Yesterday, Sony Ericsson held a Press Event in Sweden to demonstrate their upcoming first Android Phone, the Xperia X10. We’ve got video from that event to give you a glimpse of what it was like, but more importantly some juicy details about the device are starting to emerge:
First of all, the Xperia X10 looks poised to arrive at AT&T. The Sony Ericsson X10 page has been updated with more detailed specs and it lists the following:
GSM/GPRS/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
UMTS/HSPA 800/850/900/1700/1900/2100
The above shows compatibility with both AT&T and T-Mobile but the following line nixes T-Mobile as it explicitly takes out the necessary 1700 band T-Mobile needs for 3G:
UMTS HSPA 800/850/1900 only available for phones sold in Americas (except Brazil) and Australia. UMTS HSPA 900/1700 not available for phones sold in Americas. UMTS HSPA 1900/2100 available worldwide.
That official product page shares some other interesting tidbits, for example while it notes inclusion of Google Maps in the connectivity section, we also see that the X10 uses Wisepilot™ turn-by-turn navigation. Since the X10 won’t launch with Android 2.0 it would preclude it from having Google Navigation in the first place, but when the update comes will it still have Wisepilot, defer to Google Nav or provide the option of either?
Also shown is “Video Light” that provides “More light when shooting video”. The camera has a flash and I’m assuming this just keeps the flash on while video is recording – a small inclusion but a pretty cool one. Why other phones don’t already offer this? I have no clue… it probably sucks up some much desired battery life but if you want to take a night video, you want to take a night video.
While I can’t find this now, we got a tip from Jordan who wrote in to tell us about the X10 “Gesture Control”. It apparently included the explanation that you can “silence the call or alarm simply by moving your hand across the camera lens.” Pretty cool indeed.
But how much will you pay for pretty cool? If a few online retailers who are taking pre-orders for the unlocked X10 are on target, that $879 price isn’t far off, andhow disappointing that will be. The folks at MobileCityOnline are pre-selling both the black and white X10 for $999 although no expected date is included:
Meanwhile the lucky folks over at (translated to English) go a chance to get hands on the device and posted a nice video of the X10 in action on YouTube:
The “Cape Times” they keep mentioning isn’t a popular Swedish newspaper… its Google translate trying to make sense of TimeScape for Sony Ericsson Nexus. Just a friendly heads up!
NOOOooOOOooooOOOO I was hoping, by some miracle, it would have a CDMA make over ala the Hero (even though I’m not interested in this phone really). But AT&T’s network and prices suck, it will be the downfall of this phone.
NICE probably coming to Rogers then too!!
AT&T and Rogers have the same 3G Bands, and Rogers usually gets all Sony Ericsson phones!!
The phone is working so smooth in the video. They tweaked it too good!
it’s been speculated that arrival of android on at&t could mean the end of iphone exclusivity. the exclusivity agreement was said to run “through 2009” anyway. this could mean the start of a new chapter in android/iphone competition taking place within individual networks.
Well done tmobile, your plan to distance yourself from the future of smartphones is now complete. See you later
“The camera has a flash and I’m assuming this just keeps the flash on while video is recording – a small inclusion but a pretty cool one. Why other phones don’t already offer this? I have no clue…”
Even my LG Viewty does that, nothing to get excited about.
and btw, Mobilyz is a Dutch website, not Swedish
sigh..att sucks
So this is official, then? We have to order the international version if we want to use it on T-Mo?
am i the only one who found it funny/ironic that the second video was being recorded with an iphone?
I am 5 year AT&T customer. I realize they are not that popular right now because of iphone data issues…but when I was with verizon I had nonstop issues, both on my personal account and business accounts. It shocks me that verizon is rated so high on customer service because I had issues with them month after month.
In fairness to the situation, I don’t live in a major market, and my choices are limited. Also, we don’t have the dropped call issues that a lot of major markets have. Anyway, I’ve longed for an AT&T android phone and am happy to see one coming our way.
Hopefully AT&T will get their act together and expand their 3g coverage.
Well, that blows. I was looking forward to making this my replacement for the myTouch, but it appears that I won’t be making that switch. The fact that it’s only available for AT&T makes me question SE’s commitment to to their own success in the mobile/smartphone market. I would have gladly paid the unsubsidized price for use on T-Mobile.
I was thinking about waiting for this but $999… are you serious?!?
“UMTS HSPA 800/850/1900 only available for phones sold in Americas (except Brazil) and Australia. UMTS HSPA 900/1700 not available for phones sold in Americas. UMTS HSPA 1900/2100 available worldwide.”
What this mean? That will not work in Brazil?
Ok, my plan, buy a Droid, wait 1 year, and try to buy a Xperia X10 in one year, when the price drops..
this phone is going to fail, too expensive, exclusive to one carrier who is also too expensive. At least I when I see somebody with one I know they are among the elite. I will be sure to kick them in the balls for not supporting health care reform.
