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Phandroid: Update On Downtime


downtimeThis past weekend was incredibly chaotic in terms of site downtime, bugs, errors and more. The forums have been abuzz about various issues and problems and we promised to update you today. Unfortunately I’m unable to provide a complete response until some of the dust settles, but I wanted to take a moment and address the situation.

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On Friday the 13th (are you kidding me?), the Android Forums server experienced a hiccup that proved fatal: the drive was corrupted. We restored the site from our most recent backup which was from the previous day. As a result, we lost thousands of posts and experienced a timewarp resulting in the loss of new accounts and premium memberships as well.

The uptime/downtime over the past 6 months has been extremely rocky and in many ways I would consider them growing pains- you folks love you some Android! We do too, and that’s why over the last few days we’ve been taking some pretty drastic measures to improve the site’s performance in the long-term. Much of the downtime and bugs you see now are due to some sweeping changes we’ve made and details we’re still ironing out. I can’t provide the full story right now, but will follow up later in the week with a more definitive explanation.

Apologies for the small gap in fulfilling your Phandroid fix and for any irritation this caused to all the awesome members of our forums. Trust me when I say we’re working hard to go above and beyond your expectations. We’ve got a lot of fun stuff in the pipeline and your patience is greatly appreciated. We also think it will be greatly rewarded. But hey, mission number one is to make sure you can load the sites quickly and reliably and whenever you want, right?

We’re on top of it… trust me. And stay tuned later this week and over the next couple months for some awesome announcements and improvements! Keep your comments and feedback coming, both positive and negative- if they don’t make us feel warm and fuzzy they usually help us improve!

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

Motorola STINGRAY to be Name of Tablet (MOTMZ600)?

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  1. It’s all good…

  2. no problem at all
    breaks my addiction a bit:)

  3. U guys do a bang up job! Its all good!

  4. I would like to suggest a way to keep at least one thing safe, and thats comments. I have been using the DISQUS comment system for a while now and absolutely love it. I would love to see this comment system integrated with my #1 Android news source (thats Phandroid btw) and would greatly appreciate it as well.

    They have a WordPress plugin also.

  5. @DroidsFTW I know what you mean. Is there any way of banning me from phandroid for a while? I mean im getting my phone and im pretty sure the day i get it they’ll have announced something even more awesome.

  6. awesome, i dont mean to be a hater but i was really hoping i wouldnt have to resort to android and me.. anything they have that is “wow” worthy has usually already been posted here first.

  7. @Ban – LOL I know what you mean. While you are temporarily banning me from phandroid please ban me from the following as well: androidforums, androidcentral, mydroidworld, droidforums, talkandroid and please don’t forget to lock down my ROM Manager, Clockword Mod, and prevent me from loading SPRecovery. It probably would be good to force me back onto stock without root and the original launcher…

  8. If you need someone to ban things for you, you should’ve bought an iPhone.

  9. +1 for ari-free

  10. @Ban even more fun starts then, you can install a new rom every day.

  11. @ari-free ROFLMAO!! That’s funny!

    I agree I need to be banned too, my co-workers were just telling me they needed to have an intervention for my addiction to all things android.

  12. Hey Rob, just wanted to drop in and say thanks for all you guys do. This was my first forum to sign up to when I got my Eris in November, and I haven’t left. Love the site, and love the updates. What ever you guys need to do to make this place better(if thats possible) is all good. THANK YOU!

  13. solo drakban strikes again

  14. Thanks to all the kind words here. You come to kind of expect a backlash when things like these happen. I really appreciate everyone’s patience and its exciting to know how much you enjoy our coverage and community. I promise even better things are on the way!

  15. Love the site, and appreciate your attentiveness. You keep doing what you do, and we’ll keep stopping by. Stay classy, Phandroid!

  16. Love this site, one if the first android sites I been on and just can’t leave, keep it up phandroid (love the name too so that’s a plus lol)

  17. Yes indeedy…I always check phandroid…pretty coolish for the most part

  18. I was worried for a second, but knew you would figure it out.

    When’s the next podcast??

  19. Having managed the IT side of a large site and all its growing pains, I feel for you guys… keep up the good work, I think I’m not alone here when I say that we really appreciate the awesome work you guys are doing with the site! I don’t know how many people realize the sheer complexity of growing a site that ends up being the victim of its own success, but its definitely a challenge (and no, RAID-1 is not the end-all answer to drive corruption :P )

    Keep up the good work!!

  20. Your phone and apps data base is still broken

  21. in my humble opinion phandroid is the best android news site/blog so all is forgiven ;)

  22. you guys are doing a great job; this is my favorite android site as well.

  23. I can recover your drive!

  24. Its funny we are having problems at work right now with trying to recover some things so in frustration I went out to read some droid news and ended up here. Anyways I think you guys do a great job. Everyone is used to having problems crop up with any system that is in use these days. Keeping a site like this running is difficult at most. Thanks for all the news you guys put out.

  25. Website is fine but the market apps is all screw up!

  26. Man the Phandroid app is totally messed up no pics and nothing but force closes for days now.

  27. Definately my favorite android site by far. Been here for 2 years and counting!

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