A few of you guys have chimed in saying you don’t know why your phone’s market looks different suddenly, but one thing’s for certain: the Android market looks a lot different for those of you still on Android 2.1. A hot update (meaning there was no OTA update to accept and install) over this past weekend adds the ability to update all, automatically update apps, and also gives us the new tabbed layout for individual app entries. I haven’t heard reports of crash reporting being added, but I’ll bet that’s trickled down the ladder too.
If you’ve been wondering why your market looks different, don’t fret: you’re not crazy. You are probably still on Android 2.1 if you didn’t accept a system request to download an update file over the air, but at least you’re getting some of the very useful features Froyo users have been enjoying for a while. Now let’s hope some of you actually get stepped up to 2.2 before 2011 makes its way here. (And I’m still rooting for those of you on 1.5 and 1.6 who were promised an update to Eclair. Hang in there, guys!)
[Update]: Sounds like some of you on Android 1.6 are seeing this, too. Anyone on 1.5 seeing the same? Let us know in the comments section with device name and network!
[Photo courtesy of AC]
I hope the G1 gets 2.1 even tho I already got my G2 & loving it lol.
Does anybody have this on the HTC Legend?
Legend owner here (Europe), no change in my Market!
Not seeing change on vibrant.
sadly I’m still waiting for an update on the motorola cliq. Running 1.5 still =(
no change on desire in the u.s.
ok i lied, after i restarted market it changed. cool cool
My X10 Mini Pro U20i (1.6) Market has been updated.
I have a mytouch 3g still on 1.6 and it got the update too.
I got the market update and it works fine for me. However,i am still running 1.6 on a my touch 3g (original model).
Got it like 2 days ago on my i5700, Finland. Works like a charm. I guess I won’t need AppBrain anymore.
The only thing not wojrking is the market widget .
Got it on my fender mytouch, with 1.6. I don’t want just the new market, I want the whole 2.2!
I don’t see a change on the Epic. Is there anything I need to do like reboot or something?
i d0nt see any change not even after i reboot it !!!!!!!!
why dont we get the update :-(
Just root your MyTouch 3G and get 2.2 or even 2.1. I rooted my Epic and I’m loving every minute of it lol
I was an Android beta tester through Google. They gave me a mytouch 3g and I got upgraded to 2.2 on my mytouch. It was pretty horrible. It is like have Windows 7 on a 10 year old computer; you have all the cool features, but it would take years to load something. I promise you, if you have a first generation phone then you wouldn’t want 2.2.
No change on G1 1.6 :-(
Glad to see that Google has realized that everyone isn’t on the latest version and only releasing stuff for the latest version isn’t going to help that. I’m not glad to see that the phone makers are not only still dropping the ball on updates but also blocking users from doing it themselves.
Not seeing the new stuff on 2.1 Droid Eris
No change on my Vibrant, and I rebooted it earlier today too. What gives?
Im new to android an i wanted to know how do i find out if i have an update or not. Thanks
Seeing it on my Samsung Captivate! Like the new layout with comments tab rather than scrolling to the bottom of the listing…
@Khan With the HTC Evo when you are in the Market you hit the menu button on your phone, select downloads and it should show a list of apps you have downloaded and if it needs an update. If it needs and update it’ll say it “Update” otherwise it’ll say “Installed”.
I have it on my X10a phone running X10i build R2BA026 on ATT in US. :D
No changes on UK Hero
Got the updates on two Samsung Galaxy S (on the TIM and Oi networks) here in Brazil, and on a Motorola DEXT (with a hacked 2.1 update) as well, also on the Oi network. Wireless Tethering was already factory-enabled on the Galaxy S phones, so the only big ticket item missing from 2.2 is the JIT compiler.
Can confirm change happened along with paid apps being added to market for India in the past 10 days: currently on milestone 2.1
I got no changes with my spica from Switzerland. Maybe it’s only in North and South America, and not for Europe
Well, seeing how I’m on a rooted Moment, I haven’t seen this update yet. So, I’ll be patient and see if it rolls out to me anytime soon.
LG Ally, Android 2.1
No change after restart as of 11:00EDT
My UK T-mobile G1 got it a couple of days ago :-)
No change on Samsung Galaxy Spica running 2.1.
Got this today – HTC Wildfire 2.1, UK, unrooted & factory unlocked.
Oddly my wife got the update on 10/9 and I did not. We both have Vibrants and are on the same t-Mobile family plan. My phone is actually primary on the account. It seems as though location has nothing do due with the randomness of the roll-out.