Good plan.. Constantly waiting for the “uber phone” will only lead to disappointment, and even when it comes, there will always be something else “just a few months away”. Look at what’s available and find the best deal on phone and plan that you can live with.. Whatever you choose will do you just fine for a long time.. and in a year, or two years, there will be a whole new crop to look at.. and even then there will always be something new and awesome “just a few months away”.
With that price,i wouldn’t touch it with a barge pole
Another nice phone tmobile didn’t get!! I’m still deciding on verizon or At&t. Tmobile plans are better but they are stupid with phones. I need a family plan with atleast 1000 minutes with unl data and text. Whuch company should I choose!! Please help fellow droid lovers!!
hahahaha wow. sony is full of fail. over priced phone going to a horrid network. complain all you want that t-mobile doesn’t have the “top of the line” android phones, but at least they try to fix their faults and offer affordable plans.
Yeah… At&t definitely wouldn’t be my first choice. T-Mo really should have picked this one up. Android is too great to have to share bandwidth with the iPhone.
Ok. So I’m new here but my understanding is that Flash support on Android is due to the update received by 2.0. Look here:( ) Could it be that this device is actually pre-destined to have 2.0?
well i knew that t mobile wouldnt get the phone because they almost never get the good sony phones so to be honest the only hope for tmobile customers is htc…and samsung and i guesss motorola now that they’re alive again
The pre-order price (with 25% VAT) in Sweden for the X10 is just under $850…unlocked.
As a comparison; A unlocked iPhone 3GS 32GB will set you back $1000 and a unlocked HTC Hero costs $620.
So my guess is that a unlocked X10, on release day, will be at or around $750.
I really can’t wait for what HTC is coming out with. i bet its gonna be awesome.
sorry SE
So basically no confirmation that this phone will be sold through AT&T – just speculation.
@Lobo: Interesting, with the 3GS 32GB at $1,000 and this being priced less, that should mean it’ll come to the US at under the $299 price point of the 3GS.
If it could make $249 or less, it might do alright. That’s slightly above the Droid, but still cheaper than the competitor.
att might get one android phone and all you people are flipping out.
tmobile has the G1, mytouch3g, cliq, and behold 2. and isnt the motus possibly going to Tmo.
sprint only has the hero and the moment, verizon has the droid and droid eris, att has none so far.
Well AT&T should have thought about that before they teamed up with Apple…
The Motus is going to AT&T as well, IIRC.
There should be a poll done. A petition made or something so SE will pull their heads out their arses and realize THEY ARE MAKING A MISTAKE!
Or here’s an idea, they could do the same thing with the Xperia X10 as HTC did with the Touch Pro 2
That way, everyone’s happy.
I stand corrected… I just read the Motus article saying it’s likely going to T-mobile.
However, if you look at the specs, it’s nearly identical to the Motorola Cliq. If that’s the case, T-mobile is screwed. They introduce Android to the world, then somehow end up with ZERO 2nd generation Android phones.
The Motus to me already looks like garbage. It’s the Cliq without a Navkey.
But this section is about the Xperia X10, not the Motus
So let’s keep it that way…
Funny the whole video was shot using his iPhone 3gs!!!! HAHAHAH!!
good riddance TMO, have fun selling sidekicks preteens
The bottom line is that TMO has the most Android phones and yet NONE of them can compete with ANY of the phones their competitors make. You cant argue with specs, and TMO just isnt on the same level as their competition. I dont think TMO understands that smartphones are like laptops in that RAM, processor, screen size- these things matter. They clearly dont understand the potential of Android, which is doubly worse because they are the ONLY major carrier to not take the Android market seriously. Using my MyTouch in public is like walking around with my shirt inside-out, its just embarrassing.
I agree with you about the mytouch but there’s something I feel as though these companies have forgot.
T-Mobile was the first to introduce the Android OS with the G1. Yay, fancy new smartphone. Woot woot. No one cared cause it still didn’t compare to the iPhone.
Now they have a chance (if willing) to step up to the plate and show AT&T what they really unleashed out into the wild.
sweet. i have AT&T.
great. then you can go down with the rest of them!
Uhm wtf? Mad money for no reason Moto Droid Ftw
I heard there’s an X10(t-mo) and an X10a(att)
Be happy that a US carrier is even getting an SE smartphone. At least you’ll be able to get it at a contracted discount if you wish. My P1i was $699 retail and I was lucky enough to snag one on eBay for $320 to work with my MBW-100.
Well, like I said above in a previous post…
“Or here’s an idea, they could do the same thing with the Xperia X10 as HTC did with the Touch Pro 2. That way, everyone’s happy.”
