School and learning is a lifelong pursuit, and learning new concepts in maths and science can feel overwhelming to even seasoned scholars. Whether you are battling the structures of enzymes in a cell or wrapping your head around geometric patterns – STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) can be complex. It doesn’t have to be this way though. Google is adding some pretty cool features this academic year. So regardless of whether you’re just settling into your newest semester as a sophomore or taking your first big steps into the world of education – you’ll find something here to help you on your way.
Regardless of how good you are at maths, there will always be that one problem that trips you up. There aren’t always teachers on call to help you out when you’re finishing your homework on the bus or in the middle of the night. So what do you do? It’s now as easy to get help as taking a snap with your smartphone.
You can take a quick picture of your problem and you’ll get real, and helpful tips to help you solve a maths problem. This isn’t just googling to get the answer, this provides tangible step-by-step processes to help you break down the problem beat by beat. This will help you further be able to understand the problem and how to work on it in future.
All you need to do is Google “maths solver” to get started!
This new technology doesn’t just apply to digit-based maths problems but word problems too. Thanks to the recent advancements in language model processing Google can now help you tackle these problems too. Entering in a word problem – Google can identify things like what is known about a problem and what is unknown. Google will then be able to take you step by step through how to get to the correct answer.
Some concepts in life are easier to understand with pictures than words. STEM can be more readily understood if you have the right images to accompany them. Thanks to Google, there are now thousands of visual models that will help you wrap your head around things.
With these useful tools, you can tackle whatever homework throws at you!