I have rebooted, and even removed the battery to see if it would jump start my update but not luck. I’m sure on 10/31, I’ll be the last to get the update lol
I hope this is preparing them for cloud to device messaging…so we can have install from the cloud apps…..
no update for 1.5 on my cliq =( .
No update on the Sprint Hero with restart/manual update checks -6:53PM PST
g1 with 1.6 here, got it
@Keller fuck you. Fuck you the the ass.
when the frack is the cliq gonna get some love?? frack u motorola!
i still dont understand how the market widget works. it just sits there with an orange gradient screen. milestone.
No Changes in Milestone ( 2.1 ) in Europe/ Cyprus
Wasnt really expecting much ;D
I also got it a couple of days ago on an HT-03a (Docomo). Unfortunately now I can’t install any new apps.
Pues en mi Xperia X10 con Android 1.6 se actualizó el market solo. Sin embargo, ahora al buscar nuevos programas ya no me deja instalar nada, ni actualizar nada, se queda pensando y luego dice que no es posible instalar/actualizar los programas y que intente luego, sin obtener resultados. Alguien con el mismo problema ?
nothing new on samsung i7500 (1.5)
no update on my Galaxy S international version (2.1) purchased in Taiwan, operating in the Philippines with Globe carrier.
Rogers (Canada) HTC Magic with 2.1. Haven’t seen the update yet. I rebooted my phone, still nothing.
Wow.. The person who posted this needs to get his Android versions straight! Froyo is 2.2, not 2.1!
No market change here. Is it because I’m rooted?
LG Ally, USA
I’m in the same boat as Eduardo. Garminfone running 1.6, I finally got tired of it and uninstalled the update and everything is back to normal. Updates are always nice, but not being able to download applications is a bit ironic.
EVERYTIME the new market update installs, it “breaks” it. I am not able to download anything. It says “starting download” but never really starts. I’ve left it overnight even. I have to uninstall the update (in manage apps) to get the market to work again. Any thoughts or others who are experiencing this?
I have the tmobile mytouch slide 3g , and so does my husband, got the exact same day, from tmobile I got a system update (he did not) my android market updated (his did not) I am worried that when the froyo update comes out he will get skipped , who can I contact, do I contact tmobile? please email me if you can help. [email protected]
I received the 2.1 update1 on my samsung vibrant on 10/13/2010. The market got reinstalled because i had to accept the terms of service again but i didn’t get a widget for it and the layout is still the same. I restarted my phone too. =(
I’m in Matt’s boat. Received the update, accepted the “New Terms” for the market and there is no change in appearance. I also do not have the “download all” option AND on top of it all I can no longer update or download my applications.
I am using SE X10i in Singapore, which is still running on Android 1.6. I was excited to see the different look on Market. But it didn’t last long. One of the applications hung during a routine update, after which, none of other applications could be downloaded. I tried to clear the data and cache on market and download manager, it doesn’t work. Yes, I am still hang in here, and so is that application. I am counting on SE to update the OS to 2.1 or 2.2 in a near future, but god knows how long that is gonna take. very upset now. :(
For those unable to download I suggest uninstalling the update, after uninstalling I was able to download normally. Also, the update reinstalled itself later that day and has been working fine since.
Settings > Applications > Manage Applications > Market > Uninstall
Depending on device you might need to adjust the filter to ‘All’ to see Market
I got the market change on my vibrant without the 2.1 update 1
I got the xperia x10 mini (not the pro.) android 1.6. but when I try to download something from the market it says I have to make a update. But how?? Help?
Same as 55 (Matt) and 56 (Erica), and different from 59 (Lucy). I got the update from T-Mobile to my Vibrant, and I had to re-accept the Market terms of service, but no changes to my Market. Dang!
I got the update a while ago on my G1 with Cyanogenmod (never went to 5+). Best part about it is that I have to go into the application settings and uninstall the updates to download/update apps.
fascinate and no change here. can anyone get the apk so i can install it?
my tattoo updated the market but i couldn’t install any update for apps – they just uninstalled and couldn’t install back. so i deleted the market update
I finally got this for my Milestone today. Come on Froyo!
i purchased the htc wildfire about 3 months back, i had the update for the market 3 days ago i jus went onto the market and it was all the norm and then when i clicked on it agen it was updated, good workkkkk. still waiting for froyo tho i want it
Has anyone had (and fixed maybe) the issue on the Evo of when after you update to 2.2 your market widget is gone on your phone? I click the icon and it says it has been uninstalled on my phone.
This fucking fones 4m t-mobile suck they get hot n kill all the battery it suck