
Incredible Users, Don’t Look Now: Root Your HTC EVO 4G Now… Or Tomorrow


As what many would call an inadvertent slap in the face to many HTC Droid Incredible and HTC Droid Eris owners still trying to root their devices, XDA rode into town just a day before the gun-slinging goes down: the HTC EVO 4G’s root instructions are now available.

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A couple of days after the Google I/O conference, we learned a developer had already achieved root and was preparing to offer the tutorial sometime later. That sometime is now and it’s available for anyone else that has an EVO 4G already. For those that have to wait for tomorrow, all you can do right now is read it and weep (literally, as I’ve done so myself).


There are a couple of things to note if you’re planning on doing this. Firstly, the method that toastcfh (the user that posted the instructions) is providing will wipe all of your data. He also recommends not using an RUU (ROM) from Sprint or you’ll lose the root. He’ll be making a root-persistent update.zip file with the EVO 4G’s ROM shortly.

Currently, everything you can do with this root method must be done through the recovery utility. We’re not yet sure what kind of functionality this keeps us from enjoying on other rooted devices such as the Motorola Droid and the Nexus One, but he’s noted that you can’t write to the system or recovery while booted in Android.

You can find more detailed information with instructions and download links at toastcfh’s XDA thread here.

[Update]: Another developer has posted their own root-persistent Stock RUU file here. Remember that we’re only reporting here at Phandroid.com. We can take no responsibility for anything that you do to your device, and neither can the developers from whom you download.

[Thanks to Android Central for the visual walkthrough]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. When is Google going to see the light and just hire the XDA crew?

  2. “When is Google going to see the light and just hire the XDA crew?”

    What? Why? Google already knows how to do anything the XDA crew can do.

  3. GD it! Hey Sprint go to h3ll! No one even likes you and your bumble bee colors! **Throws something at the wall angrily and storms away**

  4. When are phone manufacturers/service providers going to see the light and realize nobody wants their crippling, custom UIs?

  5. So this mean we up in Canada can buy this phone, root it, and have it work with our 3 major providers on the 850/1900 3G bands?

  6. Athir, Their crippling UI protect them from some novice screwing up his phone than asking them for a replacement or taking up man hours to fix it.

  7. Athir these “Crippled UI’s” prevent the novice from screwing up their phone, than having Sprint spend time and money to fix/replace it.

  8. sorry for doublepost.

  9. I was sittin next to a cat with a Droid and actually got a little jealous that he’ll probably have Froyo before I do on my Incredible lol. Now I’ll see people walking around with a bigger screen AND Froyo.

  10. Uhhh, Droid Eris has been rooted for a few months now. Only people complaining about not being able to get root on Eris, are the ones who just couldn’t wait and upgraded to a leaked 2.1 – and then root was accomplished on 1.5 about a week later. The Eris even has a new over-clockable kernel as of early May.

  11. Meh, who cares.

  12. Does anyone think that there will be a root for the Incredible? I wish I was able to have the talent that the coders have so I could assist.

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