
Gingerbread’s Screen Off Animation [Exclusive Video]


We promised we’d be digging for more information about Gingerbread well ahead of its coming out party, and we’re making steady progress. We initially broke the news on Monday. While most of you remained skeptic thanks to the world’s worst screen grab ever, we expect some of you have come around to trusting us now that the YouTube app we talked about in that post officially launched a few days later. Today, we have a little bit more.

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What you see above is what happens in Gingerbread when turning your screen off: a cool effect not unlike what we used to see when turning a TV off back in the tube days. It’s nothing groundbreaking, but it certainly is nice and it’s worthy to note that this is the first time we’ve seen animations of this sort triggered upon hitting the designated screen off button on your phone. Note that no theme for any custom ROM or any version of Android is able to trigger such an animation, leading us to believe that this is – in fact – the real deal.

That’s it for now, but again, we’re always digging for more. Stick with us as we try to get the blueprints of this sweet house laid out before it’s ready to be built.

Quentyn Kennemer
The "Google Phone" sounded too awesome to pass up, so I bought a G1. The rest is history. And yes, I know my name isn't Wilson.

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  1. Carrier bloatware infested garbage wont have this.

  2. aw I love this but it will never make it to the carriers when they get their hands on it. :(

  3. I like it.

  4. I’m doubting your integrity. You have more information that you guys are holding back from us and releasing as you please. The ‘worlds worst screen grab’ came from that video you’ve now posted.

  5. @Pimpstrong Why not? This might be deeply integrated into the OS, but I suppose you were being sarcastic.

  6. oh man is that cool :)

  7. its sad how they refuse to take a clear video like this wont get seen anyway

  8. If the new UI is as good as they say it will be then you better believe that carriers will want new devices with this UI stock. It will happen. The UI will be new and awesome so having this will be the next thing to jump on. We can expect all this to happen. We only need there logo carrier animation showing at the start of boot up like normal for branding purpose. I think their logo on the phone is fine enough. They need to start putting it on the back instead and leave more room for the screen to stretch out.

    Anyways back on topic. That feature alone made me laugh. It is pretty damn neat.

  9. @joe yeah I like how this piss poor blur-fest video has the option to watch in 720/1080p.. rubbish.

    cool animation though!

  10. Everything I’ve seen so far on Gingerbread leads me to conclude that it will ruin my eyesight.

  11. @Versp I have to agree with you… BUT on the other hand, they have the info, it’s their right what to do with it and when to release it.

  12. That is pretty cool. I like it!

  13. They’re going to give us tiny morsels of information up until the source code is released, gingerbread crumbs if you will.

  14. I’d throw in $5 to get that guy a camera that can focus. Who’s with me?

  15. I want my gingerbread screenshots now… NOW DAMNIT NOW…. I know you have it Quentyn! :)

  16. Why is something so simple, so freaking cool? lol

  17. Quentyn you are the King of trivial news worthy topics LOL

  18. give us more details!!

  19. in these ages, why cant someone upload a higher quality video?? that must be like the lowest setting on any video these days……..grrrrrrr

  20. @4 If they have more it’s up to them to release it when it’s most beneficial to them. If that diminishes their integrity in your eyes, tough. Every source of information (be it print, video, audio or on-line) will do this when they know they have something compelling.

  21. This feature seems doubtful. The nexus 2 probably just uses a 3.7″ CRT screen instead of AMOLED.

  22. That was worse than the drunk video I took at the bar last night…..lol JK. It’s super exciting to see what is on the horizon…too bad you really can not see anything! OH WELL. The new you tube app is certainly cool, thanks google!

  23. @shawn1224 lmao right thats what im saying ya actin like something that simple is so cool like fuckin damn lets see more so i can be impressed

  24. Yep and Gingerbread will make it on SGS in 2013 after 15 delays – no doubt.

    They haven’t even released Froyo yet!

  25. @24 That’s why I bought the Nexus one, pretty much. Knowing you’ll get the updates first(and importantly, without extra junk or UI customisations) is worth more to me than a nicer screen, to be honest.

  26. Nothing special imo. I agree with some of the others, why can’t they take clear pictures or shoot video straight on for a cleaner shot. These are supposed to be “professionals” working on these phones, you’d think they’d know how to take a simple picture/video.

  27. That is epic.

  28. Epic is hardly a word I’d use to describe that video.

  29. Just another spot for carriers to paste their logo infront of users. If this feature is real, you can be sure that carriers will replace it with their own graphic.

