
Guest Mode will arrive on Galaxy S6 with release of Android 5.1 update


Lollipop guest

When the Android 5.1 update arrives for the Samsung Galaxy S6 and Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge, one Android feature missing since launch will make its debut. According to a report by SamMobile, Guest Mode will be accessible as part of the Lollipop upgrade slated for Samsung’s flagship line.

Galaxy S25 Ultra deal

Guest Mode, an Android feature first introduced by Google for tablets with the Jelly Bean update but arriving on phones with Lollipop, allows a secondary user access to a friend or family member’s smartphone without providing carte blanche over the primary owners installed apps, services, logins, and files. A guest profile exists separately from the main user profile, and the feature will come to the Galaxy S6 with identical functionality.

There is no exact date announced for the rollout of Android 5.1 for the Galaxy S6, but with betas already floating around it should only be a matter of time.

Kevin Krause
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Android 5.1.1 update appears to be rolling out to Galaxy S6 owners

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  1. The question is: when will it be available for customers using a carrier branded S6 or S6 Edge? 5.1 is really needed to fix the memory issues on the S6/S6E since the RAM is being used up unnecessarily. Samsung’s “work” doesn’t seem to translate into RAM usage right now, so it could be that memory leak people were mentioning constantly.

    1. 5.1 doesn’t fix the memory leak issue. It’s not even clear that 5.1.1 does.

      1. We will see with the S6/S6E.

  2. And when will the droid turbo get it……


  3. G4 comes with 5.1, so I assume it has this by default.

    1. It’ll be interesting to see if it has stock Android’s guest mode (that you are referring to), or the guest mode LG put in on Kit Kat.

  4. This is great. Hopefully, android will allow “guest” and “custom” user access. I’d love to have a separate “work” mode for my phone, so that my launcher, apps, files, etc, plus access and settings concerning them, could be different to my regular account.

    1. Android has had this since 5.0 but Samsung removed it and has added it back into this update. Android is not TouchWizy Samsung. ;)

  5. I’m sad to say I may find myself defecting to the LG G4. My 2nd GS4 experienced a catastrophic screen breakage last night (after a good 21-months of usage). With this in addition to the GS6 not having a removable battery and memory slot, I’m more than interested in looking to a new brand. If the Nexus 6 had either of those features, I’d most certainly go with it. But right now the LG G4 is looking very promising.

    1. Maybe I’m in the small minority but I am not missing expandable storage or removable battery since getting the S6 Edge. Fast charge is freaking amazing 20 minutes and boom I’m set for the whole day, not to mention ultra power saving mode if I’m not near a charger which gives a while extra day of Juice. Regarding Storage? Maybe I don’t watch enough movies but with the combination of spotify and netflix I’m good!

      1. It seems like every nextgen Android though has some form of turbo charging. I’ve lost faith in the durability of the screens on Sams. My Droid Bionic, for all its faults, was excellent when it came to durability.

  6. Enjoy my S6 way to much to worry about any of this. My #Note3, #Note4, #S6, and #GearS is total BOSS.

    1. Because you have no life

      1. I wouldn’t want your pathetic ordinary life if you paid me. You are a faceless coward who hides his true identity cause you’d get your ass kicked so easily it would be comical.

        1. Says the guy who has posted at least a few videos of yourself to YouTube, rambling on about nothing while aimlessly roaming the streets of NYC. Yeah, you lead an exciting life.
          And keep your useless empty threats to yourself. You have to drive over a thousand miles just to get to me, let alone make it through the base security. You talk a big game, but I’ve seen your YouTube videos and Facebook. You’re a pushover.

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