LG’s cool trial program for the LG G4 is headed to the United States, and folks interested in trying it out can now apply to be among the first testers. This trial program will net you a loaner of the phone weeks ahead of its retail launch.
Not only will you have the latest and greatest before everyone else, but you’ll be helping to test LG’s software and give feedback in order to ensure the wide scale launch goes down smoothly.
Want to sign up? Simply head right here and fill in all the details LG’s asking for. Note that signing up doesn’t guarantee you a spot as they’re obviously extremely limited, but your name will definitely be in the hat and if you’re lucky you’ll soon have an LG G4 to tote around while the rest of the world waits. Who’s in?
AH COME ON LG!! bring it! I’ll ship you my Nexus 6 in return.
In the rules it says “wifi only device”… How am I supposed to test out the thing that matters the most… How the thing connects to my network…
Tether it to your phone. Hope your power bank is charged.
Great question, you got to test those LTE radios..
I, for one, am still looking for an answer as to how LG was able to use the G2 name even though the HTC G2 exists.
*patiently waiting on the HTC G3*
But all that aside, I wonder if they’ll have some type of liability. Or they may hold a deposit. Eh… But this is pretty cool. This is the first I’ve heard about this IN RELATION to phones.
And yes the emphasis on “in relation” was necessary. There’s always that one person who majors in history and will bring up the very first case of something like this. LoL!!
The same way OnePlus use the moniker One for their phone when HTC also uses it.
It’s funny – and kind of laughable & lame – that THAT is someones complaint and concern. As if Sammy or HTC or LG have some kind of copyright on putting numbers next to letters. Who cares and why would it possibly matter. Focus on the phone and what it can do.. not a naming convention.
The reason being is because it seemed to be such a big deal before: for phones to have the same name.
Also it’s confusing. When I heard about the G2, I used to think about the HTC G2. I grew out of it, but you can see the confusion that would have caused if the phone were still popular when the LG G2 had come out.
The fiends!!
I know there is like a 0.05% chance I will get picked, and I rarely ever enter this stuff – and would not have if it was one of those stupid social media type entries where you have to hoe yourself out on social media to enter – but I am in for an entry.
Ok I signed up, time to delete the article so I have a better chance.
I signed up for LG’s beta of the G4 and T-Mobile’s beta.
WiFi only device, arv of $329