
Slacker Radio For Android Drops With The Droid [CONTEST]


If you never thought mobile music streaming would become as big of a deal as it already is on the Android platform, then I’m sorry to say that you’ve been sorely disappointed. Android support may be a little late to the game, but the rapid insurgence of new apps from these premier online radio providers shows me that they’re just about ready to take Android seriously.

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Slacker Personal Radio is the latest to step into the market with the launching of their new app, which fully integrates with the service provided on their site. The free companion app can be found right now in the market by searching “Slacker”, or if you’re a brand new Motorola Droid or HTC Droid Eris owner, you can head over to the Verizon channel to find the download right away.

Senior Vice President of Marketing for Slacker offers this statement:

“Slacker continues to eliminate the obstacles between listeners and their favorite music. Our free app for Android provides a great way for music fans to take their favorite Slacker Radio stations with them wherever they go.”

As for other non-Verizon handsets? Slacker says that it’s also been optimized for the T-Mobile G1/HTC Dream/ADP1 and the T-Mobile myTouch3G/HTC Magic/Google ION devices. Whether or not these apps can be found in the markets of other phones such as the HTC Hero or the Motorola Cliq, I’m not too sure of, but if you own any of these phones and are able to download and use the app, don’t be afraid to let us know in the comments!

If you want to take full advantage of the Slacker experience (not to be confused with the Google experience), then you might want to consider Slacker Radio Plus. With this paid subscription service, which will run you $3.99 a month (close to $50 per year), you get some nice features such as the unlimited skipping of songs on any given station (the free version currently allows 6 per hour per station), no ads to interfere with your listening, complete lyrics for the songs (please note: not all songs have associated lyrics), and an unlimited amount of song requests for your personal station, so that you can really customize your station exactly the way you want it.


You being the awesome Phandroid readers that you are, we’ve got you covered with a giveaway! We’ve got 2 Slacker Radio Plus subscriptions (worth a full year of service) for our readers to try and win. Just a few stipulations apply, but it’s nowhere near something you have to goto the end of the earth for!

  • You must already have a account. Head on over there and create an account now (it’s free to start).
  • You must provide the email address you used for the account made above. As long as you are using the same email address for the comments form as you did for sign up, you should be fine. If not, we’ll work something out if you were one of the winners.

So just what exactly is it that you have to do? No, we won’t ask you to balance yourself on a ball for an hour, that would be torture. You do have to do a little bit of digging, though. We want to know who was the first band to wear all black on stage? Sounds random, I know, but it seems to be a fitting question for a Slacker contest, whose apps and the site itself present themselves in a nice deep black tone. Get to it and the first 2 to correctly answer will be the ruler of all that is awesome (or you might just win a free year of a Slacker Radio Plus account, who knows).

Read ahead for the full press release from Slacker.

Slacker Radio Now Available for Android

Slacker Radio is the Best Way to Discover New Artists and Hear Your Favorite Music – for Free

SAN DIEGO, CA – November 6, 2009 – Slacker, Inc. today announced that the Slacker Radio app is available for Android phones. Music lovers* can now listen to their favorite Slacker stations anywhere they happen to be on their Android-powered smartphone. The free application is available immediately by visiting from a supported** Android phone or by visiting the Android Market. Verizon customers using the new DROID by Motorola can locate the free Slacker Radio application quickly by visiting the Verizon channel of the Android Market on that phone.

Owners of Android smartphones can now enjoy the Slacker music discovery experience, including creating a nearly unlimited number of custom stations, over 100 expert-programmed Slacker genre, seasonal and spotlight stations, or over 10,000 artist stations.

Slacker also gives listeners the ultimate music resource by providing artist biographies, album reviews, station fine tuning, “peek ahead” song previews and song lyrics. In addition to marking songs as favorites, listeners can also ban songs and artists to create perfect custom radio stations on their phones.

Additional application features for Android smartphones i nclude an intuitive interface, support for vertical and horizontal orientation and the ability to run in the background while controlling the app from a widget on the smartphone desktop.

