
Google Maps update now live in the Google Play Store


Yesterday, Google outlaid plans to release an upgrade for Google Maps in the Google Play Store. With information on over 1 million transit stops around the globe and new transit-based features, we were eager to get our hands on the update.

They couldn’t provide it at that time, but it’s now available in the Google Play Store. You’ll be looking for version 6.1.0, and in case you forgot what changed here’s a quick recap:

  • Now, whenever you search for a city or postal code, the borders of that region are highlighted.
  • Under My Places you’ll notice we’ve added new tabs, which will help you access all your information from a single place; from your saved maps for use offline to your starred places and Custom Maps created on your desktop.
  • If you enable Location History, you’ll be able to browse the places you’ve been on a daily basis with an updated Location History dashboard.

And there’s a new icon, if you care. [Google Play Store]

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. It has a new icon too.

  2. And for latitude users you need to disable share locations and re-enable it, to make it work or something. See:!category-topic/maps/news/latitude/_6FrYJf57MI%5B1-25%5D

    Also introduces the: Share location from this device option, encase you have multiple android devices (phones, tablets)

  3. Causing restarts on my htc rezound :/

    1. I second that. (4.0.3).

      1. No such problem on mine. Venom ROM 1.0.3

      2. Just get the same problems on my HTC Sensation (4.0.3) :(

      3. I have the same problems on my HTC Sensation (4.0.3)

    2. Same here! (4.0.3) Argh…… Expect an update to the update in the next day or two??

      1. im on 4.0.4 and its pretty nice

  4. Intersection Explorer is new to Google Maps Lab feature…..

  5. Correction, it’s version 6.10.0, not 6.1.0. This replaces 6.9.0.

  6. They removed the Latitude Widget too!! Boooooo

  7. Still no Navigation in Puerto Rico… Uhhh!

  8. I think it’s pretty obvious that with the new icon, Google Maps for iOS is coming. Might as well make them the same icons.

  9. “Now, whenever you search for a city or postal code, the borders of that region are highlighted.” I thought Gmaps always did this. At least the web version does, but I thought the Android app already did too??

    1. Nope.

  10. This new update is making my Rezound reset every time I open app!! Really pisses me off. All the complaints I see about this are from Rezound owners. For some reason it seems that all Rezound phones are reacting like this with the update. They need to fix this asap!

    1. Don’t get too upset about it. It’s bad for your heart. Just find and load an older APK if you’re rooted. Otherwise, give the Goog about 36 hours. They are usually amazingly fast at fixing crashes on their core apps.

  11. i actually like the new icon. :)

  12. What I want added is the ability to name stars. I’ve got a quite a few stars and it’s hard to remember what each one is for.

    1. what you want is google sky map ;)

  13. Already updated my Google Map!!! Can’t wait to see it in action.

  14. more indoor mapping support in this new update just checked my area today for a business and noticed a few new stores with InMa

  15. I usually embrace change, but the icon isn’t sitting well with me.

  16. Subway updates are not accurate.

  17. I love the icon and I love Google

  18. My Rezound also crashes every time I try to use Google maps.

  19. Like the new icon, love the old one…

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