
[Poll] Your favorite app from the Google Play sales


Google’s decision to rebrand Android Market as “Google Play” has got to be one of the most ridiculous ones in recent times, probably more so than the Qwikster debacle. And we all what happened then.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

But Google did soften the blow with the sales they offered. For developers, its a great opportunity to add a substantial number of users, with the exposure often resulting in increased downloads down the line, too.

I bought a ton of apps during December’s “10 Billion Downloads Sale”, and have picked up 4 from a smaller offering this time. My favorite from the December sales was SwiftKey X (31% increased typing efficiency, 11k+ keystrokes saved). This time, my favorite is Shadowgun. I’m not that fond of gaming on mobile devices (unless its something more casual, like Great Little War Game), usually because of controls, but Shadowgun’s won me over witha really good performance, decent controls (I feel the shoot controls on the right could have been done better).

Which were yours? Just add it to the vote below. You can pick only one, so choose which stood out for you the most.

[polldaddy poll=6025408]

Raveesh Bhalla

Samsung, please, sort out my Galaxy Tab [Rant]

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  1. Had to cop MC3, too good to pass up

  2. Could it be that maybe Apple has some copyright to the name “market” and Google is just trying to fend off a future lawsuit? I don’t have an inside scoop, just a guess. After all, Apple seems to go after some of the most ridiculous claims.

    1. Apple claims copyright to the App Store terminology, no claim whatsoever on Market.

    2. Market is a comment word, they cant patent that. 

  3. Shadowgun only 49p i could not turn this down at all :) Great game with great graphics too :)

  4. Business Calender, …49 cents!
    Has great calendar widgets too!

  5. Bridesmaids – 20p rental! YEAAHHH!

  6. Grabbed Osmos HD

  7. The Emoticon App =)

  8. You seem very judgmental regarding the rebranding, Phandroid journalist, but I must say that I like it. Yes, it does seem a little odd at first, but it’s already grown on me. 
    Google needs this rebranding in order to build a reputation as (eventually) a formidable opponent to the iTunes cloud. This rebranding was necessary, and even though many might think it sounds weird now, I think 6 months from now people will not only be okay with it, but like it. 
    I can tell that Google has put a lot of thought into this change. They understand that it’s a big, albeit functionally minor, change. They have not made the same mistake as Neflix. You’ll come around.

    1. youre in the very small minority.

  9. swiftkey X, but i already bought it a long time ago. 

  10. voted for swiftkey x, though I bought it previously (10c) for the 10 billion app promotion. Thanks phandroid, didn’t realize Cut the rope was available. BOUGHT.

    1. Believe it was added today. Bought it, too. But Shadowgun is just a different thing altogether

  11. seems to me like they r trying to ease of and the android name and make everything google
    bad idea as android is now a household name
    last thing the already dumb public needs in more confusion 

  12. I love the camera zoom fx app.

  13. Shadowgun is freakin’ great!!!
    Finally beat the driller! Whew!!!
    It is like having the first gears of war on my phone!
    Lovin’ it!

    1. I’ve got an appointment with him tomorrow

      Edit: I just decided to play some after my shift, and I’m done!

  14. Osmos HD on Samsung Note rules!!!

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