
Official Google Voice App For Android Arrives!


android-google-voiceWe love Google Voice. When it was in beta we posted a Google Voice Review and gave away 50 early access invitations to the service. Google has since sent a round of public invitations to a load of people who signed up for service notification info – go ahead and sign up for an invite! But the big news today is that Google will launch a Google Voice Android Application today that completely integrates the service with your Android Phone.

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While there is a BlackBerry Google Voice App, it isn’t surprising that the Android Application is the most complete – word has it that Google Voice for Android actually TAKES OVER your native dialer and text messaging and completely utilizes Google Voice throughout your phones’ integration. This is amazingly awesome because great yet patched together apps that filled the void up to now, like GV, were unable to to provide a seamless experience for obvious reasons. I’m assuming the Official Google Voice Android Application will be pretty darn seamless and I’m excited to try it and review it.

It sounds like it will be pretty freaking complete and thorough based on a TechCrunch interview with Google Voice CoFounder Craig Walker:

The apps also allow users to access the core features of Google Voice. Listen to/read voicemails and text messages (all voicemails are automatically transcribed as well), access call history, send SMS messages and place international calls at low rates.

An iPhone version is already in the works and I’m wondering if WebOS is on the “to do” list. According to TC it will be available for download from but I assume it will aslo be found on Android Market. I mean duh, right?

UPDATE: Google just made an Official Announcement Post and included the following video:

Rob Jackson
I'm an Android and Tech lover, but first and foremost I consider myself a creative thinker and entrepreneurial spirit with a passion for ideas of all sizes. I'm a sports lover who cheers for the Orange (College), Ravens (NFL), (Orioles), and Yankees (long story). I live in Baltimore and wear it on my sleeve, with an Under Armour logo. I also love traveling... where do you want to go?

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  1. Hey Rob, it’s out, but I can’t try it, because my country doesn’t support it yet. Could you go to the market, download it and make a video?

  2. “More cool things you can do with Google Voice

    * Conference calling – Join people into a single call
    * Call record – Record calls and store them online”

    REALLY!!??? CALL RECORDING finally.
    conference calling isn’t that bad either.

  3. That’s awesome… i just wish i had an invite! [email protected] ;-) if anyone wants to throw one my way.

  4. I’ve been playing with it for about an hour now. It’s amazing and I’m still discovering all that it can do!

  5. I’ve been playing with the official app for the last hour or so, and am I the only one disappointed by it? It seems like it might be even more of a hack than GV. Very disappointing.

  6. This app is unusable for me. I have my Google Voice account linked to a non-gmail Google Account. But Google Voice will only accept a address. Worse, it reads the address used for the Market, so there is no way to even change it!

    This is even worse than Google’s Finance app not allow Google Accounts!

  7. My understanding is that Google Voice for now only uses regular Voice and SMS services on Mobile phones, but that those are so cheap within the USA that they can offer free unlimited use within the USA.

    Though the even better plan would be for Google to do everything on the Data-centric part of the network. All voice calls and SMS messages should use only the data plan of mobile phones.

    This is what we need in Europe, where voice calls on mobile phones aren’t as cheap as within the USA, but where Data plans in Europe are it seems much better than in the USA. In Europe, you can get 10GB bandwidth usage per month limits on HSDPA sim cards for less than $20 per month. Which means, that for just $20 per month, and absolutely no voice and SMS service plans, Europeans could use Google Voice for all their voice and SMS needs on top of being able to browse the Internet, stream media from the Internet and interact using any Android application, all included for a flatrate $20 per month data plan, and those data plans in Europe don’t even need 6 month or 2 year contracts, they are basically pre-paid plans and only need to be paid once a month and one can easily stop paying for one plan and move over to a competitors HSDPA sim card plan if one wants to use a competing HSDPA data network.

  8. It seems pretty basic, still wish it had a way to intercept sending/receiving SMS messages. Its a start, but not quite what I expected since, you know, Google made it… and they have access to the GV code.

  9. on my G1 doesn’t work, it says not supported.

  10. @Charbax

    I think SMS is already handled via data if you use the new Google Voice app and set it up to not redirect SMS to your phone (since it would be redundant).

    Also, what does T-Mobile think of this app? I mean, add your Google Voice # to your fav 5 and you got unlimited minutes right? Use Google SMS for all your SMS messages and you have unlimited SMS, that could save you some money on your monthly bill…

  11. Uh, the fact that this new application sends outbound calls via data and not voice is awesome.

    Much to the chagrin of T-Mo and other carriers, Google is getting us really close to not needing voice plans whatsoever.

