
Confirmed: DROID Xyboard Tablets Will Be in Stores December 12th; Already Available Online


Verizon’s confirmed what we’ve all been hearing regarding the DROID Xyboard’s release date. As we saw yesterday, they became available for purchase online. Usually when Verizon does an online only release, an in-store launch follows just three days later. In a press release today, they have confirmed that the device will indeed be available for purchasein stores on December 12th, just as rumors have said.

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While Verizon refers to the DROID Xyboard as if it’s just one tablet, there are actually several different configurations to choose from in both size and storage. You can get 8.2 inch models with either 16GB or 32GB of data, while 10.1 inch models will be available with 16GB, 32GB or 64GB of storage, bringing the total amount of configurations to five.

  • The DROID XYBOARD 10.1 will be available in three models: 16 GB for $529.99 and 32 GB for $629.99. The 64 GB model will be available online for $729.99. All three with a new two-year customer agreement.
  • The DROID XYBOARD 8.2 will be available in two models: 16 GB for $429.99 and 32 GB for $529.99, both with a new two-year customer agreement.

All models are equipped with Verizon’s 4G LTE radios alongside some other common specs. We’re looking at a 1.2GHz dual-core processor, 1GB of RAM, Android 3.2 (Android 4.0 coming later) and more. Read on for more details and consider purchasing one online if you can’t wait until Monday to check one out in stores.

DROID XYBOARD Tablets Available Today from Verizon Wireless




The DROID XYBOARD 10.1 and DROID XYBOARD 8.2 by Motorola are available online starting today at Both tablets will be in Verizon Wireless Communications Stores on Monday, Dec. 12. For a limited time only, customers can take advantage of a special promotion and receive $100 off a DROID XYBOARD tablet with the purchase of a DROID RAZR™ by Motorola with a new two-year customer agreement.


Lighter than a paperback book and thinner than an AAA battery, the DROID XYBOARD tablets feature Android™ 3.2 Honeycomb, the blazing speeds of Verizon Wireless’ 4G LTE network, enterprise-grade security and the power of dual-core 1.2 GHz processors. Both tablets will be upgraded to Android™ 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich. Plus, they are equipped with MotoCast™ for remote access to non DRM-protected music, pictures, videos and documents stored on work or home computers’ hard drives. DROID XYBOARD 10.1 and 8.2 customers can soar through the Web at blazing download speeds of 5 to 12 megabits per second (Mbps) and upload speeds of 2 to 5 Mbps within 4G LTE Mobile Broadband coverage areas.


  • The DROID XYBOARD 10.1 will be available in three models: 16 GB for $529.99 and 32 GB for $629.99. The 64 GB model will be available online for $729.99. All three with a new two-year customer agreement.
  • The DROID XYBOARD 8.2 will be available in two models: 16 GB for $429.99 and 32 GB for $529.99, both with a new two-year customer agreement.
  • Customers that purchase a DROID XYBOARD tablet will need to subscribe to a Verizon Wireless Mobile Broadband data plan starting at $30 monthly access for 2 GB of data.

Customers can visit for information about the DROID XYBOARD tablets by Motorola. For more information on Verizon Wireless products and services, visit a Verizon Wireless Communications Store, call 1-800-2 JOIN IN or go

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Oh, Verizon & Motorola will you ever learn….$429 is just okay without a two year agreement, but add a two year and you are CRAZY!!!

    1. wow, just wow…..429 with a 2 year AND trying to sell on a 30/mo data plan. not even a wifi-only version? ouch.

      however, this line is what makes me want to go play with it…”Lighter than a paperback book and thinner than an AAA battery”

  2. It’s really unfortunate to see them making the same mistakes over and over.

    And to hit us with these prices on last years specs.. they are living in Bizzaro world.

    1. They define insanity…do the same thing over & over expecting a different result!

  3. Why can’t anyone learn from Amazon, spec wise a lot of android tablets match and or beat the ipad. But consumers will take the lowest price tag they can find. And many won’t pick this over the ipad sadly. Hopefully the droid branding will do a little bit for it but w/ a 2 year contract they need to give you some kind of price break

  4. Who the hell buys this stuff. Really, a 
    DROID XYBOARD 10.1 32 GB for $629 on contract. Plus $30 a month for 2GB of data you could burn through in a few hours if you wanted too. That’s a $1349 2 year investment with so so hardware, not bad, but I don’t see it holding up well for two years. 

  5. No thanks!  Asus Transformer Prime 32GB  + Lapdock  = $650 with out a contract.  

    1. Yeah I don’t really see how anyone could think they could get away with that on Android since ASUS has basically shown them how to have success.  

      I’m trying to figure out why I would pay more for a tablet with “today’s” performance when ASUS is only a couple of weeks from dropping a tablet that is going to blow it away for the same money while NOT being locked into a Verizon plan. 

      Having the cellular built in is cool but given that most phones can tether now and WiFi is ubiquitous I don’t see the need.  I haven’t really had a moment where I thought, “Damn I wish I had data built in.”

  6. I love my XOOM but verizon and moto are just stupid.  If you ever want to challenge lower the price!!  Dumb, dumb, dumb……

  7. A) AAA batteries are not really that thin
    B) with a name like XY board, these things are destined to be failures!!!

  8. Do they want people to buy these , or are they just for show , because at those prices they can keep them .

  9. When will Motorola ever learn? First off, I think the new Motorola designs are horrific. Secondly, charging that much for tablets? They must be smoking some good stuff. There’s a reason why the Kindle Fire is outselling just about every tablet out there. It’s only $199. Now, the Kindle Fire isn’t a powerful tablet whatsoever and it’s bogged down by Amazon’s own custom UI. But at $199, it’s the most affordable tablet out there and people are buying in masses.

    They seriously need to rethink their pricing strategies cause it’s just ridiculous. The Asus Transformer Prime is actually worth the $500 price tag it’s worth cause it’s a Quad-core with beastly specs.

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