
Someone Got Honeycomb Running on the NOOKcolor


I bet when Barnes & Nobles announced the NOOKcolor e-reader last year you would have never guessed it would be one of the first Android devices to receive a Honeycomb port, but lo and behold someone over at XDA has done it. Now we must preface this by saying this isn’t available for you to up and install on your own NOOKcolor yet, but user deeperblue has a rather dysfunctional build ported on his own device. Touchscreen support was just recently gained, but most other functions simply don’t work.

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While we will have to wait for the actual Android 3.0 source code to be released before we see and serious strides in the creation of bootable ROMs of Honeycomb for various devices, this certainly is promising.

[via xda-developers]

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  1. Wow, nook color is starting to really look like a viable option. Wish it was 10″ though.

  2. Epic. First!

  3. woohoooooooooooooooo

  4. I failed at my first..l Fml.
    How did the Nook get this but the Galaxy Tab doesn’t have a build of Honeycomb yet? Or does it… idk

  5. lol very promising

  6. Xda doesn’t seem to care about the tab much. Its more of a challenge for them to do it on the nook. Plus the nook seems like a faster tablet than the tab.

  7. So it’s running honeycomb. Props to the dev for getting it to work. How WELL does it run honeycomb though? We got to see a lock screen and an information screen. Not a naysayer, but seriously. People have had gingerbread running on phones too. Most of those builds are not nearly good enough to be my daily driver.

  8. The guys at XDA never cease to amaze me.

  9. Bela, the article is pretty clear that this is a virtually unusable build. But, it’s a step in the right direction. Very promising – I’m happy to see it.

  10. The nook just increased its awesomeness by 1000x. Might not be such a bad option.

  11. HAHAHAHAAHAHAHA LMAO at the First Fail!

    Words cannot express how eagerly I await Honecomb on the NookColor, and I don’t want that damned Noookie live version, either.

  12. Honeycomb would be great on nook, especially nook only have one physical navigation button. And nook is alot cheaper than galaxy

  13. Excellent! Time to buy a Nook…….well in about 3 months when pricing will drop.

  14. Paul,
    You are right. So essentially, this news actually means nothing. Just a cool thing someone did on his free time.

  15. Awesome! It’s something to look forward to!

  16. Hot diggity! I knew this would happen.

    Even if it’s just the SDK AVD ROM running, it is pretty cool. I cannot wait for some real Honeycomb ROMs!

  17. Those are nice jpg screenshots of the emulator running the honeycomb sdk he has displayed on his nook color…

  18. There has been progress made to get CM7 running on the Nook color. At this point I would take that over honeycomb.

  19. @atlas That’s what she said :-)

  20. The Nook rocks! I took the risk that it would be for hacking and modding, based on study at XDA, and bought one right after Chistmas with all the B &N gift cards and stuff around the house, plus sold an old iPhone that I jailbroke and unlocked. :-)

    Man! We couldn’t be more happy with it! As of now its overclocked, unlocked and modded into a full 2.1 tablet with the full Market & all the B&N stuff still their. Laughed like a mad scientist when I got the Kindle Reader app up and running. Ha ha haaaa! Yeah no GPS or cell data, But hasN wifi, just tether to your android phone and go.
    Its turned into the Dev cumminities little darling. I would’ve never thought. Whoo hoo.

    Thanks for all the coverage, great to get all the News here.
    A Gingerbread port? Nice.

    sent with my Android Nook Color Tablet via Phandroid!

  21. Its still a e reader. That is virtually unusable as a tab in stock form.

  22. @ksizzle9: Do some research. A rooted nook can do it all. And at half the price of a galaxy tab.

    I don’t see my self using a tablet for GPS, thats why I have an EVO. All I need is wifi and a bigger screen.

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