“Slacker continues to eliminate the obstacles between listeners and their favorite music,” said Jonathan Sasse, senior vice president of marketing at Slacker. “Our free app for Android provides a great way for music fans to take their favorite Slacker Radio stations with them wherever they go.”

Slacker Radio for Android offers:
– Free music library featuring millions of songs
– High-quality stereo playback from any wireless connection
– Create custom artist stations based on artists or songs
– Over 100 professionally programmed genre stations
– View artist biographies and photos
– View album art and read reviews
– “Peek Ahead” artist and album preview
– Multi-tasking – listen to music while using other applications
– Rate songs as favorites
– Ban songs and artists you don’t like
– Vertical and Horizontal modes
-Desktop widget

Pricing and Availability
The free Slacker Radio application for Android is available immediately in the Android Market or by visiting on any Android smartphone. DROID by Motorola owners can find Slacker quickly in the Verizon channel of the Android Market. The Slacker Radio app works with the free Slacker Basic Radio service, Slacker Radio Plus and Slacker Premium Radio subscription offerings.

** The Slacker application has been optimized for the new DROID by Motorola, DROID ERIS by HTC and the HTC G1 and HTC MyTouch Android handsets. For more information please visit

About Slacker, Inc.
Slacker is the world’s first Personal Radio company offering “Your Radio Everywhere.” Slacker allows music lovers to play highly personalized music online at the Slacker web site or on the go with Slacker Personal Radio players and mobile phones. Slacker mobile applications are currently available for BlackBerry smartphones and the iPhone. For more information visit

For regular Slacker updates follow us at, become a Fan on Facebook at and for more information, please visit


*The Slacker Personal Radio Mobile application is currently available for U.S. customers only.

Slacker and are registered trademarks of Slacker

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. black sabbath?

  2. Black Sabbath? :)

  3. Johnny Cash!

  4. Johnny Cash

  5. Johnny Cash!

  6. Black Sabbath was said to wear all black

  7. or was it Johnny Cash?…

  8. Beatles

  9. Confirmed for the Sprint HTC Hero. Works great!

  10. I like this one a lot better than Pandora due to the album art on the widget and if you pay for Pandora you can still only skip 6, whereas this one you can skip unlimited if you pay :-D

  11. it is avaliable on sprint hero =)

  12. Black Sabbath

  13. Black Sabbath

  14. The man in black = Johnny Cash. :)

  15. black sabbath so obvious

  16. Black Sabbath

  17. Easy. Black Sabbath!

  18. When’s it gonna come out for Eris!?!?!?!

  19. Metallica! Did I win?! LOL

  20. Katy Perry?

  21. Black Sabbath

  22. Black Sabbath

  23. I’m still waiting for a Rhapsody client for Android.

  24. I’d hafta say the ramones,johnny was the man in black.his band wore whatever they wanted.

  25. How does Slacker, Imeen, Pandora, Last.FM, and other streaming radio? I see Pandora can onlyl skip 6 an hour, which sucks for a paid app.

    I’m interested in variety, effecient app (avoid bogging down memory), and the ability to establish “my” kinds of station.

  26. Black sabbath

  27. Black Sabbath

  28. Confirmed working on the Motorola Cliq as well.

  29. Type O Negative

  30. Roy Orbison

  31. Metallica

  32. Johnny Cash!

  33. @wilco
    You paid for pandora? It’s free. That’s why you can only skip so many tracks.

  34. Black Sabbath. Too bad I’m too late. I’ve been waiting for Slacker to finally come out with an Android app as I’ve been using them daily at work for almost 2 years now.

  35. EARTH!!!! black sabbath before they changed there named

  36. Buddy Holly and the Crickets. There was a picture from a few years back where they performed in England in black tail and tie (which would qualify as wearing black).

  37. DroidLive is way better!

  38. Confirmed it work on the Cliq! This was one app keeping me from Android… thank you Slacker!

    Black Sabbath would also be my guess.

  39. so…. did I win? :)

  40. The Hollies

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