
HTC ThunderBolt to Feature Simultaneous Voice and Data in LTE Coverage, More Evidence it Could Launch Last Week of February along with Samsung’s 4G LTE Smartphone


While we can’t say the same for Verizon’s shiny new iPhone, it looks like the HTC ThunderBolt will be on of the first devices on Big Red’s network to support simultaneous voice and data. The fact seemed to be overlooked when the training documents first showed up yesterday. It was revealed at CES that certain 4G handsets would be capable of the functionality, but until now we were quite sure which ones. Of course, dual voice and data will only work in 4G LTE coverage areas, but it’s something when you are just about the only carrier left that can’t surf the web over a data connection and chat on the phone at the same time.

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And speaking of the HTC ThunderBolt, DroidLife claims to have uncovered some more evidence strengthening the idea of a late February release, and it looks like the as of yet unnamed Samsung 4G LTE Smartphone will be in tow. The last week of the shortest month of the year is where rumors are pinning the devices on the calendar. On an even more positive note, the same rumors suggest both phones won’t be so heavy handed on the Bing (in fact there may be none), which should make everyone rest a bit easier.

[via Engadget, DroidLife]

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  1. thats kinda embarrassing that there just getting the ability to surf and talk

  2. and i thought sense 2.0 already existed on the desired hd

  3. @mitchel, the desired HD isn’t available in the US, maybe they meant first device in the US?

  4. @mitchel – I wouldn’t call it embarassing, considering CDMA networks aren’t capable of it. Under the 3G networks, compare the coverage areas with AT&T and tell me what would be more important: coverage or simultaneous voice and data? Yeah, that’s what I though.

  5. I find it strange that people care about this so much…i cant think of a time when i have had to use data during a phone call. Maybe business people might use that feature but otherwie who really cares. Hang up and call back for god’s sake.

  6. It looks like they plan to “steal” the successful marketing idea from Sprint to call it “First”. sorry! It’s too late Verizon, Sprint was “First”. EVO 4G is the BEST!

  7. Agree with ckeegan and Your Mom.
    Skype Mobile with Video POST launch? BOOOO At least if their advertising it, it must be close, right?

  8. So funny…tmo has been doing this since the launch of their 3G network. Way to stay current big red!

  9. Simultaneous voice/data is the most over-hyped feature of all time!
    People always seem to forget that it can be done on wifi, if you must.

  10. I can’t understand why o why people get hyoed because of simultaneous voice/data ? It’s a feat u almost won’t use, I used like twice when I had my iPhone and don’t miss it now with my EVO….ohh yeah, and to use that feat u gonna need a charger close cause its gonna drain ur bat big Time….It can be adver. Voice/Data/Charger lol

  11. @bob Of course Sprint was first, they have to be first at everything. Also, just like every other time, the rushed something out and will have to back track in the future. The current situation is that they chose WiMax, when virtually every other carrier in the world decided on LTE. Back in the day, they had to be the first ones out the door with every HTC device, but luanched them half-assed, and in many cases had to send updates down the road to include things as simple as MMS. Hell, I think it took the HTC Mogul months to get the update that allowed mms. They might be the first, but they’re always the ones stuck playing catchup in the end.

  12. I’m on Verizon….
    I dont know about some of yall, but playing HR Battle network mode, I either would lose the game I was in or miss the call. At those times I wish i could use voice and data at the same time.
    Some of us are not able to get Wifi everywhere…

  13. Wait a tick… what is the Samsung LTE phone?

  14. @Bob. You can’t even get 4g in Michigan, so who gives a squat if they were first?

  15. @Bob yeah T-Mobile has long been able to do this easily. Even with their first 3g phone the G1.

  16. …maybe the reason people can’t ‘think of a time when they needed to both at the same time’, is the reason I can’t…because we’ve never been in a situation to actually BE ABLE to do it.

    I for one, am happy about it, and think I will be checking out the Thunderbolt.

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