  12. got the app installed, too bad I dont have a google voice invite yet :( if you got any extras please send em my way:

    [email protected]

    cant wait to try it!

  13. Oh maaan I have got a invitation to google voice but I can’t use it because its not available in germany :/

  14. can someone pls send me an invite: [email protected]

    By the way can it be used in the UK?

  15. This thing is awesome! Totally seamless and a step above the GV app – though, GV deserves a lot of respect as it did what it did very well. Happy android!

  16. I been invited to use the Google Voice service since 2 weeks ago. I downloaded the app on my ion. Now I called my house number and it shows my Google #. So does this mean I can call for free over wifi or 3G using my google # or do I have to add my google # to my 5favs to order to call for free all day and night.

  17. I just installed the app and its what I was looking for at least initially. It basically gives you visual voicemail. Of course theres more to it than that but this feature was the biggest thing I wanted to see natively on the phone…notifications for voicemail and the ability to read and play them on the phone. I wish they’d add a second button to play it on the speaker rather than having to go into options and change it.

    GV has been great for me so far. I’ll soon be wondering how I ever did without it.

  18. They should give an invite to all Android users. I have the app, but I can’t use it until I get an invite.

    [email protected] if you have an extra.


  19. would be a lot cooler if i could actually use it, if u have an invite be a pal and send it to [email protected]

  20. I remember the contest. I remember winning. I never got my invite and Rob never responded to my emails. That really sucked!

  21. to everyone on this message board google voice members cannot invite new users only google can. so stop asking people to invite you because we do not have this power unfortunately.

  22. Hi.. Can someone on here be so kind and send me a GV invite or at least help get it somehow finally?

    Believe it or not, I signed up 2-3 times since April or March, and nothing so far. The google people are really sadistic bunch ;))) i’d really love to try it on my G1..

    [email protected]


  23. Tip me to, I got an invite just after downloading the app :) !!!
    However Google voice is not avalable in Canada yet :'(

  24. Hi..

    Can someone on here be so kind and s a GV invite or at least help get it somehow f Believe it or not, I signed up 2-3 times sinc or March, and nothing so far. The google pe are really sadistic bunch ;))) i’d really love to on my G1.

    [email protected]

  25. Hi..

    Can someone on here be so kind and send me a GV invite or at least help get it somehow from Google?

    Believe it or not, I signed up 2-3 times since April or March, and nothing so far. The google people are really sadistic bunch ;))) i’d really love to try it on my G1 phone.

    [email protected]

  26. Just a tip for anyone still waiting on an invite:

    I got my invite about an hour after reapplying with a different email address. So, if you’re already on the list…reapply with another email address — you have nothing to lose and it worked for me.

  27. This would be great if I didn’t get charged for making local calls in Hawaii…Apparently Hawaii and Alaska (and I think Maine) aren’t part of the United States, so we get charged.

  28. [email protected] – will someone get me an invite?

  29. Does anyone know for sure if this actually uses data to initiate the call? And if so, does the outbound call show up as the outbound number dialed?

    If it does, then I would rather stick with GV, as I can set GV to call back mode, put my google voice number in my fav 5, and all calls will be free (as outbound calls will actually be inbound under my gvoice number, and inbound will be also), as opposed to the official app only making my inbound calls free (as outbound calls would still be to the number dialed)

  30. says:

    Google Voice is not compatible with your device… accesing with htc magic :(

  31. @#30 ijr – I was post #9 with the same comment. After getting my Google Voice phone number, which is tied to your Gmail account ID which is tied to my G1, when I visited the page it asked me to download the software from the market and gave me a link to do so.

    I am starting a thread in the forums to discuss Google Voice.

  32. Please oh please send me an inveite! :)… I really want to try this out! :D… [email protected]

  33. Here’s a thread for those WITH Google Voice. (and as stated, ONLY way to get an invite is from Google, users don’t get them.)

  34. Anyone dying to get rid of an invite feel free to send one to [email protected].

  35. anyone want to send an invite this way? ive been waiting for thi one.

    [email protected]


  36. hey, if anyone could be so kind, please send an invite my way?!?

    [email protected]

  37. jumping on the bandwagon too.

    if anybody has a spare invite and wants to help out a guy who has no cell coverage where he lives, only wifi, my email addy is…….

    [email protected]

    if you send me one, i’ll guarantee my greatgrandchildren will sing your name at campfires for generations to come.

