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WOW: 3000+ Facebook Fans = More Money! [CONTEST]


A few days ago I started a Facebook Contest asking Phans to “Like” our page and promising $200 in Amazon gift cards as prizes for random winners. We started with 564 Facebook Fans… and now? We’re over 3,000+ and still have a couple days left!

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

But with every extra “liker” your chances of winning go down (sad face). That’s why I’m tossing $100 extra bucks in the pot (two $50 gift cards) as a way to say “thank you” to all our friends. If we reach 4,000, 5,000, 6,000 and beyond I’ll continue dropping in a few extra dollars so your chances of winning don’t drastically decrease.

So hit up your FB Wall and encourage your friends to Like us on Facebook! Thanks to all of you and good luck being randomly randomized as a totally random winner come Friday!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. wow this site is going down hill…. screw facebook

    1. This site is going downhill because we’re having a Facebook contest? Color me confused. If you don’t want free stuff, don’t enter. If you do, join in. It’s one of about 2343242 articles we right each day so you shouldn’t have TOO much trouble simply overlooking it.

    2. This site is going downhill because we’re having a Facebook contest? Color me confused. If you don’t want free stuff, don’t enter. If you do, join in. It’s one of about 2343242 articles we right each day so you shouldn’t have TOO much trouble simply overlooking it.

    3. This site is going downhill because we’re having a Facebook contest? Color me confused. If you don’t want free stuff, don’t enter. If you do, join in. It’s one of about 2343242 articles we right each day so you shouldn’t have TOO much trouble simply overlooking it.

  2. wow this site is going down hill…. screw facebook

  3. wow this site is going down hill…. screw facebook

  4. Liked… just give me the loop

  5. Liked… just give me the loop

  6. Liked… just give me the loop

  7. You know, if “random” is anything like that farce of giveaways Phonedog does, there’s no change of anyone winning. You would stand a better chance with your multi state lottery.

    1. LOL I can’t speak for PhoneDog but we have a pretty darn good track record of following through with our promises. And no… my Uncle Hank, Aunt Glinda, Dog named Ralph, and Best Friend Tommy Van Buren aren’t pre-selected to “randomly” win.

    2. LOL I can’t speak for PhoneDog but we have a pretty darn good track record of following through with our promises. And no… my Uncle Hank, Aunt Glinda, Dog named Ralph, and Best Friend Tommy Van Buren aren’t pre-selected to “randomly” win.

    3. LOL I can’t speak for PhoneDog but we have a pretty darn good track record of following through with our promises. And no… my Uncle Hank, Aunt Glinda, Dog named Ralph, and Best Friend Tommy Van Buren aren’t pre-selected to “randomly” win.

  8. You know, if “random” is anything like that farce of giveaways Phonedog does, there’s no change of anyone winning. You would stand a better chance with your multi state lottery.

  9. You know, if “random” is anything like that farce of giveaways Phonedog does, there’s no change of anyone winning. You would stand a better chance with your multi state lottery.

  10. Yes it counts for anyone that is liking our FB page at the time we select random winners.

  11. Yes it counts for anyone that is liking our FB page at the time we select random winners.

  12. Yes it counts for anyone that is liking our FB page at the time we select random winners.

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