Ummm, “D”, it’s a phone, just a phone, and nothing more than…………… a phone. You need to chill out just a tad methinks. Forget the phone and go play MW2 – So much more therapeutic :-)
Just from some of the thing I have just read, it sounds like the first Android phone for AT&T will be made by dell. Don’t quote me on that cause I’m not entirely sure but what I do know is it’s still too early to tell. We’ll probably hear something different tomorrow…
What exactly is MW2? Not that I really care. It is just a phone. Yes, but it’s the turning point…
Hahaa, this must be a first, when the price in sweden will be half that of the american one. Ah, the irony, but sad for the american market of course.
I just wonder what dope the distributors must have been smoking, to rip off the american customers this much. Because obviously – even the swedish distributors must be making a profit off the $600 price tag. They can hardly be selling it for a calculated a loss.
Sony Ericsson is really crazy if they think im going to pay a thousand bucks for this phone, MATERIAL = plastic (CRAP), OS = 1.6 (there’s alredy 2.0) do not support 16m colors, not multi-touch, WTF?
they are going to break, really soon
I really do HOPE that The Big Magenta picks up this phone as well. I would gladly pay for this high end device running Android. I want. to see Tmo pick up a smartphone with a Snapdragon processor. C’mon T mobile, let’s get that high end smartphone.
I thought that HSPA was Verizon?
There it says:
“HSPA – serious speed
Turbo 3G gives you broadband-like speed in your phone. Download large files and email attachments in a snap. Get Web sites and news feeds to your screen in seconds.”
woot, finally good phone coming to att..
tmobile users please qq more.. it’s funny ^^
Is 2.0 OS better than 1.6?
Is Vista better than XP?
How hard would it be to wipe the phone of the custom Android and put vanilla Android 2.0 on it?
If Sony Ericsson gave me a free unlocked X10 and it worked on T-Mobile in every way, I wouldn’t care where it went or what happened in the future of SE.
But as we all know, this will never happen…
$1000, holly crap its just a phone people. Sorry that’s just ridiculous.
knock this shitty overlay advertising off! makes your site unusable
OK. I will have to buy the unlocked version because there is no way I am switching to AT&T. I would have switched from Verizon from T-Mobile, but never to AT&T…their 3G network is already bogged down and my friends are always having their calls dropped. They are moving so slow on expanding their 3G too. I’m not going to sign a contract on a network that isn’t better than T-Mobile just for a phone.
God, I wish everyone would e-mail T-Mobile and express interest in this phone…if its not too late for them to get it.
This video seems to indicate they’ve already gone a long way to fix some issues the phone was having because of the UI. Really looks better and the Spiderman movie looked great playing on the screen too!
@just some dude: Its more than just a phone. This smartphone has potential to replace a PDA, Digital Camera, Flip Cam, Personal Video Player and a Navigation Device. Not to mention wireless Internet access from virtually anywhere… I would use all but the Navigation, so its more than a phone and has the ability to narrow down the amount of devices I carry around.
TMOBILE dropped the ball..again..first with hero then droid now this..FML and my 2 year agreement
Holy assraping ducks, that is some overpriced piece of hardware.
Is this their plan to save their business?
Byebye, Sony Ericsson, it was nice knowing you.
Everyone with T-mobile should write or e-mail T-mobile about not carrying this phone we need a high end phone.
X10 has many shortcomings compared to Droid
1)No Flash,so no camera/video capture at night
2)Android 1.6 vs Droid has Android 2.0
3)No Ambient Light sensor( Display brightness automatically adjusts as per the outside light – dark vs bright )
4)No Voice activated google maps navigation
5)Video capture for X10 is at lower resolution then Droid
6)Biggest of all: No physical keypad
7)Price for X10 is more then four times of Droid
8)Comes with only 8GB transflash vs Droids 16GB transflash card
Nice attempt at a list. Unfortunately there are some factual errors in it…
1. X10 does have a flash.
2. X10 will support android 2.0 after release.
3. So..?
4. Will most likely be available when updated to 2.0.
5. Both phones record video in WVGA resolution.
6. I personally prefer to use an on-screen keyboard. Especially when the alternative is the appearently horrible hardware one found on the droid.
7. Most likely not. Like so many already pointed out, the preorder price of an unlocked X10 in Sweden roughly translates to 850$. Without the swedish VAT (25%), the price will undeniably be lower. Also, remeber that this is the preorder price. It will probably be lower when it actaully ships. As for the droid… Can you even buy an unlocked one?
8. Touche :)
Looking forward to this phone, I expect a $599 price tag in the US when it launches. $499 with a two-year agreement with AT&T, including a required data-plan.
It is a lot for a phone but that phone looks worth it.
And to the guy named ‘marc’.
The Droid comes with a 5.0MP camera, while the X10 has a whopping 8.1MP camera. And yes the difference is very noticeable.
Yes, enjoy yoru extra 8GB of transflash while I try to figure out how to fill up the eight I (will) have.
I think the Sony Ericsson Xperia X10 is a really great phone, even with Android 1.6, but I am really looking forward to Android 2.1 and Multitouch, as the X10 will be awesome then.