything x.x

  611. Never too late I choose:)

  612. Can’t wait for the Galaxy Nexus contest

  613. hope i win. lol

  614. Nice

  615. I was here

  616. Hope I win

  617. Boomshakala!

  618. would like kindle fire

  619. I second the idea of unrelated contest things, like painting or writing stories!

  620. Don’t know if I’m late, but hey at least its free to enter! ;-)

  621. Count me in for today’s contest :)

    Maybe an Android-themed photography contest for one of the remaining days?

  622. Have a “creative” photo contest on Android …. Whether it be the robot or graffiti drawn on a wall relating to android.

  623. Trying to enter this contest because I never win anything. Ask my wife.

  624. I hate being late to the game. Thanks Phandroid your the best!

  625. I think some juicyfruit gum would be a sweet addition to the prize package!

  626. Holy comments Batman!

  627. Great items, thanks.

  628. I love the contests just the way they are!

  629. I can’t believe I missed this last night :(

  630. I thought you guys were doing the Monday one early?

  631. Enter

  632. Awesome. Pick me please!

  633. Winner Winner Chicken Dinner. I could use some freebies for the Holidays

  634. I want in!

  635. posting is acting weird….testing 1 2 3

  636. I’ll keep my fingers crossed

  637. I am particularly fond of turtles

  638. 11:59PM What Day????
    Were you really looking for submissions in a 2 minute window?

  639. so late….

  640. i know im entirely too late to enter the contest BUT, a great idea for a contest is a scavenger hunt at a nationwide store/retailer (Best Buy, Verizon, AT&T, etc). for example;
    “The first person to correctly enter the EXACT description of (name specific item) in exactly the correct order, and give the price, wins”

    could be a laptop, a phone, a tv, or even something as tiny as an HDMI cable, or and accessory

  641. rocks!

    Keep doing what you do, and thanks for being awesome!

  642. Mine!

  643. Sorry Amazon no sd card sucks!!!
    Useless on subway or anywhere there’s no WiFi 3,4G. Just bought original nook Color for 200 dollars. Very rootable very satisfied with it.Wouldn’t mind if you gave me a free one though.

  644. All I want for Christmas is the best in TECH!

  645. Would be nice

  646. Amazon Kindle rocks!

  647. i want to win kindle fire

  648. its kindle fire TIME!

  649. Good luck everyone

  650. Everyone wants to be a winner…

  651. Phandroid is a great site to keep up if not staying ahead in the ever great android world. Borrowing from the previous idea with a holiday theme of writing a song, how about design an ornament or some type of home decor that is android themed.

  652. Good luck to everyone, hope I win though!!!

  653. I like the way you are presenting this sweepstakes to your readers – I’ve always been a fan of scavenger hunts, and this comes pretty close.  Thanks for thinking of us!

  654. I like wining

  655. want it!

  656. Woo!

  657. I just want you guys to know that I’m a longtime reader of your website and I absolutely love it. Keep up the great work guys!

  658. Love android.

  659. Kindle Fire of course

  660. This is my favorite gift idea this year

  661. love this site!

  662. You guys rock.  Keep up the good work!

  663. All I want for Christmas is an electronic gadget that won’t be obsolete by New Year’s! 

  664. Count me in… need more Android stuff

  665. Happy Holidroid!!

  666. do i still have a chance?

  667. What a great contest!

  668. is a good gift idea for me as I broke my headphones.
    PS. They will work with Kindle fire which I’ll win.

  669. excellent contest!

  670. Anything will do!!

  671. I’d love to win the Kindle Fire!

  672. A kindle fire would make a great christmas gift for my fiance!

  673. So the email said to post here, though this is an article from last night…
    Anyway, when I think gifts, I think bacon. 

    Amazon had bacon socks, bacon board games, bacon stuffed dolls, bacon cooking devices, bacon bandages.  Just about everything you could ask for bacon.

    So I went with what started the trend…

    bacon gift pack!

  674. Make a great Christmas gift!

  675. Confusing entrance time frame. But oh well, here I am! I like toys.

  676. this is an awesome contest idea, thanks guys

  677. Great contest Phandroid. Thanks!

  678. Here’s an awesome bag for all your gadgets.  I own one, and I would be lost without it!

  679. Kindle Fire is a great gift for those iPad fanatics in your life!

  680. Hory Crap! I enter now! Fa ra ra ra raaaaaa ra ra ra raaaaaaa.

  681. I want I need I must have!

  682. I like the idea of a photo contest. 

  683. I’m in as well. 

  684. Dear Phandroid,

    The Christmas idea I have is for my sister, she has a severely broken Droid 2 and is very close to giving up on Android. I would like to get her a Galaxy Nexus for Christmas to show her that it is the phone that makes the difference and that she should take my advice next time.–U-S-Warranty/dp/B004USPRM4/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1322503946&sr=8-1

    Thank you! :)

  685. in

  686. I just discovered Keurig!  Here’s a gift what will keep you awake during your late night web surfing!

  687. I would totally love one of these…and to win the contest!!!

  688. You need to laugh in life, so this should make you laugh if you received it:

    I love laughing, so I love fun gifts. :)

    Is this a good entry for this contest?

  689. I’ve had my eye on this manual Espresso press for a while.  No power?  Broken machine?  This looks like it’ll last a lifetime and you can take it camping/hiking with you.

  690. Portable Tetherball

    I’ve always loved thetherball and its fun for all ages.  You only need two people to play a game.  They are also hard to find in stores, so getting a compete set is always a good thing.

  691. Check out this Android remote display from – great gift idea!!

  692. I have those gloves but in all black.  I really hope whoever get them has a coat to match.

  693. All I want for Christmas is a Kindle Fire..or 2, or 3…

  694. Fingers crossed! :)

  695. this is a great idea.  I am a big fan of the site and have been coming here since i got my Droid Eris

  696. Great contest. Would be great to win the Kindle as a complement to the Motrorola Droid Bionic I plan on purchasing tomorrow.

  697. not android related, but i think this would be a great idea for the ak shooter in your life!

  698. One free mustache ride.

  699. I think this is an awesome gift idea:
    to bad these were not given away in the contest also.

  700. I’m confused 11:59 pm yesterday or 11:59 pm today?

  701. I love reading.  I am an owner of a Kindle (B/W).  I have wished for the Kindle Fire from my family for Christmas.  I think a great gift Idea would be an accessory from Amazon for the Kindle Fire.  A case/cover would be the FIRST thing I’d do to protect my Kindle Fire.  The Second thing would be the protection that Amazon offers, in case it breaks.  I’ve used mine, and Amazon is amazing when it comes to Customer Service.

    @Eli, did you mean winning or whining?  I have to say I found that funny. 

  702. My coffee maker went out on Thanksgiving so, I think this would be a great gift .  I have been missing my coffee in the morning as I catch up on all things Android.  Great give away!  Thanks for the chance.  Happy Holidays!!  

  703. I’m in and I want the Kindle Fire!  

  704. I would love, love, love, love to be chosen as the winner of this lovely prize pack.

  705. Droid me.

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