
Download The “Android Eats Apple” Wallpaper For Your Phone


Google poked fun at competitor Apple this morning when they showed the Android Robot eating an Apple on the big screen at the Google I/O Keynote. In addition to thinking it was hilarious, the other consensus seemed to be the desire to have the image in wallpaper form. We didn’t want to leave you hanging.

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Click each for a direct link to the image:

Our friend Steve Albright ‘shopped a bunch of these for your further delight, click to enlarge (640×480 resolution):

The actual drawing was done by Fraser Ntukula, acknowledged by a tweet, so you can thank him for the Wallpapers as well.

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Sweet! Pure winning :D

  2. Thank you

  3. Love it!
    Might also suggest sending the artist a tweet if you like the work.

  4. take that steve jobs!(:

  5. I’m full

  6. This is great…

  7. Very cool. Thanks!

  8. Which size would work for the HTC ThunderBolt?

  9. Too Geeky!

  10. What about one for my shiny new galaxy tab 10.1?

    Also, I was in front of you in line first thing this morning and I just have to say, you’re a lot shorter than I imagined. Not that there’s anything wring with that.

  11. That is one fat robot. We have been eating a lot of apples lately.

  12. Excellent and very funny.

  13. Thanks for this great image! I loooove it!

  14. Pudgy little bastard looks like he’s had a few too many beers too! lol

  15. Wonderful!!!! But what about galaxt s?

  16. Perfect for my lockscreen wallpaper :)

  17. My Vibrant just gives me an unknown error when I view that page. Any ideas why?

  18. I love the Android character. I feel like he’s one of those characters that can look all cute and loveable(like in this picture), but then kill you and take over the world.

    (The last part just came to me, but it really fits for the current status of Android, right? :))

  19. Hi I’m on a HTC Desire HD and when I’ve downloaded the image and rezised (480 x 800) but when I’m about to set it the phone asks me to crop and thus destroy the image. Anyone know how to work around this?

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