  38. thanks, whoever gave me the invite.

  39. lol @ mikeeeee… so how are your greatgrandchildren gonna sing the persons name if you dont know his/her name? lol… comon!… be a buddy and pleeeaaase send a 16 year old an invite :(… I only have 400 txts a month and have a bunch of talkative friends :'(… sooo… thats not good.. [email protected]

  40. Will not work if your G1 uses different email-sign in. I have one for work and one for “fun-testing” and when I tried to use it, it would not allow me to change e-mail and/or accounts. Whereas, GV gives u a sign-up screen and u place the ph # not the email as the driver. Google needs to either allow one to change email OR use phone # not the email the phone number is connected to. The google HELP is very poor, which I find as good as Google is about apps the help is 180 degrees….one of the saddest ‘Help’ even worst than MS…

  41. GV is awesome. i’m still learning all the features.
    the app itself is great.
    one thing: unless you change the settings, you’ll be annoyed by getting a text, an e-mail (if ur Gmail is synched), & a GV alert all at the same time for any voice message that’s left.
    anyway, Google, you all rock.
    will send invites as soon as it’s possible.

  42. I got an invite! Thank you very much!!!

  43. Just looked at my usage since trying out Google Voice. I had added my GV# to my myfaves since I couldn’t find what number to actually add. Well I know now. FYI…if you have t-mobile or Alltel/Verizon then you should add the following numbers to your myfaves/my circle…347-234-5001 (this is the number that your call is routed through) and 650-265-1193 (that is the number that google uses to call you when you change your voicemail message).

  44. amazingg!!! unlimited free texts and minutes!! gud thing i didnt buy a texting plan

  45. really want this bad… if any spare invites plz send to [email protected].. thanks

  46. please send me a google voice invite. I’d appreciate it so much guys. I have an android and would love to test out the new app. Thanks in advance for anyone who can help! :) [email protected]

  47. Send me an invite please, would be much appreciated [email protected]

  48. I really like my account its helped me a lot with many new things….my phone got cut off and yet my google voice account still works on my phone i can txt freely

  49. Hey!!its 723 am in houston,tx.,and i just got some kinda update,but not firmware(donut).anyone else know this shit was coming?!what is it?!I read your feeds and comments constantly,but rarely weekend for android news or what?anyway,want more news on sony ericsson rachael…t mo or not?

  50. Hey guys,
    Sorry to jump on the rude band wagon but if anyone has an invite I’d be more than grateful.
    Anyone in the UK tried this out yet? Sounds awesome like, hope Phandroid are writing us a review as we speak!
    Also, deezle, got the same update. It’s just a security update, nothing major. Getting us ready for 2.0 maybe?! Haha, ah if only..

  51. [email protected] – INVITES PLZ!

  52. i have to say, i’m pretty angry at the handset manufacturers and the service providers. i would LOVE to support android by having my next phone be an android device…but there are only 2!!! phones in the US market to choose from, one of which isn’t even available yet. AND there is no information regarding which phones will become available, from whom, and when. i’m almost pissed off enough to say forget android!! and that pisses me off even more, because i WANT to support to open-source community. stupid android!!

  53. I GOT AN INVITE!!!! YAY!!!!!

    Oh…. I live in the UK….. That really sucks!

  54. Cameron,

    Send it to me. [email protected]

  55. Wow from what I see google voice is killer. I won the contest on android forums and gave my invite to a forum member because my phone bill was paid by my company well not anymore i have to foot my own so if anyone has a extra invite i’d really appreciate it so i can use it on my g1…[email protected] Thanks in advance to anyone reading

  56. I won an invite but at the time i didnt need it because i had a company cell and minutes didnt matter, so i gave it to another member in the forum. Well not anymore i need it now more than ever. If anyone has a extra invite they cant use or dont want i would really appreciate it! [email protected] is my email Thanks in advance!

  57. i need an invite [email protected]
    pleash :]
    thank you

  58. I downloaded the GV app on my G1 and it says my email account is registered or something yet and when I tried to find out how I can register and use it it isn’t available yet ? Why the hell do they have a downloadable app when I can’t even use it?? Can somebody please send me an invite? [email protected]

  59. I would love an invite pleas. Can anyone help? [email protected]

  60. awwwwww, i need an invite too
    [email protected]


  61. Yeppers, this is by far one of the best apps ot there.
    Just need and invite ! [email protected]

    All Droid user’s need to be added.

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