  30. OH MY GOD. FUCKING EXCLUSIVE GINGERBREAD SHUTDOWN ANIMATION VIDEO! MY LIFE IS COMPLETE! Are we really this sad? I came to the realization that we are so fuckin’ dorky that we’re drawn in by a title that says “Gingerbread’s Screen Off Animation [Exclusive Video]

  31. One more thing, I have to agree. It’s 2010, can no “leaker” release a fuckin’ video or photo that’s CRYSTAL CLEAR, SHOWS MULTIPLE SHOTS/ANGLES OF THE DEVICE! Even the iPhone can take decent photos and video (and that’s saying a lot). Get it together Mr. Blurry Cam.

  32. I’m started to get disappointed in gingerbread’s UI redesign. It looks exactly like froyo with tiny tweaks. I thought they were going to do a major overhaul. :(

  33. Geez dummys the reason it looks like some sort of blurry cam is cause gingerbread will be in 3D, havent you heard?

  34. They took the video in low quality on purpose, to not reveal more than they want.

  35. I really like that new animation. =D

  36. I noticed that he simply held the power button and it just powered off. It did not trigger the normal dialog asking for Airplane Mode or Power Off.

    I depend on that dialog as an ease-of-use thing. I really like the animation but dont want to lose the prompt.

  37. I doubt it’s Gingerbread, it must be some tweaks they made for Froyo, if it is Gingerbread how come they didn’t show the OS version, nobody know whether it’s 2.3, 2.5 or even 3.0?? IT’S FAKE !!!!

  38. Geez, what a waste of time. Blurry video, really? Cannot see crap, this could be anything.

  39. If someone in fact has a build of Gingerbread running on a Nexus, why the heck not releasing a sharp video of the entire thing? The first, extremely blurry supposed Gingerbread picture was moronic, and I can’t understand why blogs posted it. The photo could’ve been of Froyo for all we know. It didn’t show anything.

    Stop “digging” and show some clear footage of Gingerbread. If you have a source with access to it, it shouldn’t be a problem.

  40. LOL, that’s aweseome. If nothing else, it shows us that they’re really trying to add some nice touches to the user experience. I dig it!

  41. I am positively pretty sure it could be, maybe, like gingerbread. How can you deny the video footage? it is proof. Everyone talking about how its fake…. Deniers. How can you deny the video proof? If you want to see the build numbers turn your lights off, stand on one leg and spin three times while watching the video. It is clear as mud!

  42. Oh yeah the video is not long enough to spin three times…okay it must be fake! lol

  43. We’d be even more trusting of you if you just released the information you hold and didn’t tease us.

  44. So upset Google ended its Nexus experiment. I want a next-gen Nexus from Google.

  45. Not so excited about the animation. But I think this animation implies hardware acceleration of the ui which is the bigger picture.

  46. Phandroid is missing something HUGE from gingerbread. Google Music, which will compete with iTunes….

  47. who wants to see the first android 3 game ? ok I wont make you wait here is a link http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5T8W-l1Al0&feature=related

  48. ok who want’s a better pic of the android 3 ? here we goooooo http://i54.tinypic.com/152f70g.jpg

  49. Does anybody understand how well a job with Google pays? Benefits? Etc. If I had a position with them, I wouldn’t risk it by releasing a crystal clear video where they could trace key items back to me either… Did you ever think for a second perhaps these test builds have identifying numbers plastered on them, in particular written in a nice pretty white on the screens for all those Google execs to see. So what makes you think they wouldn’t have any other identifying features that might not be as obvious to those unaware. Some people might not want to risk losing their entire livelihood just so you people can have a crystal clear picture… just saying…

  50. I just fell in love

  51. An about phone shot would be nice.

  52. There is simply no way that is Gingerbread and if so maybe a very early build. If that’s all the UI redesign gets then its a seriosu dissapointment. its time to separate yourself from the group, not keep trying to look like Ipho e

  53. Shitty video. Great effect

  54. All the negative comments disgust me.

    Great video guys, thanks for the sneak peak and keep them coming!

  55. Wow, its magic! He pressed the drawer button (at which point nothing happened) and then hit the off switch – amazing.
    Did you stop to think this could be some kind of tweak/hack?? Flash animation anyone??

  56. @CaptainTaco THANK YOU!

  57. @captain taco

    What about using photoshop?

  58. Tony,

    When someone sais “Screen off” animation and you think they powered down the phone entirely, you fail.

  59. I am very pleased you took the time and wrote that!

    Davidoff Series Millennium Blend

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