
CyanogenMod confirms new hardware partner, but won’t tell us who it is yet


Things are starting to get a little more interesting in this “official CyanogenMod phone” saga. We originally broke the rumor that the CyanogenMod Inc team would be looking to partner up with a hardware OEM to create the world’s first official CyanogenMod Phone. This phone is said to be designed from the ground up with CyanogenMod in mind.

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We had no clue who they’d be working with to make this mystery phone, but our sources told us to rule Oppo out. That was an interesting turn of events considering Oppo was the first OEM to get on board with CyanogenMod Inc by making the Oppo N1 completely open to flashing CyanogenMod.


A bit of speculation led us on a wild goose chase to figure out who this mystery OEM was. Gionee was suspected, but a big swing and a miss caused us to continue the search. It wasn’t until Pete Lau from Oppo resigned from the company that things really started getting interesting. That prompted us to think back to a photo Steve Kondik posted prior to all of this, with himself and Koushik Dutta posing with the esteemed executive, noting that “they” were working on something extraordinary.

Rumors then started to bubble up regarding a new brand Pete Lau was starting, and the dots began to connect. Now, CyanogenMod themselves are helping us connect even more of them. The team has decided to acknowledge all of the rumors, and confirmed that — yes — they are working with a new hardware partner. We’re told to be on the lookout for even more info in the weeks to come, so it won’t be long before the team comes clean and shows us the big announcement we’ve all been waiting for.

The CyanogenMod phone is rumored to be launching with a Qualcomm Snapdragon 800 chipset that has a quad-core 2.5GHz application processor. We’re not sure if this is a minor extension of the Snapdragon 800 or the newly-announced Snapdragon 805, but it stands to be a very powerful device either way. We’ll have to wait for more details before we can start imagining how this device will shape up, but it won’t be long before we’re treated to the goods in official capacity.

[via Google+]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Those interested in cookies, Pete Lau is looking for a Cookie Experience Officer (CEO). Apparently CM and him are teaming up to open a bakery! Sweet!

  2. People still use CM? Lol.

    1. Only 9,292,716 people :(

      1. Did you pull that out of your ass?

          1. I didn’t know that existed :p thanks :D

          2. It’s a pretty interesting tool to check out from time to time. :)

        1. I never have to pull anything out of my ass, it tends to come out on its own. Well sometimes i have to push a little, lol. Oh wait, what are we talking about again ?

      2. I only wish CM could come up with a fix to get s-off on my ONE. I have 4.3 with a 1.55 hboot. supposedly impossible as of now.

  3. It’d be cool if they could pull a phone with Intel. I really want to see them make headway.

  4. too many times ive tried to use it and no working camera or BT or a GPS on CM. I’ll pass on this carrot

    1. A CM phone though would have full CM support though. You’re talking about a phone that was hacked together to make unofficial software work on a phone that wasn’t supposed to run anything but the stock firmware.

      1. And he is also probably talking about nightlies. They tend to not release new versions as stable, unless all the hardware is working.

    2. Tell us what devices you tried CM on and that’ll probably explain everything

    3. That just isn’t true if you install it on a supported model. You don’t really sound like you know very much about the subject.

    4. CM 10.2 on my Galaxy S3 has the fastest camera I’ve ever seen.

  5. It will be interesting to see if this phone would be available in the US. Getting carrier approval and on it’s LTE networks would seem like a challenge they need to overcome.

  6. This is probably Cyanogenmod’s 1 chance to release a custom handset to go along with their OS but if they mess this up they won’t get another shot. Consumers and even hardcore Android fans are very particular about the smartphone we purchase and some new, unknown smartphone might not fair too well in the crowed Android smartphone market. It might just be me but when I saw that Oppo phone the first thing i did was look for the OEm branding on the back which is what a lot of people do and to see an unknown name worries most people. If the CM team wants to be successful they should just follow in the footstep of Google; take your amazing custom OS that everyone loves and team up with a big name OEM like Intel or HTC or LG and release an amazing handset from a well known manufacturer and you can’t go wrong.

    1. It won’t be CM’s only shot. They rock. It may however be the hardware manufacturers only shot.

  7. Okay. Let it be Nokia or HTC. Or Moto.

  8. My money is on HTC… Of course There probably won’t be a Cyanogenmod Verizon phone… Unless they can control updates in similar fashion ala Nexus.

  9. Jolla?

  10. HTC

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