
Madden NFL 11 Coming to Android, Expect More From EA


EA’s ready to take a strong shot at Android, finally. While their presence on Android is nothing new, it’s not nearly as noticeable as it is on the iPhone. Through Twitter, we’ve gotten confirmation that one of their big games is definitely coming to Android. Madden NFL 11 – perhaps the most popular and successful sports franchise of all time on consoles – will be finding a home on the platform we all love to use. However you feel about football (or handegg, as some of my European fellows elect to call it) is irrelevant: this is one of their biggest names headed to Android.

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Automatically, that should make you hopeful that they’re finally ready to take Android seriously. They’ve expressed interest in reshaping their mobile division to make room for Android alongside the iPhone where they primarily do their bidding, stating:

“…[we] think there’s a lot to happen in the future in Android, and we’re trying to position our mobile business to take advantage of that trend.”

A lot of people are starting to see things your way, too, EA. We know the guys behind Angry Birds are drumming up to a glorious debut in the Android market pretty soon, Epic’s thinking about dipping their hand into the Android platform by bringing the Unreal Engine 3, and a handful of other great games once only available for the iOS platform have made their migration to Android with OpenFeint’s platform behind them. Don’t be surprised if Phandroid suddenly becomes focused more on games in the near future than hardware because I can feel we’re just about to get hit with a wave of quality games heading into 2011.

[via Droid-Life]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. I am not huge on football or Madden in general, but yes this definitely is a major step in the right direction for getting bigger, better quality mobile games on the Android platform. I for one cannot wait to see what the future holds, especially with phone hardware getting better and better.

  2. Yeah there seems to be a whole lot brewing on the horizon in terms of gaming on Android. I’ve always predicted it would become a dominate mobile gaming force. Looks like that could be coming true a little sooner then expected..not that I’m complaining. Just need to make sure I have plenty of coffee ready so I can play all these games.

  3. Took ’em long enough

  4. Out of curiousity why is it taking all these developers so long for android? We have more users and less competition within the market (the games just suck); so why miss out on something like this? I’m really confused…

  5. its overwhelming with all these games. lol. i have to let my old ones go to make room for these new ones.. =]

  6. HELL YEAH! Gets my Madden on! Hope there’s going to be an option where 2 people or more can play at the same time. If so I am all about it.

  7. I knew it was good Idea to drop AT&T and Go
    with Verizon. It only took me 9 long years. Every time
    I turn around there is something awesome going on with Android and Verizon.

  8. WTF does this have to with Verizon?

  9. lol. its for all android devices.. not the carriers. hahaha

  10. Americans renamed handegg to football to avoid confusion with NHL name. Since no one plays real football in US and handegg has historic connection to football this decision seemed reasonable.

  11. I’m all about better games coming to Android. For too long now I’ve had to suffer with crappy 2D games. There are very few good titles out there right now for Android. All the games from Gameloft seem to be pretty good, and also Homerun Battle 3D. Other than that, there isn’t much else other than puzzle games and crap like that.

  12. Android has good 3d game game loft games and caligo, fifa 10,hungry shark,psx emulator,turbosubs,baseball superstar 2010,baseball homerun 3d. But good plus on football game I like backbreaker but is not a real football without scoring touch down. Having nfl team.

  13. Yes Spencer you are right. Took them long enough.
    But I am sure Our wait time pays,,, Its big game and EA developers are making this, so I am sure we can expect something really superb,,,
    Waiting,,,,, waiting!!!!!!!!!
    Any Idea folks when to expect this game in market????????

  14. All we need now is for Zynga to hop on the wagon

  15. if you are not interested in this game coming to the Android market, please either do not post or just say something positive about it. the last thing we need here is for the developers to get the idea that we are not totally stoked on the idea of having this game in our hands . i for one cannot wait .. i do all my video game play on the go since i have a very busy lifestyle and this will truely make me a happy camper, it bums me out a bit that we don’t have it already so i say give it to us please ..yesterday. EVO 4G

  16. I echo your sentiments Xjcar!!!!

  17. Bring it bring it bring it!! I simply love my new droid…but still can’t put my iPodTouch away because there are no games! Hurry up EA! And get us Madden! Heck, even 08 would be fine!

  18. I can’t wait for it.
    I hope the put this out on the Android market worldwide, nit only US.
    Madden 11 on my Android? Bring it on.

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