
More Twitter misery as verification issues run wild


Seemingly the Twitter missteps are never ending. Twitter verification woes take a turn for the worse when a Disney parody account gets verified organisation status.

The orange Twitter label is meant to be used for official organisations and those within the same network. For example: Twitter and its subsidiaries like Twitter Support, Twitter Business etc. Its purpose is to also distinguish between organisations and individuals. So, an organisations such as Government bodies or political figures would be able to receive a badge denoting their specific affiliation.

It’s meant to be reserved purely for the purposes of weeding out official vs unofficial accounts. Subsequently helping with the dissemination of correct and factual information.

However, things do not be going to plan over at Twitter HQ. As it turns out that unintended recipients are being given access to official organisation accounts.

Verification Woes

Image Source: @iamspecious

Parody account @DisneyJuniorUk found that their account mysteriously gained a gold verified organisation badge, without applying or authorisation.

Image Source: @iamspecious

When questioned by folks about the legitimacy of the badge i.e. whether it was bought or if it just appeared. The owner @7virtues_ confirmed that they neither bought nor applied for status. It simply appeared on the account and they never did anything to amend or appeal it. Commenters on both the parody DisneyJuniorUk account and 7virtues_ accounts confirm that verified organisation badges mysteriously appearing lately. That this has not been an unusual occurrence over the last few weeks.

Even popular fiction writer Neil Gaimen has had issues with verification where he has received a badge but has not paid nor verified his details with Twitter.

Not only is this a PR disaster for Twitter; but it is also going to hurt key business relationships with people who advertise like Disney. Since Disney are known for being hyper protective of the brand, this is the worst possible outcome for them. You can be sure, that the big mouse will have something to say about this behind closed doors before all of this is said and done.

Specious Coda-Bishop
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