
Google is making it easier for Pixel owners to upgrade to Passkeys


The username and password security feature is old and dated, but it still works if you choose a strong password. It’s not the most foolproof system, but it’s what we’ve got. There are plans to potentially kill off the system with passwordless logins, like with Passkeys. Google is now making it easier for Pixel users to upgrade to Passkeys in an attempt to increase adoption.

The company has announced that they are working with various companies and online services to make the adoption of Passkeys easier. This includes companies such as Adobe, eBay, Best Buy, Uber, TikTok, PayPal, Nintendo, and more.

How does this work? Basically if you use the Google Password Manager on a Pixel phone, it will now automatically detect which accounts support Passkeys. If it detects an account that does, Google will help upgrade to Passkeys in a few taps. This takes out the guesswork of trying to figure out which services support the feature and which don’t.

Passkeys are a pretty good alternative to the traditional username and password system. It works by relying on a device, like your smartphone, to authenticate your logins. Since our phones come with security features like fingerprint or facial recognition, it already makes it more secure.

Some of these partnerships should already be live, so just fire up the Google Password Manager tool to start upgrading.

Tyler Lee
A graphic novelist wannabe. Amateur chef. Mechanical keyboard enthusiast. Writer of tech with over a decade of experience. Juggles between using a Mac and Windows PC, switches between iOS and Android, believes in the best of both worlds.

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